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  1. American Money liked a post in a topic by Fusel in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Why are some people on instagram suggesting it's tourdates?
    Lana: *posts picture of movie director*
    Lana: *adds camera emoji*

  2. brooklynbaby91 liked a post in a topic by Fusel in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Why are some people on instagram suggesting it's tourdates?
    Lana: *posts picture of movie director*
    Lana: *adds camera emoji*

  3. luminom liked a post in a topic by Fusel in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Why are some people on instagram suggesting it's tourdates?
    Lana: *posts picture of movie director*
    Lana: *adds camera emoji*

  4. Fusel liked a post in a topic by Subversive in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Watch her releasing the HM homemade video with a random kill bill reference
  5. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Fusel in Misheard Lana Lyrics   
    'Dying by the hand of a foreign man, harper lee'
  6. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Fusel in Misheard Lana Lyrics   
    "See the sea I'm a supernova,
    I walk on water and I dance like Chaplin"
    In Gods And Monsters I kind of always thought it was 'It's in a sense lost, innocence lost' as if she was self-reflecting her actions. Idk I'd really like that line
    "Cause he knows I'm racist,
    Facin' time again at Rikers
    Island and I won't get out"

    Edit: oops just saw i'm not the only one who misheard the ottr lyric
  7. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by Fusel in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Thank you so much! I'll check out the book & will watch that ted talk!
  8. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by Fusel in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Do you by any chance know which book she recommends?
  9. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by Fusel in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Shit this record is really growing on me
    I'm really creeped out by that sample of the man laughing in Salvatore
  10. FLA to the Moon liked a post in a topic by Fusel in Honeymoon - Media Drop Order Directory   
    I can't describe how stressed I am over what to get.
  11. BENTLEY liked a post in a topic by Fusel in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Do you by any chance know which book she recommends?
  12. Fusel liked a post in a topic by Stargirl in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I honestly think it's awesome that Lana is hitting #2 and #3 on charts in US and Europe. Like, I was thrilled to find that out. She's still popular. People are still interested. 
    And I think what the fanbase needs to realize is that even though we obviously want her to be the best and do amazingly, she probably wanted that in the past and had serious perfectionism and it ended up depressing her when critics took things too far and she didn't always achieve her goals. Now she has clearly stated that she makes music for herself and doesn't care that much about critics (although she still looks at reviews) and we should be celebrating the sort of achievements that she herself now celebrates. It's hard to hold yourself on an impossible pedestal all the time, and we shouldn't be encouraging that. 
  13. Fusel liked a post in a topic by leaked_version in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    The Blackest Dey
  14. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Fusel in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Do you by any chance know which book she recommends?
  15. Fusel liked a post in a topic by brooklynbaby91 in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    A Universe from Nothing by Lawrence M. Krauss. 
    She also recommends this TED Talk:

  16. Fusel liked a post in a topic by BENTLEY in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    You can now listen to High By The Beach and Freak on the hotline. Also Lana recommends you a book to buy. 
  17. Fusel liked a post in a topic by Valentino in Azealia comments on "Art Deco" diss track rumors   
    If you'll notice, the word "racist" was not used once in my post. This was intentional on my part. It's a loaded word and when you throw it at someone's fave, people become more concerned with protecting their fave than thinking "well, is what she did really racist, and if so, how can we stop it from happening again?" It stops discourse, and I think talking about these things calmly is important. Unfortunately a stan forum is probably the worst place to do this, but whatcha gonna do.
    Intent can only carry you so far. There's a reason people apologize if they accidentally elbow you in the face - despite not intending to hurt you, they nevertheless hurt you. And once they finish their apology, they usually say they'll be more careful from now on not to accidentally elbow you in the face (this has happened to me, so it's not some weird hypothetical). The same should apply to these actions.
    I would bet you she used it because she thought it looked pretty. She's all about ~aesthetic~. And also because there was a trend of hipster white girls wearing headdresses (see: Coachella). Even Marina and the Diamonds was guilty of this. They probably thought "this looks nice, let me wear it", but didn't realize the value it had to the culture and, moreover, the devaluation of it they were causing by wearing it in such a frivolous manner.
    For those of you who think this is hoopla over nothing and no tribes were harmed in the making of this video, look up 'the daily nebraska lana del rey war bonnet.' A member of one of the tribes that uses war bonnets (because remember - not all of them do) talks about the significance of it and why it's not okay. She also talks about some other pop artists. Obviously, one member of a group doesn't represent the group. Still, there is such a thing as majority opinion, and most everything I've read from members of war bonnet using tribes say "this item is not acceptable to wear outside its intended purpose."
    I'm not going to post any further because discussions about this topic tend to turn ugly, so please don't quote this post. I'll just end this by saying that if Art Deco is about AB (which I'm pretty sure it's not, wtf Lipsters), calling her 'ghetto' is tacky, at best. Plus, 'ghetto' is definitely a racialized descriptor, let's be real. When you call someone ghetto, you're not saying "you look like a Jew from the segregated part of town!" You're saying "you look like you come from a poor black neighborhood and you're trashy." "The ghetto" refers to poor black neighborhoods specifically. I've never heard anyone talk about an Asian ghetto or a white ghetto (and the trailer park isn't really equivalent). I don't think this song is racist and I don't think Ghetto Baby is racist either, but let's not pretend that 'ghetto' has nothing to do with poor black neighborhoods.
  18. Fusel liked a post in a topic by Valentino in Azealia comments on "Art Deco" diss track rumors   
    The real problem with cultural appropriation isn't that some white girl uses a bindi or twerks. Those are actually separate issues about how some traditionally "ethnic" things are considered okay if done by white people but trashy or gross if done by the people who created it. This doesn't really have a name, and it is something that should be discussed, but people call it cultural appropriation and it's not the best use of the term.
    The issue with cultural appropriation is taking something from its cultural context, especially without permission. That's why war bonnets are a touchy symbol. They're the equivalent of earning a medal in a war. By wearing it to look "cute" or because you "feel free", you degrade it from an actual symbol of heroic bravery into a hipster trash accessory on par with flower crowns. The symbol stops meaning anything significant, and that's part of the culture that eroded away.
    Intention doesn't really mean anything when it comes to this. All that matters is that you're using something that has special meaning, especially something sacred, and using it outside that intended context, and that by itself causes the object to become associated with the mundane as opposed to the sacred. Even if that wasn't your intention, that is the end result, and it's still harmful to the cultures in question.
    It's a shame the discussion about cultural appropriation has degenerated into BS like "can white people use things from non-white cultures?" because that just encourages cultural segregation while missing the core of what makes appropriation harmful. Sharing is great. But sharing requires someone to offer you something. Sacred symbols are never offered to other cultures (precisely because they are sacred). There are plenty of Native American decorative items one can choose to use that are sold by Natives and have no special value. Use those. There's no need to go for the one that has an important meaning.
    I normally try to stay away from political discussions here, but I can't stand to see discussion about appropriation be turned to "twerking! bindis!" because all that does is make people reject the concept wholesale. It is an issue. But not for the reasons most people think. Lana did appropriate the culture by using a war bonnet outside of its intended context. She probably had no intention of doing so. But actions have consequences beyond their intentions (also the 60s and 70s were full of cultural appropriation of sacred things by hippies, so don't be surprised).
  19. Fusel liked a post in a topic by LittleFool in Maida Vale Session + Interview at BBC Radio 1   
    Who's gonna make the new pre-release threaddddd?
  20. Fusel liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Maida Vale Session + Interview at BBC Radio 1   
    Let's start a countdown.
  21. Fusel liked a post in a topic by InTheSummer in Maida Vale Session + Interview at BBC Radio 1   
    She sounds keen on releasing a new album in 15 months
  22. Fusel liked a post in a topic by CatchTheBreeze in Honeymoon Reviews and Metascore   
    Some positive press from Germany:
    Musikexpress 5/6 - http://www.musikexpress.de/reviews/lana-del-rey-honeymoon/ "Never before has Lana Del Rey been this strong"
    Süddeutsche Zeitung (one of the most respected daily newspapers over here) - http://www.sueddeutsche.de/kultur/neues-album-von-lana-del-rey-musik-fuer-sedierte-schoenheitskoeniginnen-1.2654599
    Laut.de 3/5 - http://www.laut.de/Lana-Del-Rey/Alben/Honeymoon-97527
  23. Fusel liked a post in a topic by Nick Del Rey in Lana will do a M&G in NYC at Urban Outfitters   
    wow, i got to Urban at 4:30pm on Friday, I JUST made it i was 124 in line, I camped out until 9am when i got my  wrist band, then I went home and got ready and stuff, then by the time i was done i went back for the meet and greet, right now its 12:40am on sunday i just got home, I still haven’t slept or anything, Ive barely eaten or sat/ laid down either But I’m so suprised Lana remembered me, she said she saw me in front and was so excited to talk to me again, and that shes missed me a lot, when she was signing my Honeymoon Vinyl I was suprised she knew my name, Ive never told her it! I'm so happy, she told me she thought my new blonde hair suited me, and that she thought my face could suit any color, I told her how much i loved her new black hair and i sung the blackest day, then she sung black beauty LMAO!!! I asked her if we could take serious selfies, here they are
    I also showed her my new polaroid which she took from me and inspected sort of lmfao, she told me she had the same one, I took this really beautiful polaroid of her, I uploaded it in HQ too heres the link: http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j68/nickdelrey/Scan_zpslpn3onjp.jpeg

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