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Wryta Thinkpiece

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Everything posted by Wryta Thinkpiece

  1. WOAH, WOAH, WOAH, LIAM. PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER. YOU'RE GETTING TOO INTENSE. I DON'T THINK ANYONE CAN HANDLE LANA AND MILLA IN SUCH SEXY COSTUMES. :icant: But seriously I don't want another Summertime Sadness from Lana for the rest of my days. I want UV to either emotionally warp me or leave me completely apathetic towards the world. I like you, let's be best friends, but you have to be nice to @@BLOODSHOT, he's one of my besties.
  2. Yeah, I know. I'll be satisfied with more rock 'n' roll icon references. God, I fucking love Milla Jovovich, and I love that movie.
  3. What a great topic to open up discussion, Liam! Thanks for participating! I'm such a sucker for a lovely ballad and romance tracks; with UV supposedly having a darker disposition about it, I wonder if West Coast is only the tip of the iceberg on the tracklist. It'd be cool to see some Barrie involved in the song themes, but I've been thinking that maybe UV is going to have a more elusive muse. But it'd be interesting to not see any comparisons to past movie/music icons, maybe darker muses like The Lonely Hearts Killers (INB4 MARINA & THE DIAMONDS "LONELY HEARTS CLUB" (even though Martha Beck wasn't exactly a sight for sore eyes.)) That'd be a new spin on Lana's namedrop fun!
  4. This thread right now. https://soundcloud.com/callmestoopkid/fangirl-freakout I'll take the WC video asap, I'll take another interview, a UV teaser, ANYTHING so that we can finally have something to actually discuss and talk about rather than get all nasty over. The tension on here got boring back in the Tropico days. Some of you really got to keep your hands off the keyboard for a hot second and chill. Half these fights start because people want to thump on their chest or make antagonistic and passive-aggressive remarks like they're clever and cheeky, and the other half of the fights start because other people fire back rather than acting like the posts are not even there. Both parties need to take a second before they post anything. This totally came out of left-field but now we've got a page full of Brony shots and talk about horses having orgasms like this is Mr. Hands and 2-Guys-1-Horse all over again because the tension in here got that fucking out-of-hand that we are now enduring the most awkward digression ever. Please, please, please, someone come up with something discussion-worthy because I am drawing blanks and trying to preserve my sanity.
  5. I prefer to be called a Centaur, but yes, you did an all right job, though I've had more Ultraviolent orgasms. @, that lead was me... ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
  6. It took me at least five minutes to figure out why the two posts looked mildly familiar to each other and then I realized...
  7. Watch MPG be a cover of Clawfinger. But seriously though, those lyrics Lana-fied would SLAY.
  8. My bowl of Frosted Flakes didn't even make it midway through the fuckstorm of bullshit the last however many pages turned into... All you petty drops of cocksnot owe me another large bowl of cereal and my fucking self-esteem. Honestly, I'd love to hear OSCYS end up on UV.
  9. Wryta Thinkpiece

    Anytime! Seriously, everything about CWM is just so fun and great. That beat is so sexy. Motëm and MØ have really have great artistic chemistry, I swear. edit: I wrote CMW, probs 'cause I was high. Whoops.
  10. Wryta Thinkpiece

    Yeah, I'm on the same sentiments. A little playing around with the EQ will keep me content; he was really, really thoughtful, he totally did not have to do that for me. The thirst is so real. God, I can't stop playing CWM. I'll throw up if I don't hear Secret soon.
  11. Wryta Thinkpiece

    Think he'll give it to me if I ask? I'm kinda hoping he'll SoundCloud it.
  12. Wryta Thinkpiece

    Okay, so I really needed Chillin' W/ Max for so many, many reasons; and after doing some searchin', I found and got in touch with Slow Hand Motëm, who produced CWM, YO YO, and SECRET: And after some conversation and a few days of patience, about an hour ago, if that, he messaged me this fucking great gem. LYRICS: And honestly, I really had to show that message because this is how old projects should be handled, it should be something for everyone. This was my first time having a successful sleuthing experience with unreleased tracks, and awesome people like Slow Hand Motëm make me so happy. His music is so fucking chill and awesome. I love him and his generosity, and I love this track. He might still be looking for SECRET, but he did tell me he would let me know for that one, too! Enjoy, guys!!! And here's his tumblr: http://gebbzsteelo.tumblr.com/ Just, seriously, this guy is so fucking pleasant and he really does produce and release some dope stuff.
  13. Anyone else notice the subtle lyric changes and verse swaps? Pretty interesting to me. I can't stop playing the preview, it's a really well-done mix, honestly. Very subtle reggae-esque vibes and definitely fit for radio-play.
  14. Omfg I *need* that new mix in full. It is everything. SO FUCKING GOOD. SO SEXY. That May 30th date is ridiculous as shit though like why do that?
  15. Wryta Thinkpiece

    Song vs. Song

    On Our Way vs. TV in Black & White
  16. Wryta Thinkpiece

    Song vs. Song

    Damn You vs. You, Mister
  17. I think after reading the last few pages, the disdain for the new mix has become significantly more apparent to me. I personally really love the new mix, especially because of the chorus harmonies, but I still go back and forth between the mixes, I really think both are fantastic in their own way. I just want to see the video, and get it out of the way so that we can (most likely) see more from UV so that no one's ill at ease anymore.
  18. PLOT TWIST: NIGHTBOY103 IS NIGHTMARE BOY AKA BARRIE OH. MY. FUCKING. GOD. Also, that OysterMag interview: What would you do if I did write something really mean? Nothing? I dunno [laughs], come to Australia and kill you?
  19. Only a photo! https://twitter.com/LanaBoards/status/456240559502680064
  20. West Coast True Love on the Side Yayo Summer of Sam Boarding School Diet Mtn Dew Demo National Anthem NEXUS Demo Hundred Dollar Bill Demo Get Drunk Daddy Issues Daytona Meth Go-Go Dancer Heavy Hitter H&R Demo Is It Wrong? Jump Let My Hair Down Trash Magic/Man I Love Mermaid Motel Smarty Put Me in a Movie Paradise For K PT 2 Raise Me Up Us Against the World You & Me Come When You Call Me A.M.E.R.I.C.A You Can Be the Boss And I guess Cola's pretty much inevitably on the majority's list.
  21. Honestly, I prefer the subtle approach she's going for with UV; the hype gets built on the suspense and enigma and us Geminis live for that shit. I think Lana's just confident in UV in a way where she doesn't need to go for the whole gusto promoting it. Keeping it simple, but to the point. Look at Liz Phair, Emilie Autumn, or just about any artist that, compared to the huge popstars of today, only have a quarter of the fanbase; they don't give a fuck about promotion or anything like that because none of it is a guarantee. Furthermore, extreme promotion and large tours/venues take a lot of compromise, and a lot of time. When you're investing your time into your craft and creative outlets, and trying to keep a certain atmosphere for when you showcase that craft, you really don't want to compromise just because it means more tickets or more sales. Because who really gives a fuck about the latter besides music labels and reviewers dying to find any reason to write "FLOP" in their next article? This is why a lot of artists go independent, because they have better ways to get their music out and better ways to measure the worth of their projects than ratings, the amount of shows, and how many airports and stages they've seen. When the Phoenix fans told Lana how well West Coast was received here in the US and she started crying, I think that was a pretty clear indicator that her only focus, really, is just doing what she loves; whether she has a million fans listening to her work or only fifty or sixty people, she'd be doing the same shit she is now. It's a surprise when your work unexpectedly receives a lot of positive reception, but that's all it is, just a nice surprise. Aside from that, it doesn't matter when you know you are making something that you are proud of. You promote it how you want, and if it gets a lot of exposure, cool, fucking awesome; if it doesn't, shit, don't give such a fuck and treat yourself to some awesome sushi or wine or what-fucking-ever little pleasure because you still worked hard enough to deserve it. Did any of that make sense? Between thinking about checking my laundry, two cats fighting for a spot on my lap, and one of them burying their wet nose into my chest while I'm trying to type this, I am a bit scattered.
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