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Everything posted by Madrigal

  1. This is so sad. I've never like him, but this just makes me more sure of my loathing.
  2. Madrigal

    Charli XCX

    Good idea!!! I can't wait. I haven't been this excited for an album since I was for Electra Heart, and that was a disappointment. :/ But Charli is too cool for that to happen. Did you know she has an entire missing record from when she was 14?! And that she's as good as Lana about destroying her past?
  3. What? Things are 'submitted?' O _ O In my naivete, I always thought they looked at all the music released in any given period. #welcometotherealworld
  4. It's so hard to make an assumption linking a whole verse to just four words at the opening of another song.... But I'm desparate at this point.
  5. Madrigal

    Charli XCX

    YES! YES! YES! The performances of "Feel My Pain" and "Lock You Up" are just superb. :3
  6. I love 'Match Made in Heaven' too! O_O So happy I am not alone.
  7. Except that "Off to the Races" was written in Spring 2010.
  8. So....we've all heard 'Delicious' and recognized its utter awfulness, right? And back in February, we all heard the atrocity (to some) that is 'Match Made in Heaven,' right? Well, I have done lots of listening to these two tracks, and I have a proposition to make: The slightly menacing voice at the beginning of 'Match Made in Heaven' is the same as the rapper in 'Delicious.' What do you guys think? Too far fetched? Irrational? Desparate? O _ O
  9. I expect her to win in every category, beating every record. In fact, she will be nominated more than once in most categories.
  10. Madrigal

    Boarding School

    Eh, he's not too helpful. It seemed like he could barely even understand me.
  11. Madrigal

    Ghetto Baby

    Try "Been pumping gas" instead.
  12. Everytime I think the Lyrics section is done, I am proven wrong again. Kudoz 2 U, SitarHero!
  13. Remember your 'Bonnie and Kevin' explanation for the lyrics in 'Diet Mountain Dew?' Hahaha.
  14. I had glue on my eyelids, and the reaction between my irises and the adhesive caused me permanent blindness. NOTHING CAN UNDO IT. N O T H I N G
  15. Honestly, I don't think in her present state she is truly beautiful. Am I alone in thinking this? She looks so effected, and the overall aurora she gives off these days is very stuffy and even forced. I fell for Lana because of the music, and though her aesthetic is certainly interesting, it is of secondary or even tertiary concern when I consider my position as a fan.
  16. I know. Edit: I told him to leak them again.
  17. "Sad Dream" by Sky Ferreira. It would be perfect.
  18. Lol my life is a blast all I do is eat sea urchins with my bright green teeth YUM YUM YUM
  19. PLEASE don't even suggest she WAS EVER interested in Bradley. He looks like a gutter haunt.
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