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  1. cola liked a post in a topic by ♥Love♥Lana♥Like♥Life in Are Lana's Iphone Cases only for females   
    Wow! That's a good choice!
    One of my all time favourite Lana pics!
  2. fessle liked a post in a topic by ♥Love♥Lana♥Like♥Life in Meeting Lana Del Rey   
    It's amazing how you take your time to get prepared!
    However you should not make yourself crazy!

    The most important thing is the magic of the moment!
  3. AnneAmanda liked a post in a topic by ♥Love♥Lana♥Like♥Life in Underrated Lana Songs   
    You can be the boss!
    There so much magic about it!

  4. ♥Love♥Lana♥Like♥Life liked a post in a topic in Lana signing autographs   
    Sitar don't worry lana will give you an autograph when u next see her
  5. ♥Love♥Lana♥Like♥Life liked a post in a topic by teethclick in Are Lana's Iphone Cases only for females   
    I had a sticker on the back of my iPhone last spring. I can't stand having those fucking huge boxes.

    nvm the instagram filter my friend used ahahhaha
  6. ♥Love♥Lana♥Like♥Life liked a post in a topic by DUKE in Are Lana's Iphone Cases only for females   
    If you like what you like, may all the others go fuck themselves.
    If one day I felt like wearing a pink t-shirt that reads "I'm a Straight Glitter Whore" (the world 'Glitter' would be studded with glitter, naturally) I would do it. And if others called me a faggot for it I would give them this look and move on feeling funny and fabulous, knowing that I am not gay and others are biased and judgmental assholes.
  7. ♥Love♥Lana♥Like♥Life liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Lana's drug use/trailer park era   
    don't be hating on the cough syrup yo. i got accidentally high off it once and i had the bestttt timeeeee my sinuses were clear as fuck and i was just rly into life.
  8. ♥Love♥Lana♥Like♥Life liked a post in a topic by Amadeus in Lana Del Rey in Vogue China   
    i think it's the Vogue China Team + the Photographer, stylist.. or something like that
  9. ♥Love♥Lana♥Like♥Life liked a post in a topic by Viva in how come there arent any VIP packages and m&g?   
    How much it costs a room at the Chateau Marmont? Isn't Lana living there? Probably doesn't cost 1.000 ....and you have 24hrs to stalk her around and 24hrs to try and meet her in a place where does not gonna have a million people trying to talk to her. The chances of you getting to talk to her are much higher and she will be able/willing to give you more attention.
  10. ♥Love♥Lana♥Like♥Life liked a post in a topic by CharlieDR in Born To Die's Charts   
    Lana is almost cerfified Golden in US with the album :
    60 (97) Lana Del Rey - Born To Die 19,092 (479,149)
    Paradise EP :
    59 (132) Lana Del Rey - Paradise [EP] 19,604 (136,524)
  11. yu16273947 liked a post in a topic by ♥Love♥Lana♥Like♥Life in Lana's interaction with fans: Internet and Real World   
    I like the atmosphere here! Right now it feels like a movie.I mean with the conclusions: BlackBerry-instagram-cannot be her =)Like Sherlock holmes or something like that.
  12. ♥Love♥Lana♥Like♥Life liked a post in a topic by Viva in Do you think that Lana was really mistreated by US critics or she is exaggerating and valuing the critics for some other reason?   
    Yes and no. I think Lana created this fantasy world for herself and I think even if Interscope (or some lawyers) created the name Lana Del Rey Lizzy Grant was already surching for a new identity for a while. If she didn't become Lana Del Rey she would've become some other name was just a matter of time. But even in fantasy sometimes things go wrong and you have manage to put it back on the track you want. Don't get me wrong Lana managed to use the critics as much as they used her even more I suppose. If she used them in the right way? I don't think so. I think that she could've chose some other directions that would help her in the long run. I also think her manage team / Label are falling her in many aspects even the basic ones. I like to observe the devolopment of MKT actions how they operate I found it very interesting. Lana is interesting to me in some many aspects. I like her music a lot, I found her persona intersting and also I found Lizzy the person very interesting. The development of her career and what happened to her is also extremely interesting. So that is why sometimes I like to observate and think about the things Lana del rey's backlash, songs and career represents while I listen to her music that I love. Says a lot about the blogosphere, how a couple of sentences can build you up or bring you down and such sentences can spread all over in seconds. How your posture is important when the shit hits the fan. Is very interesting from several angles.
  13. ♥Love♥Lana♥Like♥Life liked a post in a topic by drewby in If LDR AKA LG was signed to a more successful record label...   
    Since her authenticity is always questioned, I feel like working with Interscope might have been a better deal. Typically, artists under Interscope are allowed more creative control than on other labels. Maybe people would've thought it was more of her than a manufactured product? idk
  14. ♥Love♥Lana♥Like♥Life liked a post in a topic by PennCentralFan in If LDR AKA LG was signed to a more successful record label...   
    That's a good question. In all honesty It's most likely for her benefit that things worked out the way they did. There are so many bands and artists that sign to a major label that don't make it or sell records and don't make any money due to how record contracts are structured. An advance is just that an advance. Bands have been advanced tens of thousands of dollars for recording and to buy a van to tour and they end up either not making any money or just barely anything and this is without benefits.
    I have a feeling that a major label would try to sell her as a Florence and the Machine or Fiona Apple or an Alanis Morrissette. Nothing wrong with that, but the chances for success would have been less since musical tastes tend to run in cycles.
    I actually think that "failing" as LG aka LDR was a good thing to happen to her. Gave her a chance to reboot her career. There is no rebooting of a career if you fail with a major label--none.
    Things worked out for the best. She got a second chance.
  15. ♥Love♥Lana♥Like♥Life liked a post in a topic by Hello Heaven in If LDR AKA LG was signed to a more successful record label...   
    (As in a more well known label with more funds) how do you think this would affect her career?
    I was just wondering about this last night so I decided to make this thread. These are a few stuff I was thinking about:
    - Do you think she'd be more successful? + How successful?
    - How much marketing do you think would be used.
    - Do you think they'd record the album differently? Like different instrumentals.
    - If it was successful, how do you think it would effect her career? Would she do something like Born To Die or something more stripped back like AKA?
  16. ♥Love♥Lana♥Like♥Life liked a post in a topic by yu16273947 in Lana's interaction with fans: Internet and Real World   
    Maybe it's her official instagram, but she hasn't any ios of Android device so it's not Lana who puts the pics on. Like Lola said she has a BlackBerry (9900 I think) and for this phone instagram is unavailable.
  17. ♥Love♥Lana♥Like♥Life liked a post in a topic by SugarVenom in Lana's interaction with fans: Internet and Real World   
    is it actually her instagram? apparently it isn't.
    everyone's got to admit that her online messages to fans are just so cute and thoughtful though.
    i like how she doesn't make her whole life public and plot her every move~ it just makes her more interesting
  18. ♥Love♥Lana♥Like♥Life liked a post in a topic by edcool in Lana's interaction with fans: Internet and Real World   
    She's quite active on instagram, she has 101 photos, maybe she finds instagram to be more artistic than Facebook or Twitter
  19. ♥Love♥Lana♥Like♥Life liked a post in a topic by DUKE in Lana's interaction with fans: Internet and Real World   
    I have never seen Lana as the "Going for a coffee at @starbucks" kind of celebrity. Why would she disclose these little and pretty irrelevant details about her daily life on social networks? A no-go, as you put it, to me is when these trivial and meaningless things become the centre of one's interaction with fans. I am glad, actually, that Lana keeps quiet. I don't know what there is to expect from her. She obviously doesn't like using Twitter or Facebook as a mouthpiece. And I'm not implying that prominent Twitter faces such as Gaga or Katy Perry do.
  20. ♥Love♥Lana♥Like♥Life liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana's interaction with fans: Internet and Real World   
    I think is funny and ironic and very Lana like the fact that she retired from the internet since was the internet that gave her a career. Hello youtube! i would like to see Lana tweet more because I like her nonsense with sense tweets. But it's up to her and doesn't bother me the fact that she doesn't interact on FB or twitter
  21. ♥Love♥Lana♥Like♥Life liked a post in a topic by YouMakeMeWild in Lana's interaction with fans: Internet and Real World   
    I do miss Lana's old tweets and when she used to reply to fans but she has a bigger fan base now so I guess she'd feel bad tweeting fans and leaving others out.
  22. ♥Love♥Lana♥Like♥Life liked a post in a topic in Lana's interaction with fans: Internet and Real World   
    lana is old skool she dosent need 2 facebook or twitter
  23. ♥Love♥Lana♥Like♥Life liked a post in a topic by lola in Lana's interaction with fans: Internet and Real World   
    I think it's her choice. She is on Twitter and she DMs fans she's met. I'm guessing the Twilight trio has millions and millions of fans and none of them are on Twitter or Facebook just because they don't want to. I would love Lana to just tweet something sassy once in a while like she did two-three years ago, she can't tweet millions of fans.
  24. ♥Love♥Lana♥Like♥Life liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana signing autographs   
    If she even imagined how much of a fan you are and how dedicated you are she would probably squeeze you, sign whatever you wanted and ask you out for dinner. Sucks that from all people you didn't get her autograph. But you will meet her again! Hope so!
  25. ♥Love♥Lana♥Like♥Life liked a post in a topic by PennCentralFan in Lana signing autographs   
    You have to cut her some slack on autographs. She just can't spend all her time doing this and she does have places to be and maybe she had to get to her seat for the video to start.
    Remember an autograph is a request and a person is allowed to refuse for whatever reason.
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