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Everything posted by Creyk

  1. Do you ever just get tired of being insufferable
  2. I just realized this random upload of Get Free has over 5.5 M views. Most watched non-single from the LFL era? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzP4kQhlPBY
  3. Creyk

    Mazzy Star

    A long time ago I tried to give their music a chance, but I had to realize they only have 1 good song.
  4. She just does those little improvisations before White Mustang because the song is so short. She probaly felt really smart and unique when she made the song weirdly short for the album but then even she was bothered by it once she sang it every night on tour so she added something to it to make it last longer.
  5. Her recent Terrence Loves You performances show she still has the power, she probably just prefers calmer sounds.
  6. Creyk

    Britney Spears

    New album next friday?
  7. Creyk


    Do you think she will release new music this year? I know her era is still going, but it's not actually going that well even though her team is really trying, and I am ready for new music from her
  8. o omg thanks I'll use this to upload Kesha unreleased and pass it off as her upcoming album
  9. remember this will be on the album fats (and clampigirl) The fact that she posted about it twice on Instagram also makes me hopeful she likes it enough to perform it live someday https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJ2CBJPyPpY
  10. OMG She always slays this live Was the crowd behaving while she did that one? Also, surprised she did TLY again tonight, I like that she is slowly warming up to the honeymoon album, and did more songs from that album on this tour than ever before.
  11. Do you think Happiness is a butterfly will be the lead? If yes then we already won because she will put out a better lead single than the atrocious love
  12. Creyk


    You asked for people to listen to your songs so I actually listened to the whole thing and wrote down my honest thoughts about each one. black - too languid, it's just really slow speaking over this ambient noise promises - the part at 1:33 is very pretty, your voice is sounds good in this. I like the music box sounds at 2:20. Feels like it drags on after 3:30 and loses it's energy. What We Had Has Come and Gone - The intro is pretty, I like the instrumental. Best one yet. Mother - You need to improve your vocal delivery, I think this song would sound so much better if you didn't sing in this mumbling kind of way although that might be your style/what you are into IDK Inside You - the piano in the background is really nice Your Night - I like the distant vocals around the minute mark, there it's finally proper vocals not this "mumbling/speaking with my hand in front of my mouth" kind of singing that seems to be on most tracks. This has the best vocal production imo in the second half it sounds great. Fall - I like the part between 50-1:10 the catchiest thing I heard on this album. This "moving side by side" sound that is the part of the instrumental becomes annoying by the time the song gets to the 2:40 mark I wish it would stop at that point. Like it's nice but gets too much. The Waves - "The sand is calling my soul The waves dance to this song The wind blows cold I couldn't care less These strings are meeting the water They're getting along Much better than I do with people" I think these are the best lyrics on the album. You are right the instrumental is similar to 13 beaches a bit at some points. At Last - I like the held note at 2:55 and the part at 4:15 is nice Overall, I think this collection of songs is too slow, like not even Lana sings this slow, but that might just be my taste. I wish you opened your mouth properly when singing and enunciated more, the vocal delivery is so drawn out and slow IMO, again I don't know if it's your style or just something that sort of happened.
  13. Creyk

    Lady Gaga

    http://picosong.com/wCk97IMO this cover is so much better I actually deleted grigio girls from my computer, try it
  14. Y Yes To be fair she already revealed plenty I honestly don't expect anything big
  15. It's a good thing because she said she will put the final touchnes on the new album after this tour is over
  16. From the snippet it sounds like the crowd behaved, I can't wait for a full recording of this Already played it like 10 times
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCVkNabUiNM Legend did THAT She used her throat on the bridge [media] [media]I feel like most of gods and monsters was playback
  18. I'm so happy she did Carmen That song encapsulates everything her best album stands for
  19. Creyk

    Taylor Swift

    She changed the lyric because that is the day on which her relationship with her current boyfriend started
  20. Creyk


    I feel like this came out, but no one cared and now nothing is happening. Do you think she will try to push one of the songs somehow?
  21. Creyk

    Ariana Grande

    Only Girl Disturbia Heavy Metal Lover Bad Romance Walking on Air Hot N Cold I'm just gonna assume you never heard any of these, oh my god
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