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Ultra Violet

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Everything posted by Ultra Violet

  1. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    Finally made this, though it was so hard to pick which song to use because so many of this band fit Melanie TOO well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qo6apHDId0
  2. I watched 1922 on Netflix (based on Stephen King's novel) and I actually really enjoyed it. The trailer made it seem like a horror movie, but in fact I found it MUCH more interesting than that. The way I'd describe it would be an intense, very dark, drama film (King would probably kill me for saying drama lol) but it's more psychological drama. Very very interesting indeed. I love when a movie is actually not what you expected, and all the people that watched it wanting just another horror movie for thrills come out confused and im like DAMN that GOT to me
  3. Not that I think Lana should be forbidden to write when she has no heaviness of emotions weighing down on her, but I've recognised the songs that are still *good songs* but have no effect on me because it really doesn't feel like they were written from her heart or from her passion Venice Bitch White mustang Groupie love Love Beautiful People Beautiful Problems (ft. Stevie Nicks) God Bless America- and all the beautiful women in it Tomorrow never came Coachella- Woodstock in my mind Lust for life Where is the emOtion? These songs aren't in my feelings??
  4. https://twitter.com/gh00lia/status/1159677387661086720?s=19 What do you think of this? Is including these things in AHS a problem? I am not sure, in some cases I have thought it was just added in to be "just another fucked up thing" and that really did make me question the show runners decisions, but other times it's really managed to disturb me as how horrible people can really be, as it was meant to, and I didn't think it was a bad choice for the show. It's a very sensitive topic and it can really fuck people up to just talk about it, including myself, so idk?
  5. Ok kinda glad I'm not the only one who isn't head over heals for Venice Bitch. It's a great song, sounds like a classic, and I always play it the whole way through, but it really has no effect on me??
  6. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    And same, its a bit embarrassing tbh. Melanie trying to get her fans into spiritual craft is like the Sephora Beginner Witch Kit drama all over again. These tweens are just gonna appropriate it because "Mel wants it to be the aesthetic of the K-12 era" As someone who has studied witchcraft and spiritual tools for 7 years, this just feels so phony, even if thats not Mels intention.
  7. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    The point was, I/we? think she made that lyric to sound good, THEN came up with the rebirth meaning. It didn't take hours of natal chart studies and seven connected tarot readings to come up with that lyric. It didn't need an explanation at all.
  8. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    To me, it feels like she's trying to imprint all her newfound spiritual beliefs on her fans in the most unsubtle way ever. And I don't think that's bad, I actually have believed most of what she posts on her stories since I was 16 or younger, but it just kinda feels weird and forced and this "die together" thing just made me roll my eyes harder than ever I still think of most of Mel's fans as like between 16-21 (idk if that's true or not tho) and like, that's good to try and influence your fans to calm down and use meditation, but in reality most of em are raging, rude 18 year old boys and girls who just want an excuse to call themselves pastel goth (and sorry, uncalled for rant I know)
  9. Lana has denied knowing anything about Peg Entwistle, but I think that's complete, utter bs
  10. It is still a delight to listen to this album, but I'm realising it just isn't as emotionally close to me as any of her other work. When LFL plays I just think of the road trip I was on where I first listened to it on loop, but there is no emotional value to it for me, despite Lana's intentions for it to be for us. Even Heroin which is one of my favourite Lana songs does not have anywhere near the effect of any song on UV or HM. when I hear UV and HM I think of my darkest times when these albums really helped pull me through shit. Same with BTD and PD. I should probably consider it more positive that I wasn't in need of a saving album when LFL came out, so it kinda feels like Lana's albums have progressed with my own growth, but I honestly still like to romanticise the times when I wanted to die and just calmed down by listening to Ultraviolence? Sorry, dark, and uncalled for, but.. I think the album I really *needed* at the time of LFL was the witchy album we were teased and robbed of. I was SO ready for something to empower my femininity and my personal drive, but I didn't get it. So I feel like I was kind of left hanging.
  11. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    I still find it funny that she really had to make the distinction that "die together" in Lunchbox Friends is a metaphor for being reborn. I want the creepy shit, not the spiritual shit Mel
  12. Someone's gonna kill me for saying this but the background vocals in the second verse when she sings "StraAaAaAnge" reminds me of Christina Agiulera in that Shark Tale song. But like, it's good.
  13. Well yeah, I've only heard the full song because of the movie premiere I'm very dedicated to this franchise
  14. Uhm actually, that is probably a good way to describe it
  15. I love the vibe of it. And her background vocals are some of her best. And that bridge is phenomenal. I love it, but I'm really not too sure it goes with the movie is all
  16. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    Ahh this is amazing. Might be my #1 now
  17. Idk if this is an unpopular opinion or what, but I think How To Dissappear is boring. Never was that into it, even when she sung it live the first time.
  18. The studio version now on Spotify But it barely sounds different cause she's perfect live.
  19. I feel like I'm pretty satisfied with what we know/have heard of NFR. But it really isn't blowing my mind. It's like.... the album I can handle and listen to easily, like "yeah this is nice c:", but not the album I actually want, that will reawaken my soul again like every other album of hers did. Even lust for life got me super excited and obsessed for a couple of months.
  20. After listening to the snippets just now, Wayamaya came up on shuffle and omg it's so perfect and fits so well
  21. Yeah I'm feeling that too. Like she just isn't held back by someone else anymore. I love the vibes of this era so far (not as much as Ultraviolence cause I love dark shit) so I really wanna see if what we think extends throughout the whole era.
  22. I think I'm most excited to hear Fuck it I Love You California, The Greatest and Bartender
  23. dislike button should not be on here at all. people will be using it for someone only saying "I love Cruel World"
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