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Ultra Violet

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Everything posted by Ultra Violet

  1. Language is not the only thing that distinguishes culture. I can learn any language I want but still I will not be part of the culture where the language comes from, nor will I know anything about what it's like to be from that culture, or even be opressed because of it. You used ignorant wrong here too. In this case, you'd be the ignorant one as you are completely denying the existence and harmful effects of cultural appropriation. Don't get mad, that's just how language works.
  2. Hello I've just felt like discussing AC NH all week, now that I've got a 5 star island with my theme coming along really well! My Island is called Fairy Isle, and fairy themed of course, so mostly flowers with a natural woods element to it I guess (so I haven't done much landscaping), and lots of pink. I listen to a lot of Purity Ring while playing, cause that really sets the mood. Also my island tune is currently a shortened version of Bel Air but I hate how it plays so I need to change it to something cute. Does your island have a theme?
  3. You can't just call out her entire fanbase like that
  4. Must admit I'd never really focused on the meaning of the chorus, compared the verses. With the satire in MPG, FMWUTTT, and also previously in Cola, I thought PWYC could have been similar, but obviously with some truth
  5. Does anyone maybe think she has Pretty When YOU Cry as the title instead of Pretty When I Cry because she didn't want to straight up tell people she romanticises being depressed? Cause idk but I'm much happier with the title being You instead of I regardless Oops I always forget if I'm in the Random Lana Discussion or Unpopular Opinions thread
  6. Judging from the comments on the previous page, I know people seem to think this is "case closed, love her or leave" but these are important points to raise. I'm glad I'm not the only fan, YES FAN, that can criticize her problematic decisions and still love the art, even if I'd treat it differently if I was introduced to it again. This is why I keep a close eye on her learning curve, which is rather extremely slow lmao. I don't want to see her change her stage name or delete the Tropico and Ride videos, I just wanna see her admit she could have done better and move on. I want her to fucking learn, and she's not going to learn if she can't acknowledge that her past choices might have gotten her a grand image, but was appropriating on multiple levels. We literally can talk about this without being anti-lana del rey, because that's why we are on this forum lol Edit: also, these are things we've let go because we didn't talk about this as much in 2012-2014. But now, if someone was trying the things Lana did back then, they'd get cancelled before their career even began
  7. And I liked it that way But fr, it's obvious that who she hangs out with has a huge influence on her. Hanging out with only her possibly abusive or at least toxic ex boyfriend's might have made her seem more magnetic and untouchable but clearly her friends these days are far healthier for her and I can be happy with that .
  8. Yes I've had a dream like this! Yours sounds beautiful. My dream was before LFLs release when all I could ever think about was this witchy subversive style I thought we were going to get. So I dreamt I heard one song (or maybe it was two, I can't remember) which was indeed dark and ethereal. I remember it was like nothing I'd ever heard before .it was like a spell, because there was not much instrumentation I remember besides maybe something that was subtle yet deep like Once Upon A Dream x So Good. And her vocals kind of stayed the same throughout so yeah sorta like Summer Bummer, but solo, and actually like the space witch theme. I remember hearing it on a CD in my dream, and I was so happy but also had no words for it, and the others who heard it at the same time were just speechless too.
  9. Woah I just had a massive deja vu like I swear I have spoken to either you or MXDH about this before. Not sure if it's true or just the caffeine but in any case ... I agree, if I'm understanding your definition of immaturity right. it's very obvious that BTD was still connected to the Lizzy Grant style of lyrics. I love it for that but I must say I'm not wanting more of it at all, in the same way I'm wanting more of the Paradise storytelling or the UV/HM emotional intensity. BTD lyrics are very 'of their time', and I like it like that- frozen in 2011
  10. What lyrics do you think didn't age well? Is it the controversial situation around them? Or that they sound immature? Jw, cause I think BTD has some of her best lyrics, but definitely not as much as Honeymoon and Paradise which pretty much are in their entirety.
  11. This is the album I think of when I think of her most mature lyrics. She completely transcended and transformed herself here. We will never get another Paradise.
  12. Me neither! But knowing the history, and the effort when comparing to the other songs on those records I just-
  13. Omg this makes me so sad. Truly a tragedy. It's even worse than the reworked Beautiful People followed by TNC on LFL
  14. I definitely would not go again. It was nice to just go, and it felt pretty unreal to see her onstage even when I was far away, but would not do again, especially if I'm just going to hear the same songs played again with a couple from NFR. This post has me realising that what I remember most from the show is actually just the look of the stage and her backup dancers moving around, more than her actual voice and whatever she did
  15. Yes all of those songs are better than California. But California is still in the better half of NFR lol . But it's obvious Lana doesn't think so. On a Livestream she sounded surprised that so many people were mentioning California. Exactly. I could never call her LFL and NFR material mature when the message she's trying to get across is still only new to her, and has not matured yet, nor is it even clear to me. She's only beginning, and her maturity is really not evident to me at all yet. There are a few songs that truly do sound matured, like MAC and 13 Beaches, but that's it, seriously, they don't make up for the rest unfortunately. But once again, I put too much faith in her and still hope shell blow me away next album
  16. Jim raised me up He hurt me but it felt like true love Jim taught me that Loving him was never enough vs. You got that medicine I need, Dope, shoot it up straight to the heart please. I don't really wanna know what's good for me. God's dead, I said "baby that's alright with me"
  17. I love these! Thank you for sharing them!
  18. The fact that the only thing she has to say about her mum is that her glamour lives on and on, but her dad is referenced as a pretty important part of her life in multiple songs.... At least when it's just 'dad' not 'daddy'....
  19. As much as I'd just like to see how similar they could make her look if they were really trying, I really hate how films always cast actors who are too old for a role, or are cast just for their name to get the movie attention. Plus Lana did say that acting is not for her (though it might have just been to get rid of Harvey Weinsteins attention...)
  20. Tbh if it was a Disney song sun by younger stars I'd be fascinated and it would be my guilty pleasure. But the fact that it's sung by 3 grown women who could have done far better
  21. Does anyone listen to Dreamcatcher? I haven't found a group that I like more than them. Thought I don't know if they're truly considered pop. Their Spotify listens per month are below 1m. I've taken a big liking to them because of how they blend rock with electronic/lullaby sounds and it's beautiful. Some songs sound like anime theme songs. If you know them, could you reccommend any other groups that have this rock or fantasy element? I'd love to find more.
  22. I love that. It makes me wonder why Lana actually wanted OTTR after BTD. I honestly thought it was to have a banger at the beginning so listeners wouldn't think the whole album was slow but it's gotta be more than that. And ofc freak to art deco is so artistic
  23. I actually meant tracks that a re side by side on an album but this is also a good discussion! And you're right about that being a good witchy pair lfl has so much good aesthetic and vibes to be taken from it when it isn't in the messy scramble of the final tracklist. Of course, I had a friend in highschool that I thought of as a little starlet, but also got a little shy and careful in the spotlight, and we got along so well. My question is if SHE would like me
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