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Ultra Violet

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Everything posted by Ultra Violet

  1. It's a good video, I watched the whole thing. The only thing I don't agree with is that she strategically did this to get more attention for her album. I think what she expected was responses from her fans like: "Yay Lana is taking back her voice and is gonna sing about her fragility like she used to! Can't wait for the new album" (which is what I foolishly first thought when I first saw the post, despite feeling a bit strange about the opening sentence) Not the response she got from the wider community like:"Lana is trying to promote her new album with a huge controversy on feminism and race".I don't think she expected that at all and she is probably more worried about her career than ever, despite saying it's not affecting her. His other analysis is really good though, like her reactions and especially how he goes through the video she posted. On point!
  2. I actually like watching longer videos that go through the topic/controversy completely, even if it seems late- all the better to get the perspectives. I think there is a need for these videos (I haven't watched it yet but I'm about to so I might correct myself if I'm wrong later and the video sucks), because watching something like this can help me navigate through the billions of words written on the topic. I like watching things like this when Im done talking about it. It helps me level out my final opinion and then move on. I hate leaving my last thought on comments that can be read differently to how the person intended them to be heard.
  3. I think most people just want her to post to 'prove' that she cares, as she said she did. It's also to prove to the fans that backed Lana without even considering why people were hurt by her post, that we should all care and all speak about it.
  4. While I absolutely understand not everyone experiences growth at the same time, there are 16 year old girls out there that are woke af and speaking out non-stop as an ally for poc. I don't think we have to be so extremely delicate and careful when encouraging a 34 year old woman to start learning some more, when she has definitely taken advantage of other cultures and claimed to be so open minded. But then again, calling her racist and dumb isn't gonna help either.
  5. Yeah I think her music is one of those things I'm always happy to enjoy myself anyway. I'd rather be there alone so I can soak it all in without anyone next to me speaking to me. Kinda feel like it will be an important night for me
  6. Just Lana unintentionally offending people, then getting offended that people got offended, then getting offended that that offended people even more. Like, it's not easy to come to a conclusion when all some people want to see is Lana as a bitter racist and all Lana wants to see is people attacking her right to sing about her life. Neither is true.
  7. I'm seeing her in June next year. I've only got a ticket for myself and I don't know anyone else who listens to her, but I'd be totally okay to just go myself and zone into her magnetic presence.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNsrio1DE1I This guy does good reviews. He only has NFR to go so ill be interested if he really thinks it's her best. This is a pretty fair LFL review. I would disagree when he says there are some tracks on this that are up there with her best, but when he says if you made your own album out of this tracklist, it would be perfect, i agree with that. LFL could have made a really sweet and fun album, plus a 'political-focused' EP and id have been happy. Love Lust For Life 13 Beaches Cherry White Mustang Summer Bummer Groupie Love In My Feelings Tomorrow Never Came Heroin Get Free Woodstock In My Mind God Bless America When The World Was At War Beautiful People Change
  9. but he's a good cop he gets it
  10. Im not an avid Gaga stan but i listened to the album and i love it! Though nearly all the songs sound the same, its genereally a refreshing album in amongst other releases of this year and it sounds very nostalgic to me. It's the most ive loved one of her albums since Born this way. Standouts to me are Free Woman, Plastic Doll, Sour Candy and 1000 Doves. I love her. shes back on my radar for sure
  11. Omg I had no idea how long has this been? And yessss. I wanna know everything right now. Episode length, time between each release, seasons? Ugh!
  12. Same. I never listened to Paradise and thought 'oh this is so her' cause it was new. Same for UV, same for Honeymoon, same even when Love came out but not the rest of LFL really. I guess it was her producers challenging her and making her stick to something??
  13. Me before I saw all the Instagram drama
  14. I've been saying I wanna unstan for like 8 months so when am I actually gonna do it bitch
  15. I never thought this would make someone unhappy as that's almost exactly why I love it so much but you do have a point. I still think Guardian is one of her best produced and it's not even out yet, and so is Downhill Lullaby obviously so the production must be going Uphill from here hehe
  16. https://www.instagram.com/p/CAqHQXoldMg/?igshid=x7pnemni1y7m Thank you to Arcadia for showing me this. I can't stop thinking about it.
  17. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    The toys are so cute I want them. I know it won't happen but I wish she'd do something for cake, my favourite song of hers.
  18. I mean fix the situation. Not that we have to, since we aren't even involved, but Lana herself- how she can improve her situation now (the one which arose from the initial post) Can someone let me know, who is perhaps active in the insta or Twitter replies, did the situation drag on enough for... Perhaps ... Philip Defranco to cover? Jk I'd have a fucking heart attack.
  19. Forgive me if this has already been posted and talked about here. I don't know how I missed it. I'm feeling for her. I think the problem is that she, having white privilege and class privilege, doesn't have the instinct to think about the multi-faces of feminism before she talks about it. She talks from her position of privilege, but it doesn't mean she has everything. That might make her think that not having everything (not having full acceptance in the 'culture') is on the same level as the need for many more serious issues in equality and unfortunately this came out at the wrong time. It's such a shame. I really want Lana to have a voice. She's had no success asking to be heard fairly. As a feminist myself, I'm not even sure how we can fix this. Maybe she just has to fix it herself. In this video she only semi-appologised and tried to make up for it by sharing the knowledge she DOES have, without admitting there are things she is yet to understand and that she should try to, in order to understand the response she received. It's still a tricky situation. She is not racist period. She IS privileged and she should make the room to learn about it. She needs some teachers. Why doesn't she ask the singers she listed to help her out?
  20. About Paradise- yeah that's the reason it took me the longest to warm up to. Even the album cover is like that. But I learned to love that about it, like it's a concept, Lana's higher self. About Burning Desire- it's true, the song doesn't do much, but I love it for that. It's a softer song that I can listen to and feel comforted, but like her other softer songs they aren't high vocals and the lyrics aren't lovey-dovey. I can enjoy the flow of burning desire and just feel like I'm floating in red and gold.
  21. True, I should stop feeling the need to defend her/speak for her. None of its her fault but she has every opportunity to learn more and battle her ignorance and privilege down. I want her to have a voice so badly, but not about what she thinks she should have a say on.
  22. I would die if Lana was ever asked her thoughts about Halsey in an interview and was like "sorry- who?"
  23. I just love that she will go to all sorts of legths to refrain from mentioning Halsey.
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