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Everything posted by partymonster

  1. every time i try to watch this i get bored
  2. she's cute but she's just not as far as i could get
  3. i’ve been listening to HBHBHB so much recently and i have 2 things to say 1) make up your mind is genuinely one of her best songs, i didn’t realise until now how good it was 2) as far as i could get deserved to be on the standard album version, but it could’ve at least made the deluxe version. vinyl exclusive? an insult. she really added that snoozefest caught but not this... ok miss welch
  4. i know marvel fans are mad at the ending or something (?) but the writers should be proud because this was the first time ive ever taken an interest in marvel and i know it’s the same for other people too
  5. partymonster


    cue the "bUt yOu'rE on A fANsiTE!!!!!"
  6. didn’t she say there was gonna be a disclaimer for that but someone who watched it said there wasn’t? i’m confused why she isn’t doing more damage control tbh
  7. so that lq thumbnail on on d**** must’ve been real
  8. the way she claimed to have done extensive research but worked with autism speaks. you can find out with one search how problematic autism speaks is i personally find the sleepovers and cuddling stuff weird but that just must be me... edit: she didn’t work with autism speaks but they supported the movie in some kind of way? so yea, still bad.
  9. can someone recommend songs where her own identity shines through or should i just listen to the whole album? i know she pulled lana and tame impala as inspirations but i listened to blue and it just sounded like a parody of lana, no offence. i like madison i just wanna hear her own sound instead of the whole album sounding like a tribute act
  10. i was listening to gaga's cover of it and the thought came to me. they're obviously very different singers with unique abilities but i just noticed gaga had more emotion, sorry lanz
  11. idk if this is unpopular but i hate don't let me be misunderstood so much. she just sounds so dead inside
  12. partymonster

    Azealia Banks

    The comment which I saw her transphobic reply to is pinned underneath her post and it simply said “doesn’t work like that”, so I’m obviously not referring to the malicious comments she gets on the daily anyway? I made it clear in the beginning that I was only talking about people who were saying that it’s not possible to become Jewish like that. You said she wouldn’t be lashing out if people didn’t say anything to her (all the ones I saw were only saying that judaism doesn’t work that way), so I’m sorry that I see that as you defending her...? I don’t think that defending and agreeing with someone is the same thing, and I’ve said multiple times that I don’t think you’re transphobic, but if you don’t see it that way then I can’t do anything about that. I’m not scared to @ someone on lanaboards, I came here to post my 2 cents and dip. I didn’t care for you seeing it or not, I didn’t know if you checked the thread every 5 minutes or whatever. I wasn’t sitting there shaking in my boots thinking user Hundred Dollar Bill will definitely see this. I wrote one or two sentences about people defending- oop- happy for Azealia, the rest was about Azealia herself, then I left... that’s literally it. I’m bored. You were only happy for Azealia, I think you were oversimplifying her rant, you’re immune to AB tantrums blah blah blah it was nice chatting
  13. partymonster

    Azealia Banks

    I didn’t come into the thread looking for a fight, hence why I didn’t mention you, so I’m not sure what this “narrative” is when you were the one who wanted me to @ you. What I was trying to say is that this —> “sure she was rude in the comments but it was generally her responding to ppl telling her she can’t be Jewish ........ I’m not condoning anything she said, but she wouldn’t lash out like that if people would just let her be happy & not say ugly things to her from the jump “ rubbed me the wrong way because I found it dismissive to describe her transphobia as just “rude”, and I’m sure you can see how I interpreted it in that way. I also said that the Judaism comments weren’t malicious, so for you to describe her transphobia as her simply “lashing out” against haters also seemed dismissive and I think that’s valid. I never said you can’t enjoy her music without agreeing with her, I literally enjoy her music myself. I also never said you agreed with her. Nowhere did I say that you were transphobic, but yes, I’m the one twisting words. Edit: just to clarify, this had nothing to do with you wishing Azealia well.
  14. partymonster

    Azealia Banks

    @Hundred Dollar BiII First of all, you brushed off her transphobia as “rude comments” which was very weird to me. Second of all, I’m not expecting Azealia to miraculously change but I do expect better of people on LB to not tiptoe around Azealia’s transphobia, and just blatantly being in the wrong, just because you like her music. The point people in the comments were making was that Azealia’s not Jewish just because she’s marrying a Jewish man. Her response was transphobia, and you somehow shifted the blame onto the commenters... anyways.
  15. partymonster

    Azealia Banks

    Some people doing the most on here to defend an unprovoked transphobic rant, yet again. People said she isn’t Jewish because it’s not as easy as say, converting to Islam by saying a few words and signing a paper, it’s a lengthy process. Really don’t think anyone in the comments was being malicious about her caption... and her randomly bringing up trans ppl all the fucking time is so obsessive and pathetic.
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