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Everything posted by Madrigal

  1. Look at all the downloads. Someone downloaded them....I think they'll pop up somewhere eventually. Maybe Nefarious Bovine will make a return appearance?
  2. There was something very special about the fm. And I'm not talking about the leaks, deer. Yes, I definitely agree that what Jldr, Calendar Girl, and Jesse originally started out trying to do was, in every sense of the word, noble. Say whatever you will about ulterior motives (and yes, Alex, Jesse and I weren't friends either) and 'greed--' these three were special people. I myself can personally vouch for the generosity of CG. She has done so much for other people, and not just for Lana...I'm sad she left, but seriously, after all she's done, it needs awhile to sink in. For reasons that are neither here nor there, I believe she is definitely alright, but I haven't had anything conclusive, so we'll just have to have faith that she left by choice. Can we really blame her? jesse is fine. i can vouch for his fine-ness, and i think he will continue to be fine for a long time to come. Also, seeing as the other two are effectively disinterested in Lana from this fashion, I believe it was Jldr who returned for that brief stint in September to leak "Fake Diamond." Thus, it's safe to say he's alright as well--no one is behind bars. But yes, as Maru mentioned, the disparity between us and the administration on the old forum was often very frustrating. Knowing that we were at the same time so close and so far to the source of virtually every song was sometimes overwhelming, and jesse especially did nothing to help ease the tension. So yes, I understand and emphasize with the feeling of being 'over' the old forum. It became something it wasn't supposed to be, and I'm sure the administration felt that it had. It's a very important and special chapter in Lana Fan History, but for now at least it's only appropriate that it has ended. Kudos to you, Lana Boards, and may your reign be long and prosperous.
  3. I love hearing her smile...in the middle-8 of "Backfire" and "Summer of Sam" specifically. :3
  4. Also, I wonder if "White Pontiac Heaven" is from one of these. No.
  5. My understanding is two, and with your edit, three.
  6. She LOLZ all over space in her quest to truly erase the person formerly known as "Lyzzi," cursed by her name.
  7. It will be exactly the same.
  8. Madrigal

    Charli XCX

    This person has uploaded some old hard-to-find demos, and they're all downloadable...hopefully they'll be adding more soon. http://soundcloud.co...-made-in-heaven
  9. "Jessica" by Regina Spektor :troll: :troll:
  10. Did she say so for the deluxe edition? It's at very least 2011, possibly from the same serious Rick did the two/three other songs from this period. Definitely post-concept, and I think it sounds like a "new" song.
  11. Be that way. And no, it wasn't Jesse...he didn't really leak anything. Well, he did share the "Blue Jeans" with the string intro, and from him we have a version of "Heavy Hitter," but I don't think anything else came explicitly from him.
  12. Please. We have no idea, so no making assumptions, 'Kay? ;P
  13. F I N E B U T A L B U M T H R E E W I L L R O C K O U R W O R L D S
  14. Yeah...she has several times over.
  15. Finally someone voted for poor little "Smarty."
  16. Me and Maru are still holding on to "Raise Me Up." :3
  17. Madrigal

    Charli XCX

    Some, but not necessarily all...for some reason, they aren't all on YouTube yet. If you are missing any, just send me a PM and I'll give you what I have. She's my favourite now (Sorry, Lana & Sky!), so I'll do whatever I can to help a fellow fan. New song titles: "Interior," "Black Roses," and "Take My Hand." I hope these are on the album, or at least the mixtape!!!!!!!!!!!! Ariel is an incredible producer. :3
  18. I went to this camp in Cali, up near Yosemite, and I would just start singing "Video Games" or "National Anthem" and PEOPLE ACTUALLY KNEW what I was singing. I didn't even have to start it off every time, which in and of itself was incredible. :3 And I now do this thing at school where I flex my philtrum and make my upper lip puff out, and I lisp and pretend to be Lana, as in the character Miss Grant has made for herself. It is lots of fun, but it's REALLY distracting.
  19. A: "You're just not my kind of person, and the vibes you give me make me not want to continue this interview." Q: How do you feel about insects? You seem quite the entomologist.
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