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Ultra Violet

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Everything posted by Ultra Violet

  1. She is never gonna go back to a sound like BTD or Paradise or Honeymoon. They are untouchable
  2. I'm going to be quite devasted if it isn't. That's all I can think about right now. She really needs to switch producers and go back to Emile or Dan (either one, idc, they're both superior)
  3. Wow I've been dreaming so hard that White Hot Forever will be a Honeymoon part 2, but I need to stop cause you've probably just spilled the truth
  4. Can this replace the "LANABOARDS" title at the top of this forum site?
  5. I mean, I don't think it's that much of a stretch that Yosemite will be on this album. It wouldn't have fit in with NFR, but White Hot Forever.... It just gives me such an elusive burning feeling. I'm envisioning something like Freak x Burning Desire x Cinnamon Girl x Old Money That sounds white hot to me
  6. Blue Jeans: 1. Burn 2. James Dean 3. Fresh to Death 4. Sick as Cancer 5. Punk Rock 6. Till The End of Time 7. Through the Tears 8. Caught up in the Game 9. Remember 10. Dreams 11. Love You More 12. Those Bitches
  7. Yeah I think NME said fever by mistake but then it was forever for the rest of the article. So it's definitely forever. White Hot Fever sounds gross haha
  8. Wow I'm really happy California currently has the most votes, that one came through so hard I was shook and it's my favourite. She really fucking nailed that chorus. Even if I'm not a big fan of "stronger than you really are, faster than my fastest cars" lyrics, the remainder of the song is so good that it erases all that. And I love how she switches up how she sings "you don't ever have to" in the second verse.
  9. I kinda hope it's the next Honeymoon haha. It just gives me that dreaminess again like the "flame so hot it turns blue"
  10. It feels like this is the best thing to happen since she announced Ultraviolence at the Tropico premiere
  11. White Hot Forever reminds me of the "blue flame" inspiration of Honeymoon. I think this is her best album title since Ultraviolence and Born To Die
  12. So this was definitely the casting/extras call for "greese with a 1960s twist" or whatever it was?
  13. Me listening to Norman Fucking Rockwell: Me listening to MAC: Me listening to VB: Me listening to FIILY: Me listening to Doin Time: Me listening to Love Song: Me listening to Cinnamon Girl: Me listening to HTD: Me listening to California: Me listening to TNBAR: Me listening to the greatest: Me listening to Bartender: Me listening to HIAB: Me listening to HIADTFAWLMTH-BIHI:
  14. Both the album and the Doin Time video came out while I was asleep. Wow what a blessing. Today may be the best day of the year
  15. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    If both these Wheels on the Bus and Orange Juice theories are true I may stan harder than ever oh fuck
  16. I am so grateful for this thread and forum in general because if I was just stanning alone and not involved in any online Lana community I'd be going through all this in private, wondering where the cherry and change music videos are, wondering what happened to the pwyc and west coast homemade videos, wondering if I just imagined her saying all these things. Thank God other people are concerned about it and remember all these little things.
  17. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    I think the new Nurses Office snippet proves that the snippets are almost completely unrepresentative of the songs. The chorus in the trailer sounded soooo good and my second favourite thing I've heard, yet this new snippet sounds right about in the middle of "worst to best" for me. But that just makes me more excited to hear and see everything because I know everything is gonna blow my mind now. Maybe even wheels on the fucking bus
  18. I am pretty happy that the flow of this album actually works, besides Doin Time. But Lana always puts that one pop single on her albums (except for UV) to excite the larger crowds or something. But if I can express one dissappointment it would be that the focus on piano is a little excessive. I don't want to think of this album as "the slow piano album" but we'll see.
  19. I am.. actually fine with this production tbh. The piano throughout the album sorta drones on enough to call it boring so this is honestly refreshing to have something that's closer to Cinnamon in production. The snippet didn't do it justice.
  20. Trailer looks alright. I'm pretty keen to watch it already. I just need something else to invest my thoughts in. I really hope Cody has enjoyed this character. He's so precious and I just want him to have fun and be challenged in a good way.
  21. I do kinda wish she'd be more open about what she believes in and cares about (although it's ever-changing) cause she seems to only put some hints in songs, and only expand on it slightly when asked. Like, I had NO IDEA HIADT was half about fucked up shit in Hollywood and that it went as deep as to reference it's secrets. But I do wish she'd just stop hinting at things and actually say it. I don't want this to drag on any longer if shit really is that bad. I know it's not her responsibility, but, well, maybe it is.
  22. Oh yeah I remember the interview where lorde said lanas music is shallow because she sings about opulence. That mightve been it in FMWUTTT. Back in 2016 or 17 Halsey was talking about how she wanted to make an album that put the whole "mood/world/aesthetic" a step further and used Born to Die and Arctic Monkeys album as an example of something she wanted to do better (basically) except her result was Hopeless Fountain Kingdom who h honestly did not live up to that at all, nor rival BTD or Arctic Monkeys in the slightest. Anyway, there was that too but a couple of years too late^ Also, I've never really gotten into Lorde, so I can't tell if the broody aesthetic is copying Lana or actually her own. I think they did get big at the same time
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