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Everything posted by Madrigal

  1. Ha1! cuz B3lll Ayur awlreddi3 haz a purf3ct v1d30!!!!!!
  2. I would make a "mean" post here, but I think I'll refrain 5 now. I should probably listen to it before I lament the state in which it rests.
  3. "Queen of the Gas Station" minus 1. "Smarty" plus 1.
  4. Madrigal

    Lady Gaga

    Lol but am VVVVVVV inφluenced by 3v3rEthing!
  5. I haven't listened to it all yet, but from what I've heard, not really. <!3 ;____;
  6. Perhaps I should explain myself. I'm just disappointed x 100 by "Paradise," but my love for Lana hasn't suffered. I have let my frustration over this 'product' cloud my true admiration for Lizzy's dream.
  7. W8, who? I'm h3r3 5 L1zzi3 Gr4nt.
  8. BLECHHHHHHHHHH. I've only listened to a few songs from it, and honestly...a single would just be adding insult to injury. X(
  9. National Anthem 45 Carmen 125 Million Dollar Man 65
  10. National Anthem 50 Carmen 120 Million Dollar Man 65 -_- Seriously, guys? I leave for just a few days, and you keep "$$$$$$MAN????" Ugh. I'm disgusted with yew, T-B-H.
  11. "I Knew You Were Trouble" by Tay-Tay Swift
  12. Madrigal

    Charli XCX

    Is it just me, or does this look nothing like her?
  13. "Methaphetamines Pt. 2," anyone? Dangit, I can never spell that. -_-
  14. Madrigal

    Charli XCX

    It's worth a listen, and I'm sure it will grow on me. "Heatwave" is easily as good as "Grins--" it's like a tropical sex song. :3 I definitely agree about the quality of the mixtape tracks...with few exceptions, it really feels like she was just playing around for the most part. But stellar tracks like "Stay Away" and "Lock You Up" make up for it, or at least they will when she finally releases her (second) debut. From what I've seen, the tracklisting could go something like.... Black Roses Take My Hand You You're the One Feel My Pain Lock You Up Stay Away Nuclear Seasons Interior With the two songs that will (finally!) be released on the 'Elfie Hopkins' soundtrack, and then "Mess" [which honestly doesn't fit anywhere-bizarre track!], we almost have an album already! I hope she does another Valentines giveaway. I'm dying inside for either version of "Jungle!!!!" </3
  15. Madrigal

    Charli XCX

    Thoughts on Super Ultra: 'Cloud Aura' - Brooke is definitely the star here, and it's definitely grown on me a ton since I first heard it. 'Moments in Love' - Some of Charli's flow here reminds me of Lana's on the A$AP collab. I like it, but it's such a nothing song. 'Velvet Dreaming' - Ewwww? I don't like the intro...wait. It's actually getting better. Kinda. Just another mediocre experiment track. Honestly, if she doesn't mind releasing these songs, why does she mind her old music getting out so much?! 'Dance 4 U' - Ignoring the mildly annoying loooped sample, I like it! OH! Haha...the Bieber reference is certainly amuzing. 'Glow' - Ooh, trippy. 'Heatwave' - Gahh! Finally, a real Charli track. :3 I really like it. Her vocals fit the music perfectly...voice smooth like syrup, and almost slutty. o_O *Skips the remix* "Forgiveness" - Not what I was expecting!!!! A ballad, on here? I love the idea. The song itself isn't an immediate favourite, but it's definitely of a higher calliber than several of the other tracks here.
  16. Madrigal

    Charli XCX

    Start with "Stay Away!" "You're The One" is great too, and, if you want, I can help you out with anything else. YESSSSSSSSSSSS!
  17. Madrigal

    Jealous Girl

    The bridge is great.
  18. Madrigal

    Charli XCX

    She hasn't had a leak...yet. "Valentine" was up on MySpace in '08-'09, but was taken down and went "missing" until Charli reported it as a free Valentines Day download on her SoundCloud in February. "I'll Never Know" is a promo song she did for...Red Bull? I don't remember, but it's another SoundCloud thingy. And all the old songs we have are either from Bebo or from people who saved them....hopefully there will be more soon.
  19. I know! Usually, it's nothing, or I can catch the tail end of a conversation just long enough to be all "So, like, he says X and she says Y? Really? Okay, TY!" It works as long as there's someone else 'dumber' in the class, who would've asked the question anyway. I learn like that...anything involving droning I am not a fan of. If I get the right teacher for something like Biology, who lets me raise my hand and ask all sorts of totally irrelevant stuff about some sidenote given about a subject, it's fine, but nothing where it's just notes + notes with no discussion. Yeah, exactly like knowing hows and whys! :3 When I do my combined Literature-History-Theology-English class, I get to discuss my thoughts/ideas on a subject with my class, and it makes the information so much more retainable. Believe me, I could not pass a class on the Federalist Papers unless I had people to talk about it with. Oddly enough, diversions in a given class often help me remember the material even more. In Logic, I had this one teacher who hated me but that talked about Psychology all the time, and it made the class much more bearable than it would have been without her 'insight.' YES! I live right near a Petland, a PetSmart, and a PetCo. We can go look at cats, and bring one back with us for the trampoline! I really want an old fat girl cat for some reason, and I want to call her something like "Jane" or "Martha Meow-Meow." :3 And you can meet the two youngest, but the older one (who's still younger than me) is a mess who only cares about Video Games. ;_; It almost seems like he's a walking satire--everything I'm not.
  20. FINE. Yeah, I totally agree about paying attention. Often, I have to pay attention because I'm terrified that if I don't, I won't fully be able to understand the material. In my Rhetoric class, for example, when I go over Plato's dialogues, it's all I can do to stay engaged when I'm about to drift off into my dream-world of Charli + coming to Canada to meet you ( ). All in all, though, I do love learning, but in some areas moreso than others. Sophie's World, that Philosophy novel I just mentioned, has me completely enraptured in studying pre and post-Platonic thought, but I'm sure to some (maybe even most) people, it would be quite dry. I would love to fool around with you sometime after school. This is totally weird, but in a completely non-sexual way, I would love to jump on my trampoline with you! :3 Oh crap what did I just even say!!!! College students don't have time to jump on trampolines. How many people do I even know who still jump on their trampolines at my age? I'm so weird.
  21. It was towards the FM's end...I didn't want to believe you when you said it at first, but the revelation became my own shortly after. I know, but it takes the appreciation of flaws to truly make a fan. And yes, BTD is, overall, a great album, but anyone who blindly sings its praises with acknowledging its flaws isn't truly understanding it.
  22. Oooh...I'm terrible at that when I'm with people I like/want to bother. :/ I have issues regarding either making fun of (to myself) 'foolish' peers or other things that I decide strike me as entertaining during class. But as long as I'm not distracting myself with something worthwhile, I am the most diligent pupil ever. :3
  23. Aw........I wish we could do classes together! When I start Plato's Republic in a few weeks, I'm gonna need all the help I can get. :3
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