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Everything posted by evalionisameme

  1. Im on a Britney deep dive lately because I love composition and production..I’ve noticed there seems to be a lot of dispute about Britney having ghost singers sing lead? There’s people who are adamant that she doesn’t sing the “like this” pre chorus but that’s her speaking voice lmfao and that’s it’s Cathy Dennis? Even though Cathy is on background with Emma I don’t hear it at all.
  2. This proves absolutely nothing besides her having a massive fanbase which I already stated-the average Gp person had no idea who Lana was, the only thing that was recognisable was when I played summertime sadness in high school.
  3. The thing is Lana really was mostly unknown before Tik Tok, yes she blew up with BTD but I’d ask people about her and only a few people knew who she was-she was forgotten relatively quickly after 2013 and had a cult base- Lanas only singing part in DCMA is a random trip hop bridge so it’s not like she sung some massive pop hit. It’s a really big testament to her legacy that despite no promo, no tv performances-she has managed to become one of the only legends of her generation all while not being a pop star.
  4. I thought that body no crime and that one about the ending were okay but I want Lana to make firery music and something innovative..Taylor’s new songs are fine but just that-I don’t think you can critique ED when castle and perfect are on Taylor’s tier. like those songs could fit on folkmore
  5. I find vocals aren’t usually prominent in Jacks mixes with Lana, I reckon they might give her a verse and then mix her voice under Taylor’s for a chorus
  6. It being a Jack track is specifically why I see this being doomed, it will be interesting to see whether it’s a duet
  7. Don’t you have a female celebrity to gossip about instead of these indirects? Perez Hilton 2.0
  8. Yeah I know this is subjective but this kinda cements for me that Lana has fallen off 💀 I’m sorry but what in the world-2012 Lana would never.
  9. Twin peaks-fire walk with me She’s mentioned it as a film she likes
  10. https://www.mind.org.uk/about-us/what-we-do/
  11. Car accident? 💀 I’m not disbelieving but her luck sounds horrendous
  12. She’s a bit off key tbh hasnt anyone noticed her vocals aren’t sung the same lately? Maybe it’s the hiatus
  13. This record kickstarted her extra lazy vocal performances for me-it worked for honeymoon because of the production reverb but this record was due too all over the place
  14. I think we’re all rooting for her but these late shows are only making it seem like she’s not being completely truthful. You can’t complain about a lack of professionalism and then display it yourself-she needs to schedule specific hours with phone alerts
  15. I like her trench coat but honestly I think it would be better for her outfits to skew to the more glamorous gamine stuff from her photo-shoots lately Like she could mix the outfits with the trench and her other loves like her combat boots-it would make it feel more “era” like and less random performance
  16. You need qualifications and experience for this-not being shady, just speaking from experience
  17. anyone know where I could get a tank like this in decent quality without breaking bank in the UK?
  18. Tbh I’ve seen this before-you think you have a song finished, you keep on doing relistens-decide it’s finished and ready to be mastered and then someone says something foul about your work and you restart it again.
  19. Perfectionism isn’t always able, if you’re spending years on a idea and have the means to finish it-it’s likely not worth anymore effort on
  20. I don’t think any of us are expecting a great video, just drop it and go-the song is over.
  21. She outright has lied and concocted stories in interviews, we’re not talking songs here- she can have an artistic world.
  22. we’ve got the record exec confirmed, her friends Jim and Bill too, I don’t know why she’d lie about k but she does have a pathological tendency so who knows.
  23. I mean I’m talking about actual scripture-not the churches around this. That’s true and I’ll end it here-but it’s interesting when you see how much Christianity was inspired by Babylonia and other assorted paganism despite being very against some viewpoints in these religions.
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