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Wryta Thinkpiece

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Everything posted by Wryta Thinkpiece

  1. Wryta Thinkpiece

    Song vs. Song

    Hollywood's Dead vs. Never Let Me Go
  2. FUCK. Laugh uncontrollably at car insurance commercials. Would you rather take a shot of vodka to the eye or staple your tongue to the wall?
  3. I'm in his favorite sundress, Watching me make s'mores, yeah, Take your marshmallows out.
  4. I'm telling you, Angus & Julia Stone, Lana Del Rey and Sucré were pretty much the artists I listened to the most in the Spring.
  5. [i JUST LOST ALL MY FUCKING SHIT IN JUST FIVE MINUTES FROM READING ALL THESE POSTS. OMFG] Lana figured it got in there from that one night out on the veranda near Ocean Grove. Meth's one hell of a drug. So she turned to Barrie-James and said...
  7. There are a few male artists that I have a celebrity crush on, but if there's one I can say I may be in love with, it's Angus Stone. He carries this wanderlust-fueled, free-bird energy about him and his music; everything about him is so beautiful, and I love his beard. He was part of the sibling duo Angus & Julia Stone, but both of them have started their own music careers, too, so I figured I'd keep them in one post and just show their stuff all together. Julia's absolutely gorgeous as well, I love her voice, though I haven't taken a peek at her solo work entirely just yet. I'll post some of her stuff when I get more familiar, but I'll at least show some of the tracks she sings from when they did work together. "And the Boys," "What You Wanted," "Walk It Off," and "Choking," are some of my favorites that she sings, so I put links up for them. Happy listening! ANGUS STONE SOLO WORK: ANGUS & JULIA STONE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ceup8anv94A
  8. Wryta Thinkpiece


    I actually discovered Fascinoma back in 2011 while watching an episode of American Dad! I used to constantly think about that episode while listening to the song they used, but after I started identifying with the song over time, I grew to love it tenfold (though it always makes for an interesting "I found this song when..." story to tell, and it's even more awesome when other American Dad! fans know the song, too.) It's from an album Fascinoma released in '08, and even as someone that found her through a cartoon comedy, I still thought it was a bit sad that she wasn't really well-known otherwise. It's practically an injustice. Nevertheless, she's so talented and phenomenal. For a song that mentions dead gerbils, I think it's a beautiful song. I loved when I would walk around town at night and just listen to it. I didn't find her bandcamp page until last night, where she has the '08 album that the track is from up for sale. I'm going to have to take a look at the other songs, too. Happy listening!
  9. Another great artist who has plucked at my heartstrings until they snapped over and over again. Her lyrics and sound are so hauntingly beautiful and ethereal. Here are just a few of her songs that I especially connect with and adore, and in my opinion, really show how majestic her artistry is. I couldn't find videos for other ones, but I am glad that I could at least find these three. Happy listening! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5oIXBhJTDw [This is a fan-video for "That You Would," but it's the only video of it I can find on YT]
  10. Yeah, I've tried to look for stuff beyond their Drunken Trees EP, but apparently there's not much to be found! I was a bit disappointed. But between '08 - '12, I have the two albums, the EP, and their Universal Soldier single from 2011 that was released on vinyl. And yes, I do! At least, I'm certain I do; it sounds the same as the one from the UK release of Drunken Trees, and it's so much cleaner than the YouTube version. Let me know if you're interested in taking a listen!
  11. Thank you, Darling! This is just the beginning!
  12. It was a bit sad just because she always said how she wanted to be a pop singer, but her family wasn't too approving of the music or the style (take the latter with a grain of salt, as I vaguely remember how she put it.) But it limited her potential so much, and she was too good for that, and especially too good for a lot of the YouTubers she sang with and the YouTubers that were so mean to her, some of them being people she did covers with. But we all know who's going on tours and singing with Conor Oberst and who's fighting back tears from someone calling them a "weeaboo" while wailing Japanese into their Blue Yeti microphone for YouTube. First Aid Kit > MoA days, all the way.
  13. My pleasure! I love sharing my favorite artists/groups.
  14. Right? Their harmonies are practically flawless. I do love The Big Black and The Blue, "Hard Believer" and "I Met Up With The King" are from that album; it's a very mellow album, very true to its folk roots, it took me a while to listen to the whole album, but it was worth it, especially the second time listening through it. "Pervigilo" is from Drunken Trees EP, "Tangerines" and "Cross Oceans" are others great song from that EP, and "Little Moon," too. Definitely worth a listen if you're into mellow sounds.
  15. This is a sister duo from Sweden. I actually used to talk to Johanna every now and again back in '09 on YouTube before she and Klara hit big; she did covers of Asian pop songs under the name MoA (which was who I knew her as,) but never told any of the subscribers her real name, where she lived, or any of her music history. She frequently deleted and made accounts on YouTube for her covers, but after she deleted "moamelody," she didn't make another account. Stories of why she deleted her account and pretty much all traces of her covers are mixed. One said that when she entered a 2NE1 contest, someone found out who she was and that she was signed to a label, got her disqualified, and that the news spread like wildfire from there. Another story was similar, saying that she got in trouble for using her label's instruments for the covers she made without the rights to do so. The MP3s of her covers are a hit and miss with searches; there used to be a MediaFire account with a huge folder of them, but it got deleted, though some of them are still floating around. She did one of Ami Suzuki's "ONE," which I might still have on one of my Zunes. But I digress, she has a successful career with First Aid Kit, and a very beautiful voice, as does Klara. This is one of their songs from their new album, The Lion's Roar, Johanna sings at 2:34: And a few personal favorites...
  16. Definitely do! Such a wonderful album. "Hiding Out" rendered me speechless the first time I listened to it, and "The Cliff Waltz" had to be one of the best concluding tracks on an album that I've heard in the past year, the instrumental is so time-stopping. Her siblings have great talent, too. Check out Eisley and Merriment!
  17. Wryta Thinkpiece


    I hope it's not an issue that I'm doing separate topics for the artists. This is the third topic. Another great group. Stacy King has such a beautiful voice. A Minor Bird was one of the albums I listened to the most in 2012 next to Born to Die. I love the whole album, honestly, but these are definitely my top four.
  18. Another favorite that I came across last year. I can't get over her accent. <3
  19. Oh, god, I'm gonna have a ball with this topic. I'LL SAVE THE REST FOR ANOTHER POST. THERE'S JUST TOO MANY.
  20. Wryta Thinkpiece

    Song vs. Song

    Young & Beautiful vs. Hollywood's Dead
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