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Wryta Thinkpiece

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Everything posted by Wryta Thinkpiece

  1. What do we win? Weed? There's weed, right?
  2. There's a baby shower going on at my house in like, six hours. I was personally disappointed and yet relieved to find out it will not be raining babies.
  3. I will forever keep coming back to this game. And I am feeling a little greedy... 16 48 25 34 10 13 45 6 27 50 34 29
  4. Unfortunately, no. HOPEYOUFEELGOODABOUTYOURSELVESHOARDERZWUTABOUTMYDREMS? Do you own a vintage shoe-shining kit?
  5. Upper echelon. Spend your whole life wandering or spend your whole life wondering?
  6. Wryta Thinkpiece

    Song vs. Song

    This is tough, I don't know which to choose. Maha Maha v2 vs. Daytona Meth
  7. I have a strong feeling that, if anything, she would most likely just take a hiatus. I don't know, the tweet's too cryptic for me to assume anything.
  8. Wryta Thinkpiece

    Song vs. Song

    Stoplight De-Lite Stoplight De-Lite vs. Summer of Sam
  9. Oh, look at that, you did...fuck.
  10. Platinum Scepter Nails of gold or diamond teeth?
  11. Wryta Thinkpiece

    Song vs. Song

    Not going to lie, was going to put the same two songs head-to-head before I changed my mind. FUCK. Afraid. It is literally A Star for Nick all grown up. Afraid vs. I Don't Wanna Go
  12. Wryta Thinkpiece

    Song vs. Song

    A Star for Nick vs. Pride
  13. I was thinking the same thing! I was thinking back on my reflection of the song, and was considering that maybe, she's alluding to another Elvis song from the '50s, or even an entirely different artist, and "Return to Sender," considering the lyrics and how it's a '60s song, maybe it'd represent the then-and-now factor of the relationship, things changed, the relationship was near its end. Or maybe, she felt more in Elvis' position; trying to salvage the relationship but there was nothing left at that point... I don't know. iamalittletoastedtbh
  14. GUYS. I THINK I FIGURED OUT THE SONG SHE SAMPLES IN METHAMPHETAMINES. It's "Return to Sender" by Elvis, I swear to fucking god. Omg. This totally fucking makes an impact on the lyrics. Lana's done it again.
  15. Wryta Thinkpiece

    Song vs. Song

    Fuck. Tough one. JFK vs. Your Band is All the Rage
  16. She fucking kills me. Especially with Cap Diamant and Francis. She pulls your heartstrings until they snap, and then re-strings them for you, only to rinse and repeat. So sentimental.
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