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Ultra Violet

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Everything posted by Ultra Violet

  1. And thank you for doing these! I can't believe I have to honestly put "to download leaks sooner" in the "Why did you join Lanaboards" question
  2. I don't remember the 2019 results being posted. Did I miss it?
  3. I remember her describing the album as The Golden Age of Jazz with some muddy trap, which isn't that far off what it actually was imo
  4. At the moment yeah! I'm also excited to see how her writing makes me feel when it's not constricted to being a song. I know I'll obviously listen to the album more than listening/reading the poems, but maybe I'll end up loving one or more of the poems just as much as I love her music, who knows
  5. I forgot about that! I think having the opening and closing songs (already so long ago now) is a good sign. And im very interested in how she's going to reference astrology.
  6. I believe they call it the Directors Cut. https://youtu.be/0tGh2GT7S9M I'm not sure if the full music video with this ending is on YouTube but I think it used to be some other external link like Vimeo. Probably lost somewhere on this site. Edit: I remember finding it here but it's gone https://www.nylon.com/articles/shades-of-cool-directors-cut
  7. Ugh that is the annoying thing about being in the southern hemisphere cause I can't catch sharks till summer, and when everyone else is talking about all the cool things like the cherry blossoms and tarantulas I have to wait 6 months That sounds so sick tho Oo I do love the windflowers. Especially the pink (yes pink everything ) and the blue hyacinths
  8. Oof that is the hardest one ever F Cruel World Marry West Coast K ultraviolence Sad girl Get free Bartender
  9. As much as I loved the elusiveness of honeymoon, the more I actually don't want another one. It's so special, it's like an alternate reality of Lana, frozen in time for a moment, like a series of dreams. I don't know if she'd do that again, or if she did, it wouldn't be the same reality as honeymoon. But I could definitely go for another UV, and by that I mostly mean in production. I wouldn't want the exact same style of lyrics, because I don't want her to travel backwards. But I do want that edginess and rawness again for sure, with lots of b&w. If we are talking another BTD, I'd be cool with it, but I have a feeling that that is the energy we will never get back, because it was much more 'manifactured' than her other eras and I feel like that's the last thing she's going to do besides always having that one song on an album that is overproduced in comparison, but nonetheless amazing.
  10. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    I do dislike how backed into a corner the lyrics of K-12 seem. It's like, we love the themes she always commits to, but to be so literal is kinda boring because it's restrictive. That's why I feel Crybaby was far more advanced in maturity, creativity and the range of themes. I think that the only way I could enjoy K-12 as much as I love CB would be if I was actually in school, like middle school, when it was released, because then I could relate on that level of actually applying everything to my daily life. CB may be about a toddler's wild adventures and environmental problems but it is way more applicable to everyone else floating around encountering these things at whatever age they are. I find that to make more sense, personally. K-12 just seems like a project to fill in the gap between Crybabys story growing up to whatever Mel releases in the future which will catch up to her life now.
  11. With the album being announced in a response video to backlash, idk.. I don't think this album's intimacy has been set up very well I can't wait to see it play out though. I HOPE it is a rather quiet promotion from here on. Edit: okay NVM, I only just caught up on the Nicole post and I want it in any way now
  12. It took me so long to realise what this thread actually was haha Fuck get drunk Marry QOTGS Kill disco Yayo (AKA) Yes to Heaven On Our Way
  13. I can't believe I was mad and fed up with artists like MMartinez and Grimes who didn't release anything for around 4 years, when miss Ferreira has been fooling around for 7 years. I forgive the long wait when the artist was actually working on it the whole time (and knew it was going to be a long time) and nothing changed drastically because of the wait. But I'm worried this is going to be dissappointing for Sky too when she finally releases it. Songs she's had written and done for years that she might not even like or relate to anymore.... I hope she's still passionate about her work when it comes out.
  14. Wow that is fascinating. I can't believe I missed that interview because that makes one of my favourite honeymoon songs completely different to how I took it. It reminds me of people speculating that Ultraviolence was about an abusive relationship with alcohol, but then she said in an interview that it literally was a physical relationship, or multiple, with men. And yes I've always believed that about her songs too. That's why I never actually saw her as an icon of sadness or anything like that, and just thought it was moments of strong emotion that motivated her to write.
  15. What is everyone's native flowers on your island? And what are your favourite flowers now? Mine are cosmos and lillies. My favourite flowers are the pink & white roses and the pink lillies. I don't dislike any flowers except for the pansies (although I've made the red pansies work in one place on my island). Idk why they look so strange in the game. SO NICE!!!!
  16. That is so nice! I haven't made any waterfalls haha, I really need to get onto this
  17. Jw, what prompted Halsey to say that about Sky in the screenshot? It is interesting to know that she kept up with it. A fangirl turned bitter. Sounds like all of us.
  18. I remember that, and I'm pretty sure she dodged the question and rambled on about something else like she usually does lol. The question was probably posed to give her a chance to admit her past bad decisions but she obviously didn't take it. And that would be nice if it's true about the poetry book proceeds. But I suspect she's avoiding that specification because she doesn't want it brought up again.
  19. Damn I need to work on my island tune so bad. I just hate how it sounds when the octave is lowered or warped when talking to different characters but we can't avoid that. And that is such a cool theory! I guess the fantasy x natural theme of mine would fit me too And lmaao I hate the idea of the perfect snowpeople too. But I do like the snow/ice tree recipe they gave me.
  20. Alright, if the language use is the only thing you were talking about then I get it. But the problem is, most people don't know when to stop. Some seriously think, for example, if eating sushi and using the word Kawaii is okay, then stealing and appropriating every aspect of Japanese culture (such as sexualising kimonos, using cultural symbols without context and throwing around the word Geisha wherever they please) is okay and not damaging. I just want Lana to see where the line should be drawn.
  21. .I get that. Because I haven't done any landscaping, I feel my creativity is now limited, and the only thing I do now in terms of decorating is digging up flowers that are growing where I don't want them haha
  22. But that IS a theme! I love the sound of that! <3
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