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Wryta Thinkpiece

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Everything posted by Wryta Thinkpiece

  1. Wryta Thinkpiece

    Song vs. Song

    That's what I thought, too, keane, that's what I thought, too. For K vs. A Star for Nick
  2. I think I actually have four in my house. Do you own a Lucky Cat/Maneki-Neko?
  3. The fact that you have defied the odds you set yourself against in your own head and are still standing strong and beautiful today in the face of adversity.
  4. Wryta Thinkpiece

    Song vs. Song

    Without You vs. I Don't Wanna Go
  5. I would like to take this time to say thank you, first place has never felt so good. I will be looking forward to my prize of ten unreleased Lana leaks exclusively given to me and will be offering free butt-gropes as a consolation prize for my unlucky sucky basic loveless inferior beautiful competitors.
  6. Wryta Thinkpiece

    Song vs. Song

    Velvet Crowbar vs. Hollywood
  7. Oh, GOD, the nostalgia. Their older work is just so amazing. I love all of their stuff, old and new, but these are definitely some of my favorites. And the leak that caused that shit-storm a long time ago...
  8. Cooooooooooould I has a PMz?
  9. I'm still trying to find the DID and Confessions EP, I only have the Talent Show one, BUT I GOT YOU BBGRL. WE IN THIS 2GETHUR
  10. I got to know more about Lana through all her leaks, I got to connect with her. It took the journey Lana invited us to in BTD and removed all the stop signs and restrictions. I can't begin to articulate what it meant to me to hear any of the leaks, especially "Hollywood's Dead" and "Damn You" back in September. I owe Lana the world for those two songs. That's probably why I do feel a little frustration when there are "hoarders" that play games with other listeners who really want to hear the songs, it puts up the boundaries again for people who see music as more of a personal and spiritual outlet/experience rather than a means of breaking silence or passing time. However, some of the ones that don't bluff about their collection and just choose not to leak everything they got, do make that choice out of fair reasoning. My father has always reminded my siblings and I about the futility in dwelling on the bad with an analogy of sorts, and for me, it applies to all the leaks, and especially the leaks of the potential third-album tracks. You go to a wedding, and the best man has a little too much to drink. He's stumbling around, being sloppy, and manages to knock the wedding cake off its stand, destroying it. Almost everybody is going to focus on how the best man was so drunk, how the wedding cake went to waste, but what about how beautiful the bride looked? What about how beautiful of a ceremony it was or how wonderful of an experience it is to see two people who love each other unifying? It's so easy to focus on the worst thing that can happen because it's what people have a habit of remembering the most because the ease of doing so outweighs what good it can really do to shift your perspective to something more optimistic. It is an honest shame that the third album tracks weren't as well-secured as they should have been, but it happened and it is what it is; and what it means for the third album...well, that's in the unknown. But the songs are so beautiful, and Lana most likely worked very hard on them to make them as beautiful as they are. I'm a firm believer in the laws of attraction, so I try to think good and well of those leaks, hoping that they, like BTD and Paradise did, will lead to great things for Lana's publicity and her career from here on out. I don't like catering thoughts or energy to worst case scenarios just because they can happen. No shit they can, but so can the best case scenarios. I think projecting pessimistic energy can be more threatening than any worst case scenario that could happen. So when it comes to the third album leaks, I believe in the occurrence's ability to do a lot of good for Lana in the end, because it should, it could, and as far as I'm concerned, it will, because I wouldn't want to think the worst for Lana, the worst possibility's still not enough of a reason to get me to. But that's just me, I'm not expecting anyone to agree or whatever. I've been told I've too much naivety these days. VIVE LA QUEEN OF CONEY ISLAND, VIVE LANA DEL REY.
  11. Books A life without color or a life without sound?
  12. I do not own that. Do you own a sound-responsive plasma globe?
  13. Definitely hear; One day (for both verses) I'll drive in a gold Mercedes Benz Singing opera or bolero ---- I can feel it chasing in the speedlights (Though the following interpretation is a big stretch...) I can feel it chasing in the speed like I was built to last I didn't really know how to feel about the song at first, I didn't really listen to it until much later on in the day that they leaked and I was able to just blast my music, but I was definitely sold when that bridge/release came on. Such an awesome song. <3
  14. The lyrics can be a little bit silly with the similes, but I feel like there's an appeal in that silliness at the same time. It's just so shamelessly adorable of Lana when she's clumsy with her articulation. I could imagine the boyfriends that fawned over that quality about Lana. Beautifully awkward and awkwardly beautiful. Like JFK.
  15. Shit...that's a lot tougher than I thought it would be... Um... ... ... ... Born to Die. Money or integrity?
  16. Tell Me You're Not a Crook, Daddy Lemon Sorbetto [Pucker Up for the Suckerpunch] Vixen of Seven Veils [uska Dara] (Don't) Write Back, Johnny [bottles of Coke] Harvey Rebel Splendor
  17. I first heard "Oh my silver fox" But after actually reading the lyrics and listening at a louder volume, she definitely says "Oh, my super god."
  18. You're more than welcome, that's EXACTLY what I'm here for, Beemo!
  19. There are definitely quite a few of their songs that took a while for me to take a liking to/appreciate, "Glockenspiel Song" was one of them. "Hands Down" I can appreciate, I like the lyrics, but I am just not fond of the song's style. Definitely not one I'd listen to every day.
  20. I just. Lost. My shit. I don't even think I could give Morrissey specifics if he asked me. I'd just be like, "GIVE IT TO ME. GIVE IT TO ME. EVERYTHING." I wonder if "Ask" was about his first sexual encounter with Billy MacKenzie before he wrote "William, It Was Really Nothing..."
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