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Ultra Violet

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Everything posted by Ultra Violet

  1. I think I've posted my discovery story on here a few times but I jump at the chance to remember it all again So this was back when I was 15, a little goth girl obsessed with my music and front-women idols as any goth girl should be. I was subscribed to someone on Youtube because they posted videos of Evanescence songs with lyrics and I kept seeing that this channel was favouriting and liking all these videos by someone called Lana Del Rey (back when you could see what all your subscription accounts were 'liking' and favouriting). I could see by the thumbnail of the videos that this Lana Del Rey singer was a white woman (these were the pictures I remember seeing) and I was like "Urgh, why is this person liking videos of some princess pop singer trying to be gansta?" I think after a few days I was like "Fiiine, I'll check it out". Clicked on the Summertime Sadness video that this channel favourited, and I was..... SHOOK. I had no idea that music that sounded 'pop'-like could also sound so sad and goth-like. I was so obsessed with the orchestral/marching drums in Summertime Sadness. I thought it was a musical genius moment for sure. I checked out Born to Die next and was still amazed by her gorgeous low vocals. I really connected with her way of singing because I was alto in the school choir, and the only other alto female singer I really knew was Shirley Manson from Garbage. What blew me away the most was Lana's vocals in Carmen. How low they went and how girlish and high they could go in the chorus and bridge. So it was those three- BTD, SS and Carmen, that I listened to on repeat for a week or so before I found Blue Jeans and Video Games, quickly followed by the rest on BTD. It took me a while to warm up to Off to the Races (i know right...) and National Anthem because I didn't like her rapping vocals. I was still very very picky with my music taste at this age and did not take well to new things. I was very judgemental about drinking and smoking and drugs so I tried to keep a distance from those themes in her music. I was still a new listener (of a couple of months) when Paradise was released. I absolutely fell in love with Ride, and it's music video. I did not like Cola or Body Electric at this point. It wasn't until Autumn 2013 when I went on a family road trip and listened to her whole discography over and over that I started liking OTTR, NA, Cola and Body Electric, so, I'd finally warmed up to every song she had released. Once I began looking into her interviews, something stuck with me more than anything. In one interview, Lana was asked "and what would you say to any haters out there?" she said "I don't think I would say anything at all." that really HIT me and I realised she wasn't trying to provoke people, she was just trying to live her life how she wanted and make her authentic music without worrying about backlash. I think all of my judgement of her disappeared in that moment and I was able to fully enjoy her music and aesthetic without worrying what that would make me. I'm not lying when I say getting into Lana's music kick-started me shifting out of my elitist goth style (though I'm back there now, I'm not stuck up about it anymore lol) and into more alternative pop music. I might have gone super typical Tumblr girl because of Lana, but I don't regret it. I found a lot of amazing music that way. If it wasn't for Lana I would not have found other singers like Grimes, Banks, Marina and Sky, because I would not have been open enough to give them a try, or been in the right place where people I followed were promoting this music.
  2. I'm curious, do you remember what your friends makeup actually was? And omg same, I was so fricking confused when I saw she was a pretty much just a white girl for some reason acting and singing like she was from a different ethnic background. Something about her singing in Blue Jeans made me think she was trying to sing with an accent
  3. Oh my god dont get me started on outtakes. its like the deep dark ocean. we have no idea what it holds
  4. I'm constantly torn between whether LFL should have had a darker sound (not exactly 'witchy', but dark futuristic, ominous, sorta), or a folk-like sound with that 60's touch. "Darker" songs, instrumentally, vocally or lyrically: When i look at these, the themes are what we usually expect from her -Lust for life (blade runner version) -Lust for Life (verses of the Final version) -In My Feelings -Summer Bummer/So Good -Beautiful People (Demo) -Cherry Folk/60s songs: These are the ones she mostly had to try harder to fit with the political theme -Love -Coachella WIMM (which somehow ended up having some darker elements to it, like the same background bass/synth as IMF, but obviously should have been folk/60s) -Get Free -Groupie Love -Yosemite? -Best American Record -God Bless America -WTWWAW -Beautiful People, Beautiful Problems -TNC -Change Songs that I can't really place, Like they are just her regular sound or went in their own direction, and like the 'darker' songs above, these are what we usually expect from her. -White Mustang -Chorus of the Final Lust for Life -13 Beaches -Heroin -Lust for Life (Demo) -BAR should be here but the opening guitar is too folky for me to ignore. This is why it's all so messy cause the album was torn into three directions with the majority trying for a 60's throwback, which worked and failed at the same time??? It's like she had her eye on that theme for the album overall, because it was for the fans and she wanted us to come together and feel something strong like people felt back in the 60's with Woodstock and war protests and human rights movements. But then she wanted to mix in some other songs that had her usual themes and/or with a darker sound, so instead of blending in they just stand out.
  5. I'm freaking out at the fact we will eventually get more Honeymoon demos. I hope there is one for HBTB, MTWBT and Terrence Loves You
  6. Another one already? I like it. I like Simmer more. her new sound reminds me of a subtle Radiohead song like Lotus Flower. I think I need to listen to them with headphones because I've only played them out loud on my phone and can't hear much but her vocals.
  7. i tried getting into her music. sadly its not my type but im still kinda a stan just cause shes so fucking gorgeous
  8. That's definitely what id hope for. I want lana to sing about her fantasies and imagination again. Like shes living in a dream up in the clouds.
  9. As much as this is true, we should all be taking further measures, more than we usually do when there's regular colds going round. Even if you don't die or get super super ill, you could spread it to someone who does die. When the swine flu was going around in 2009/10? I knew of two perfectly healthy young adults that died from it. So if I got the coronovirus, as a healthy young adult, id still be really worried. I guess I just know of a lot of people who have died from the regular flu too .my mum and sister worked at a special school where the kids will actually die from a regular cold cold as a lot of them have had weak immune systems from birth, and one of their favourite students did die. And it was really hard on the staff after that, like they all knew who was sick at the time and most likely passed it to this poor kid (he was 11), but we're trying not to blame anyone. I also don't visit my grandparents when I'm sick or have recently been sick because I know they could possibly die if they got sick at their age too. I would love everyone to actually get used to really good hygiene because of this, rather than just go on as normal without a care. We should all get used to it. Not saying everyone is absolutely shit at it currently, but we all need to take responsibility because a time will come when all of our lives actually depend on it.
  10. I like Simmer really keen for more from her. Her voice is so different when solo, I would think she's a totally new artist if I didn't know.
  11. I'm finding the spread of the virus really interesting. This isn't going to be the one to wipe out massive populations, like millions, but now we know the one that will, which will have a higher mortality rate, will spread really damn quick and it's quite scary. I'm not worried but I'm taking precautions, like washing my hands whenever I can. Even though I'm healthy and very unlikely to die if I had it, I'd hate to spread it to someone that does die. I hope everyone realises this and gets used to being really on point with hygiene.
  12. No matter how much I've trashed NFR, THIS is the truth and it has absolutely not been fair I'm still tryna let this tension go
  13. If it was this hair with last night's dress and then last night's hair with this dress? still love it though. Imagine this but just full on GOLD. Her hair is warm toned so that would just go so well.
  14. More customisation options so we can change the site theme ourselves for our own computers, and share them so others can use them too? kinda like what Tumblr used to have. the FUN that would be
  15. Born to Die We both know just what we're here for, saved too many times Paradise It's all I've got to keep myself sane, baby Ultraviolence Yet still inside I felt alone for reasons unknown to me Honeymoon I'm on my own again.... Lust for Life I'm doing it for all of us who never got the chance Norman Fucking Rockwell But don't leave, I just need a wake-up call
  16. I am happy for the top 10. I would have swapped a few others in for my own personal attachment to some videos, but this is the way it should be
  17. Her hair genuinely looks nice here compared to most of this era. But it's at that shade where it's like, can it just be either darker or lighter? Hope she brings the vintage curls back for the Grammys
  18. Lately it's just been certain albums from artists that I still love but just can't follow through with. It makes me sad and i WISH this wasn't the case. I've tried. I've failed. NFR I couldn't get into more than 2 songs on Love + Fear (Marina) Liked less than half of III (Banks) No songs of High as Hope (Florence) have stuck with me Only half of K-12 is 'just fine' (Melanie) A few from Manic (Halsey), not that i really liked most of HFK either tho. Still adore some from Magdalene (FKA Twigs) but the rest is non-existent to me It almost seems like I just need to find new favourite artists, and the only luck I've had with that is back in the Rock/Metal community, which is actually doing quite well despite people thinking Rock is dead. It just takes a lot for music to really get through to me these days. It's like I've gone numb to most of it and need to be shaken awake again.
  19. Ultra Violet


    I'm kinda really over her and it seems this release period has gone too long already, but I can't really complain when there's shit like NFR, K-12 and MASOFUCKINGCHISM that existed. Still keen for the finished album, I know I'll be blown away by some moments.
  20. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    The songs of k-12 that I really unashamedly like are Strawberry Shortcake, Teacher's Pet and High School Sweethearts. To me, these three sounds like they could go together in a short EP release or something, with themes of attraction and learning what's love and lust in high school They seem to be the more mature songs from K-12 too where the themes aren't blatantly childish and corny (NOT that the other songs are bad, but the themes in the rest of the songs are so specific and unmoving.... it's a bit too rigid for me). But I wonder if Mel even sees these as mistakes. I wonder if she actually thinks it's her most perfect work ever and no one will ever surpass it, or if she has acknowledged to herself that there were some things.... haha.....? I know she is quite afraid of criticism, but i guess not from herself
  21. I guess I did like Lanas music and style better when she was sad and had no friends but yeh it doesn't mean I wish than on her again
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