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Everything posted by Madrigal

  1. Kill Kill 18 Queen Of The Gas Station 19 Oh Say Can You See 10 Gramma (Blue Ribbon Sparkler Trailer Heaven) 16 For K Part 2 15 Jump 15 Mermaid Motel 18 Raise Me Up (Mississippi South) 15 Pawn Shop Blues 14 Brite Lites 8 Put Me In A Movie 14 Smarty 11 Yayo 22
  2. Kill Kill 17 Queen Of The Gas Station 19 Oh Say Can You See 11 Gramma (Blue Ribbon Sparkler Trailer Heaven) 16 For K Part 2 15 Jump 15 Mermaid Motel 18 Raise Me Up (Mississippi South) 15 Pawn Shop Blues 15 Brite Lites 8 Put Me In A Movie 15 Smarty 9 Yayo 22
  3. Yeah! Her entire debut is really impressive, but I especially love "Velvet Elvis," "Host," "The Fold," and "Sister Wife." She's just so sweet...I think I'll go listen to King Con again. :3
  4. Aw, thanks! :3 I listen to alot of random stuff, but I've really fallen for Alex lately. I like her insanely high "doll" voice, even though I can understand why people might call it annoying.
  5. 'Locomotive' by Alex Winston. Seriously, it feels like she's the only person I'm really even listening to lately.
  6. Born to Die 22 Off To The Races 19 Blue Jeans 17 Video Games 13 National Anthem 26 Carmen 25 Million Dollar Man 32 Summertime Sadness 20 This Is What Makes us Girls 18 Without You 31
  7. 'Would You Still be Mine' by Alex Winston
  8. I feel like my knowledge of Milton's Paradise Lost might come in useful here, but I think this is definitely going over my head. O _ O
  9. DON'T TAKE THE NAME OF CALENDARGIRL IN VAIN. If you recall, she didn't even have Sirens before (I assume) it was given to her. Some names are, but not all of them.
  10. Also, of course none of the titles are registered! It's not a label release.
  11. And Dave is at least old enough to be her dad...lol
  12. Nertz you! @(_ )@(_) I feel so free all of a sudden! :3 [Namez removed for privacy]
  13. Totezes. I'm fairly certain she has music video nights, where she sits alone in her trailer and goes on a music video marathon, just watching herself dance around in tune to all her old songs.
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