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Everything posted by Creyk

  1. The song should be about how the glamorous star life is not the way she imagined it to be, even though she is living what she has always wanted. She even said in one of her recent interviews, that she wanted to be a touring musician and now that it is happening, it feels different than what she thought it would feel like. Don't forget: Queen of Disaster = Super happy song Is this happiness = Super sad song
  2. Your taste does not make the type of music you prefer superior. If that were the case, a bunch of people would think that rap is the best there is. Even the thought.... Anyway, it's about the intent of listening to music. For most people it's to dance and have fun, that is why fast music is what they want to hear. For other people, they like to feel the music and be with it, for that Lana's music is better. It really shows when you look at concert footages, the crowd stands in awe and sings along sometimes, while at a Kesha concert they go crazy, jump, dance scream, it's a huge party. The reason why they listen to music is different
  3. BB sounds very elusive I love it It just sounds like the kinds of song you would get high to while it's raining outside...or is that her whole discography
  4. Could Jim be Jim Morrison? Referencing Gods and Monsters? Living like Jim Morrison....who died of overdose...and someone commented that this song is about an overdose...would make sense, when you listen from the perspective of the song being about drug use, it's really dark and interesting
  5. Don't forget about these iconic WC lyrics though I can see my baby swinging His parliament is on fire when his hands are up On the balcony and I'm singing Ooh baby, ooh baby, I'm in love
  6. I think Katy's 90 second samplers came out like 5 days before the album release...something like that
  7. Hmm, interesting I decided to play them non-stop until the end of time and for a million years Gives me SO MUCH life y'all!!
  8. I was thinking how SOC, and specially Ultraviolence, do have a spiritual vibe. It's so cool how those early descriptions fit her music Well, except for the Unlistenable part, because I have had these songs on repeat for a while now and... We can't stooop, we won't stoopp Do notice how her T-Shirt is a West Coast hint, Miley Knew it all along you guys!
  9. It would be okay even if we only got 10 songs boo I'm in love with Ultraviolence, I have done everything I can....
  10. Do you mean an ethereal song like LO and Bel Air? That would be so cool, no one but Lana does those and they are so interesting
  11. Our fanbase has the best problems They leaked too many songs of our fave! Our fave is giving us too many songs! Horrible
  12. "You said I was the most exotic flower" "He used to call me DN, that stood for deadly nightshade" Think about it, you guys
  13. That line is, but otherwise the song is about getting it on with a married, older man so....I'm not sure
  14. We will only get Barrie-inspired tracks if they break up
  15. This version is very good quality https://soundcloud.com/lanaismofficial/ldr-ultraviolence-live
  16. This is just so great I just know this track is gonna be amazing, I could feel it in my piss all day and I finally know what it meant all along
  17. Reminds me of BB, lyrically And makes me want to swing softly, but for real.
  18. Apparently, it was already translated but where is it?
  19. Don't worry about that, WC had to grow on me but once it did it's been amazing and now I listen several times every day
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