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Ultra Violet

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Everything posted by Ultra Violet

  1. Gimme the brite lites Gimme the brite lites Gimme the brite lites yeah
  2. When I see her, I would most love to see her sing Heroin and Freak, but that's unlikely. I do really hope she does the Scarborough Fair brief cover too. That would really be the Cherry on top for me cause Ive always loved that song (i grew up in a place called scarborough) Other than those, Id would also feel a win if i get to see Pretty When You Cry, When The World Was At War and Beautiful Poeple
  3. I think this is good as its own thread so we can add to it, cause she is defintely gonna be singing more about blue. I think she has actually said Blue is her favourite colour right? I'ma break this down a little more: In BTD blue seams to be in reference to colours more than symbolism- the american flag, a shirt, a pool, velvet, ink, just things she likes and thinks about in UV it turns more towards symbolism, because she mentions dark blue as being down, pessimistic. Still, these are mostly in reference to her man being blue, so now she is really associating someone with that colour. But she still sings of blue as just a colour for flower and the ocean, so it still reminds me of born to die in that way. In HM, blue is referenced more intensely. Dark blue, blue flames and talking till you turn blue is intensity in a relationship. Dive deep blue is like delving into that relationship. Yet she still uses blue to describe things like blues music, blue sky and blue ocean. But thats for the dreaminess that fits honeymoon. Now in LFL blue is referenced as blue skies, blue the colour of the planet and into the blue which represents Freedom! So even though we couuld just say "Oh Lana just likes blue, dont overthink it", i think its clear that referencing blue has evolved through her music. Its not as plain as it seems.
  4. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ well yeah at this point its all depending on my friend buying tickets or not i guess
  5. I actually regret buying tickets to her show for April because a) the friend i was going to go with STILL hasnt gotten her ticket after 2 months b) Im still a hater-fan. I feel bad for putting so much energy into criticizing halsey, but i just cant stop. some of the things she says and does just dont deserve my respect c) Her show is gonna be a pop show. its a fact. and i dont want to go to a pop show. But i cant do anything about it now. If my friend hasnt gotten her ticket by the end of this month ill just try to sell mine for cheaper to at least get something back Also, her music video for Sorry was boring. I get that it suits the song (which is also boring), but she has been even worse than Lana for failing the hype of album aesthetics. A whole video of her just walking around the aftermath of a battle is boring. nothing happens, theres really no symbolism or any hints that are obvious to the story, and even if there was more meaning to it, she failed to keep me interested so, im bored. bye.
  6. The one she was hanging out with a while ago. Cameron or something?
  7. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    My first regret of 2018
  8. Yes! Do you agree that the real monsters are humans?
  9. Ultra Violet

    Song vs. Song

    The Blackest Day vs. Oh Say Can You See
  10. Honeymoon Favourite kind of cold drink?
  11. but anyways you are right about him not being man or intelligent enough for her How did i not realise!!!???
  12. I dont think it has been discussed, but thank you! i didnt know about it. This is way better than GSOYB I want Lana to just TAKE OVER all the indie/alternative music, so Halsey can see who is REALLY alternative
  13. She should date the Tame Impala guitarist Hes everything she needs tbh and they been friends first + She said never a date a lead singer cause theyre selfish.
  14. Ill love her no matter what, but this IS the truth
  15. fuuck i love the chain and dont wanna change it How long did it take to break? and was it tugged? or just happened? It is slightly too heavy to be the most practical necklace. My poor cat might have a bruise now after it hit him in the face
  16. Heavenly Creatures is some messed up shit. I mean the relationship between the girls is cute and I wish i had that kind of intense bond with a girl but, like, the things they did together.... they were both mentally fuuuurked up. Not a film but in the TV show Orphan Black, the relationship between Cosima and Delphine is absolute goals. The love they have for eachother was bigger than any other love in that show I swear to god. And I love how they portrayed them both as highly intelligent, mature and independent women, yet still had so much emotion in them. Brilliant. I couldnt ask for better.
  17. oh fuck poor girl. did it break from the spoon/screw part or the chain?
  18. Yeah this is the reason im gonna wait till the show to try and get the windbreaker i just wanted the necklace asap tho
  19. i guess i dont know enough about it. Germany is doing really great these days but i dont see why people (especially politics) should deny what happened. They should just try moving on and doing better like they already are? Do you agree that food wastage needs to be reduced in your country? and that everyone should be trying to help reduce it in their own houses too?
  20. It never lets me tag people properly anymore but top 3 are @Arcadia, @Kitchesque and @Clampigirl. Favourite TV show AND favourite season of that show?
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