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Everything posted by Creyk

  1. Fantastic! I just KNEW she wouldn't leave music! And it makes sense that she is already working on new stuff. We all know how creative she is. And when you are not off touring all the time, and you love being in the studio (as she said, she likes taking care of the songs) new material just comes. Lovely! Although tbh, I'm not nearly tired of BTD, and Paradise is still so fresh. Still, I love knowing that there is new stuff in the works.
  2. Now that is just horrifying But if things go like that, maybe we'll get a whole book about her relationship with Barry (or better, K) full of intimate little details!
  3. I thought of that too. But then, she wrote: "Will you still love me" Plus, she talked about getting old in one of her early interviews, how she hopes to stay young in spirit always, and keep an open mind. So luckily no.
  4. Her favorite movie is The Godfather She still adores Mr.Campbell
  5. "Don't Cry about it, it's all gonna happen" Most of the lyrics from TIWMUG though, that song is so easy to relate to
  6. She said she doesn't care about her appearance much. She just has people coming with her who always fix her up. So, maybe they are on vacation until March when she is becoming relevant again or something. But I thought she looked beautiful at the Brits.
  7. I couldn't watch it yet....but did she really not perform? No announcement or anything?
  8. Lovely interview^^ And that picture is so cool. And LoL at Gaga was called a Monster. Why not Quasimodo already.
  9. She is by far the prettiest girl in those pictures.
  10. http://globalgrind.com/music/lana-del-rey-working-new-second-album-details Here is the article for those who were wondering
  11. I know right? I'll write a song with photons in it, just for the fun of it. I love accidents like this
  12. OMG it's on my Birthday! I liked her little talk she did when she was presenting an award the at VMA's, so this will be good too!
  13. I actually like Pin Up Galore and sang it to my music teacher.
  14. Well, at least her hair is flawless in this one
  15. That's awesome, I'm sure she'll do great. She is getting used to the attention and is ready to shine live too hopefully
  16. I think she would be more respected if she aced it. Adele did an amazing performance on SNL in the early stages of her career and it really helped her.
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