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Ultra Violet

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Everything posted by Ultra Violet

  1. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    Rewatched the trailer. It does look really good and I still can't wait. Guess I was just hoping for some more-close-to-reality portrayal of school with deep and dark themes. But what was I expecting? She was kidnapped by a wolf, had telekinetic powers and transformed into a demon in Cry Baby. Anyways, I still know for a fact that Drama Club will be the best song on this album.
  2. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    I can't get over "wheels on the bus" It did ruin the trailer tbh
  3. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    So do we reckon Pink Slip is Teacher's Pet or Class Fight?
  4. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    Oof yes, HSS is what I needed to restore my faith The production may be subtle but I have a feeling the final chorus of this one will be epic. Lmao, besides Pink Slip and High School Sweethearts, I can see myself being into the snippets at 9 or 10 years old I would have sold my little soul for boring fake-deep rhymes like that
  5. She would lie answering 30% of the questions tho
  6. Happy 2nd birthday Lust for Life! It was yesterday 2 years ago that I was on a winter road trip with my dad, coming back from Melbourne. I had no reception and was so anxious that I wouldn't be able to hear the album until 2 days after it's release when we got home. The snippets had gone around while I was in Melbourne and I remember walking to a really nice park with beautiful pine trees and rabbit burrows near my grandparents house to listen to them and I was so intrigued and excited! Luckily, when we were driving back, the night of the 20th it was raining so we stayed at a hotel in an outback town instead of camping. Someone posted picosong links to the songs as they all leaked that night and I had enough reception to download them all. I listened to them all but I was so tired, I couldn't comprehend them but they made me happy. The next day, early on the road, I listened to the album non stop. All the songs intrigued me as expected, made me feel relaxed and happy and excited for the future. I guess that was the goal of the whole album, being for Lana's fans, so it definitely had the right effect on me. As time went on, I did trash the album occasionally, just because I began to see them from the perspective of 'how strong are they compared to her other songs' instead of appreciating them as they were, with the intentions she had. I still love the album completely. Because I first heard it while on the road, it will always be a 'camping, driving, reflection while away from the world' album to me. And that's one of my favourite things in life.
  7. Why is Burning Desire not on Spotify? Is it because it's owned by Jaguar? I just dno, that song is spectacular. It was the first song of hers that I got to experience the release for.
  8. Ultra Violet


    I think she's let go more and more with each album. Every song on Goddess feels light compared to The Altar, like she was trying to tame herself down to fit what others (well, whichever guy/s she was singing about) wanted from her and had conditioned her to be like. But the whole thing feels magical. The production actually does flow from song to song which makes the whole album feel like a mood. From The Altar to III, I can clearly see her growth and how much she has evolved within herself.
  9. Ultra Violet


    I've listened to this so many times already. I love all of them except Gemini Feed tbh. That version of Gimme is great. I just prefer Gemini Feed in all its epicness. Like of it was done on piano like the first 10 seconds of the song.
  10. Ultra Violet


    Change my mind: Realiti (Demo) is currently the highlight of her discography.
  11. Nobody asked but I just remembered that for the whole first year of listening to Marina (basically all of 2013) I thought her name was Mariana, like the Mariana Trench. And when this guy (gay ofc lol <3) at my school saying he had Primadonna by Marina and the Diamonds stuck in his head, I was like "don't you mean Mariana?" And he's like "wtf are you talking about".
  12. Will you end up doing a Charlie's Angels one? <3
  13. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    I was a fan since dollhouse, but bc i didnt keep up with album news or anything before cry baby, i never heard which specific snippets she chose D; is this them? https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRze9PibjR27pHtfaRCzQ3NauzxoM8Jw2
  14. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    The lyrics aren't doing much for me. Sounds like she put very little effort into their meaning and just wanted it all to rhyme. Instrumentals sounds like free YouTube background music, besides pink slip Meh Could have been deeper than this. Hate to say it but some people are just straight up bullies, not under control by anyone.
  15. The video for IFILWTD in beautiful! The part where she's holding up the huge cross seems a little too literal and corny but the aesthetic is pretty much the best she's done, alongside Alice and the vintage footage of Nobody's Home. I really want someone to Photoshop this photo with Lana's face tho https://66.media.tumblr.com/96297e3199fa3836010f30d8001a41e4/1017a30b0f14961d-9c/s1280x1920/1012cb5682a436dbe627d7c5f5322ad2e0121d72.jpg
  16. Ultra Violet


    I definitely agree with 1. The vocals. I think it's gotten worse with each album. with many songs on The Altar, I had to either look the lyrics up myself or just listen to it over and over and then one day 1-2 years after the album release the lyrics were finally realised in my head. But I really want to understand this album so Im gonna have to look them all up. And also with 2. I agree. Despite listening to the album 4 times through, I cannot even tell you what Sawzall, Alaska, Hawaiian Mazes, the first half of Water, and What About Love sound like, cause I forget. Meanwhile the other songs are up there in my favourites because they really leave an impact. But I probably could have said similar things about Goddess and The Altar. There were a few songs on each that escaped my attention for years but that I now really appreciate.
  17. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    I like the bridge freestyle vocals. And the last verse kinda sounds more epic and desperate that the final. But yeah, Im not fussed to listen to this again.
  18. I just revisited these videos that I made in 2014, a few days after the album's release. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLd97MXmhl8 I'm especially happy with 2:40 onwards for this one (Ultraviolence) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0aMXSXqvb9I And this one (Old Money) from 3:30 onwards It recycles a lot of the clips used in my UV one, earlier in the video, but it was kind of done on purpose as I was still experimenting with making clips match up with the music. Some look better with UV, some better with Old Money. I made these as a distraction from my hypomania while i was hiding away in my bedroom. These were the two songs I instantly connected with from the album so making these was really the best therapy at the time. I still can't believe it's been half a decade
  19. Ultra Violet


    Omg heard contaminated on the radjo
  20. Ohhh yes this is definitely the album for that. But for me it's kind of nostalgic flashbacks to the worst year of my life, and that's why it stands out so much, but this album got me through it Cause this album was black & white aesthetic, it makes me think of that whole year in black and white, both visually and metaphorically
  21. Ultra Violet


    Ok this album really does have my favourite songs, Contaminated. And also The Fall and Stroke. These are really my exact opinions except I think Sawzall needs to grow on me too
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