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About HollywoodNostalgia

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  1. Wow Sooo, here's my opinion on this one: 01. Video Games (4:50) the intstrumental is different and louder than the original one 02. Blue Jeans (3:30) the same as original 03. Born To Die (4:50) the same as original 04. Off To The Races (5:00) demo version 05. You Can Be The Boss (3:05) original one but LQ 06. Diet Mountain Dew (3:55) original one but much more echo? 07. Put The Radio On (3:40) idk about this one 08. Radio (3:35) this sounds like the slowed version of the original one idk 09. Dark Paradise (4:10) soo this is badsically demo 2 (i got the ice) mixed with the instrumental of the album version 10. Summertime Sadness (4:10) demo 11. Driving In Cars With Boys (4:00) original 12. Hundred Dollar Bill (4:01) 13. National Anthem (3:51) album version 14. Million Dollar Man (3:50) instrumental is different, maybe demo? 15. Lucky Ones (3:50) demo? 16. Live Or Die (3:25) idk about this one 17. This Is What Makes Us Girls (3:52) album version 18. Without You (3:50) instrumental is different, again, maybe demo?
  2. Ugh i sound like a stalker but i really just want pictures of that house, i think its soo gorgeous.. i think we're never going to find it.
  3. So I've been trying to find that location for about 3 yrs now and nothing. I know that it is somewhere in or near Santa Clarita and i just wanna know where is it. That place seems so magical. If you've found it, feel free to share the location!
  4. I just hope she'll put Roses Bloom For You on this album or im gonna sue
  5. Born To Die and Paradise era's were something else... melancholically glamorous and beautiful.. idk but that image that Lana created (the mix of modern and old americana + home footage's) ughh i want that back. Say what you want, those were the best era's YAAAAS FINALLY SOMEONE SAID IT!!!
  6. YAAAAS I WANT ALL THE OLD CAST BACK (taissa, emma, jessica, lilly rabe, gabourey sidibe..)
  7. I wouldn't be surprised if she had surgeries again on her face and now she has to hide bc she's swollen lol
  8. So i noticed that Lana's voice changed from years (which is natural). Buuut, her voice changed from normal to baby voice and back to normal. Examples. INTERVIEW IN 2006: here she had a ''normal'' voice (the one she speaks today with) But, in 2009 she had a baby voice: and also here and then when BTD era started she changed her voice back to normal tone. I just want to know, why has she changed her normal voice to baby voice and then back to normal voice? Was it because of the songs or what?
  9. So i really want to read that book but i dont wanna pay for it lol.. i have found it here http://cetemebal.comunidades.net/lana-del-rey-her-life-in-105-songs-about-love-sex-and-death-epub but i dont know should i download it or not.. im not sure is it some scam or virus or what
  10. I feel like Lana is losing her persona she created with BTD and UV eras... (now she is throwing shades and everything, i liked when she kept everything private) BTD is visually and aesthetically her best era (dont @ me)... She really put all of her ideas and hard work into videos from that era IMO... They were really authentic and aesthetically pleasing AND metaphoric.. But her recent music videos suck. And she really did change part of the indie/alternative music.. She created her own style and everything, but now it seems like she's gravitating towards pop industry..
  11. I think that Lana should go to her btd/paradise and uv style. And therefore, she needs to collaborate with the producers from that albums.. Rick Nowels is a great writer, but is a shitty producer...
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