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Ultra Violet

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Everything posted by Ultra Violet

  1. Banned because you don't make my clitoris expand
  2. Yes!! The only bop we care about! The crowd would go OFFFFF Off topic but where tf else would I post it I remember when I had only been into Lana for like a month or so and I came across this live performance, but the full one (can't be bothered to find it), and I had NO IDEA whatwas going on when the guy was like "Outta Luck!" And she was like "what? No one knows it". I thought it was some inside joke lmao
  3. Banned because you havent made a forum for Bill Skarsgard called "Billboards"
  4. !!!! I didn't even know what was wrong with it cause cherry is so good but like, it COULD have just been better somehow and you just explained it
  5. You & Me is so heavenly and so lana! Definitely in my top 5 unreleased and probably top 3 underrated
  6. Omg share? Or share in the dreams thread and tag me?
  7. it looks like the head piece my mum made for me for my class christmas show in preschool
  8. December cause my bday, christmas, holidays and mango and cherry season Favourite demo of BTD?
  9. of lana i assume? Favourite decoration you have in your room?
  10. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    It already came masochism ˈmasəkɪz(ə)m/ noun the tendency to derive sexual gratification from one's own pain or humiliation.
  11. Ultra Violet


    idk about anyone else but ive had them since 2012, demos and fallen
  12. Yes! but without the verses. Just the chorus and the outro? and acoustic too
  13. No matter when lana dies shell be remembered as a legend OK FOR REAL THO, in 2013, before I even knew that the 27 club was a thing, I had a dream that Lana died in a tragic fire in her hotel room on the night before her 28th birthday and I was SO relieved when I woke up and realised it was a dream. (ive posted this in the dreams thread a while back)
  14. Ultra Violet

    This or That

    THATS WAY TOO HARD But ugggghhhh i have to say Lady Gaga just cause i love her acting as well as music and ive gotten to know her while shes actually alive Ravens or Doves
  15. boot! none of it is flattering to her, sorry
  16. i dont agree that its overhyped but i DO think the way she sings "this is my comittmeeeeent, my modern manifesto" sounds boring and uninteresting and kinda wish i could skip it everytime
  17. nah i knew that! just saved me having to search for it hang on, did she cancel the show that the stalker man was gonna be at?? i actually didnt know that. I thought he was just caught and the show went on
  18. in no way was it a let down! it was probably the best part of the whole show. I was just considering that since her getting teary at her last show, she could have still been feeling like that thank you for posting! woah she nailed the first part of the song!
  19. I wonder if the reason she didnt sing it at the last show (even tho it was on the setlist) was because of all the shit that happened and she just didnt feel up to it then maybe she still wasnt really feeling into it this time but she still sang it, tho wasnt able to put much effort into it? Still special, but i wouldnt kill to see that live
  20. Ultra Violet

    This or That

    sadcore is beautiful tho fake tan or hair extensions?
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