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Everything posted by Creyk

  1. I am so happy. A long album is literally all I wanted from her. Can the deluxe be 21? It doesn't even matter if it isn't, it's already long enough. You are so good to us queen mother
  2. Even though she has no vocals, this is still sucha good performance I love the added instrumental dying car sound
  3. I just realized this might be her first performance in years where she didn't do Born To Die
  4. She secretly enjoys being late and teasing us like this....SMH
  5. I had the odd feeling she would start with a new song She did it with Body Electric too If only this song was as majestic, robotic, distant and perfect in the studio version
  6. It's happening My whole life was leading up to this moment
  7. I'm so excited for a hq recording of Love She sings it better live than in the studio version
  8. mayb she is doing Diet Mountain Dew, who knows
  9. Maybe she likes putting them together, like inspiration hits her. But then she doesn't want to deal with others opinions of it so she just keeps it for herself.
  10. She actually keeps doing those things. Like we know, back in the day she made a homemade MV for Pretty When You Cry. She just never released it. She didn't want us to get the Honeymoon Music Video either, someone just randomly took it.
  11. Creyk


    This is so cool thanks a lot for this
  12. Why would you guys even think it's coming on Friday? That polish or whatever it was magazine made it clear it's coming next month, not now
  13. What a stunning video. So different for her. I like that she didn't kiss the weekend, they kept it friendly. Rewatching 10 times
  14. Here is the most that can be brought out from the current Cherry recording we have http://picosong.com/MDmP
  15. Sadly, there is no salvaging these recordings. The crowd was fucking obnoxious, they were screaming over her vocals a LOT. That can not be removed without chopping up the song. We will get these 3 songs in HQ with her upcoming radio performance though, I think it's best we just wait for those
  16. I am sure they are counted as new because they are from the new album. So Love, Lust for life and another
  17. Creyk

    Katy Perry

    I wish she would do better choruses on her songs. Bon Appetit and Swish are too "chill" or I don't know, there is no kick or explosive production. Like last friday night or hot n cold. I wish she went back to that
  18. “When the world was at war we kept dancing.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzU9OrZlKb8 Aw she finally wrote a song inspired by Britney. It was time!
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