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Chris Cuomo

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Everything posted by Chris Cuomo

  1. Chris Cuomo

    Kali Uchis

    Someone post a picosong link PLEASE
  2. I'm fuckin sick of waiting! Sick of it!!!!!
  3. https://youtu.be/6MzU8xM99Uo
  4. Timi is one of my favorites from the 60s (actually her career spanned all the way to the 80s), anyone else?
  5. Wow. Never noticed that. An infinity sign is probably the most basic thing you could get tattooed
  6. Joanne the song is great! Like, really great.
  7. Chris Cuomo

    Kali Uchis

    The sleuthing has begun I see
  8. Chris Cuomo

    Kali Uchis

    The girl with Kali in those photos goes under the name of Coco Mamba now, actually. Her music isn't all too bad
  9. Chris Cuomo

    Kali Uchis

    Bitch had a good aesthetic even at 11 ...damn
  10. Chris Cuomo

    Kali Uchis

    I think I just stumbled upon her personal Fb from when she was 11 lmfao
  11. Chris Cuomo

    Kali Uchis

    It was on YouTube 10 months ago, that's all I know
  12. Chris Cuomo

    Dua Lipa

    Remember when this was the only interview with her on YouTube? How things have changed
  13. Chris Cuomo

    Kali Uchis

    She looked so fucking sexy throughout that entire tour, dear god.
  14. Chris Cuomo

    Britney Spears

    All, if not most of them, have Maya Marie's vocals
  15. Million Reasons is sooo bad. I'd take her goaty theatre voice over this any day. Idk who she's trying to pander to with that dated ass sound
  16. Chris Cuomo

    Dua Lipa

    I wanna know if the Chainsmokers collaboration is happening. I hope not, she's better than that. Im really craving new material thi
  17. I see it like this when you're a public figure these type of discussions become fair game. no one here is putting her down or even being extremely harsh, just stating what they see. Also, imo her weight gain isnt necessarily a bad thing, I think what's worse is seeing her distort and fuck up her natural beauty.
  18. I don't get her face. These were taken the same day as the video she uploaded to her Instagram, you can see she's wearing the same sweater. Except there she looked gorgeous and here she looks ... Yikes
  19. Last Girl On Earth, that song always breaks my heart each time I listen to it. Same goes for YBIATR and Elvis
  20. @slang always makes the best posts
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