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Ultra Violet

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Everything posted by Ultra Violet

  1. I despise that movie too. Mostly cause I hate shaky footage movies. I have not enjoyed a single movie in that style. Mine is that I really don't like any ghost horror movie. Ghosts are the most overrated in my opinion. I think it's fine when they are only one element of a movie but if the whole thing is just one ghost haunting someone then no thanks.
  2. I should have foreseen what this album was gonna be like when Lana said "Oh woah-w-woah-woah-whatever" in Venice Bitch
  3. This is my favourite thing anyone's ever said about this album.
  4. I'm sorry @@movebaby but I gotta say Cinnamon Girl. HIAB lyrics really don't made sense to me, how she jumps from being sad about this serial killer guy and then tries to be happy. To me, the happy part sounds like a song aimed at a 8-13 year demographic that I would have loved at that age. But even the sad girl part sounds corny to me to the point where it's more immature than her unreleased demos and AKA days . The piano IS nice though. And if I had heard the instrumental before the vocals I'd be convinced it would be one of her best ballads, rivalling Old Money. Sadly it isn't even close. Cinnamon Girl is also not her best work, but it is the only production on the album besides MAC that I really appreciate, and HIAB doesn't even have that over me. I really don't like the first verse of Cinnamon. I think it's one of the worst on the album, but the song does have the outro which blasts all that away and makes me want to listen to it the whole way through just for that. The "ahh ah ahAhaAhAhaHa" is also really unique for Lana so it feels like a song I'd be very happy to show someone else who doesn't know or like Lana.
  5. Is this any good? I don't want to watch some stupid reality show, but if this is actually entertaining and gives good insight into the band then ill give it a try. i do love their music so
  6. I know Lana is revelling in NFR's success, but I hope all the attention drains her desire for popularity and makes her go back into secretive and controversial mode
  7. She already missed her chance to do this in the Lust for Life era. If this came after the LFL trailer I would have been sent into eternal bliss. Space Witch Lana really could have happened
  8. These two are really that power couple <3
  9. I hope it ages well and that when I'm 35 and lost all my high standards I'll re-listen to the whole album and finally be feeling it. I think this is really the most level-headed comment on this thread.
  10. Out of these three options, NFR chose whatever, and that's the part that is not appealing to me I also hope WHF is more cohesive as an album. The name gives me all sorts of ideas and it's the best album name since Ultraviolence..., fuck even Honeymoon. But i don't think it's even going to be called that now
  11. I was also saying on PARADIXOs blog post that NFR might have needed LFL to be this successful. LFL made it into the mainstream because of her collabs (particularly Lust for Life and Summer Bummer) and because Love was so tamed down and safe If people hadn't been like "oh this is a pleasent change from the dark controversial Del Rey we knew" "oh I actually like this, surprisingly" then I don't know if NFR would have left the indie/alternative community... The last 3 years of her music has seemed super awkward to us, but that's not how the majority take it. They need something easy.
  12. The only thing that could save my stanship right now is any of the following leaking When The World Was At War (Official Instrumental) Yosemite Roses Bloom For You The Good Life Summertime Sadness (Alternative Version) I Talk To Jesus Tomorrow Never Came demo
  13. Ooof. this. And yeah, I actually wish I was one of those (in the majority) that love the album so much and think it deserves everything it's gotten. I've tried and it didn't work. Expressing our opinions is literally not changing anything about NFR's recognition so it really shouldn't matter that the small majority has been speaking louder on this one forum for the past few months. By the way, I think lots of good discussion has come out of us being relentlessly and brutally honest. It's not always encouraging backlash. We are not conducting a #LDRISOVERPARTY. We've talked about - how one beloved producer can turn Lana's public image around 180 degrees - how basic & predictable music gets more notice from the the general public - how taking the safe route is more appealing to a wider audience, but diminishes inspiration - what is was about Lana's pre-2016 music that made many people uneasy and many strongly oppose her bold and unconventional expression - how the complexity and elusiveness in her art lifted very suddenly and is almost completely gone - consoled each other through the many times she has lied to us and gotten our hopes up for nothing Just to reiterate, I have really appreciated the critical thought that these discussions have encouraged. It's making it much easier to accept what music I like, and what I don't like, and why.
  14. Let me clarify, as I should have in my original reply. Lana has been tamed by Jack's production. Jack lacks the cinematic/mysterious/dramatic vibes that her other producers had, and we want her outstanding music to return and that's a fact. And Norman Fucking Rockwell, the most boring album of her discography, does not need to win Lana a grammy in order for her to move on and make better things with her producers again.
  15. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    It IS better. I actually enjoy listening to this
  16. Sorry to quote you 1 year late but what is this Orchestral version? never heard it/heard of it.
  17. Been thinking about Taylor's speech mentioning Lana: "I've watched as one of my favorite artists of the decade, Lana Del Rey, was ruthlessly criticized early in her career, and then slowly but surely she turned into, in my opinion, the most influential artist in pop. Her vocal stylings, her lyrics, her aesthetics, they've been repurposed everywhere in music. " What other artists besides Taylor and Halsey do you think have imitated aspects of Lana's music/aesthetics? (intended for general discussion, not accusing anyone of copy-catting her)
  18. I wouldn't call any of Lana's albums same old same old. Theyre all completedly unique. NFR just isn't great.
  19. What Jack says at around 1:27 and continues till the end of the video I couldn't disagree more. I don't wanna imagine. I want to hear it. Born to die gave us everything our brains could possibly handle. That's why it did so well for so many years and still is. Does anyone else have a major problem with him thinking this is what makes the album great? I can't
  20. I agree, cause the top 3 NFR songs are the only good ones xxx
  21. I usually think of Lucky Ones as the BTD closer even tho it really doesn't count but you're right. TIWMUG made total sense for the whole album and everything she has ever said about it. Hard pass on the feminism mention tho
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