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Divisive Princess

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Everything posted by Divisive Princess

  1. I am in love with this whole look, but especially the heels. I would for sure wear those. I'm beyond happy that she's making the effort to go to events and look nice.
  2. I wouldn't be surprised if she played a few festivals and then her tour looked like this
  3. I think she took a hit in the HM era just because she ditched having any sort of persona and the music was received as well on a widespread level, but I think she's about to start flourishing again. She's obviously been putting more effort into her looks lately (something we honestly haven't seen since BTD even tho I loved the simplicity of UV) and I think she's gonna make a little comeback. I don't know what lit the fire under her ass, but I'm glad she's been looking cute and going out more. I'm curious to see how this relays over to her music.
  4. I love the hair. It's my favorite part of the whole look. I can really appreciate the 60's influence and I hope she keeps serving looks like this.
  5. I can't get over how good she looked last night. She looked happy and HER AUBURN HAIR WAS BACK and her outfit wasn't amazing but it wasn't trifling either. I literally never thought we would ever get to see the return of the auburn hair again, but here we are. I love when she does things like dye her hair back and sing unreleased songs on tour. Unpredictable queen.
  6. Omg yess I knew it. And if she's doing more than one song, the only one that makes sense to me with what we've seen of the video so far is Religion. I do not want to see Art Deco with cult visuals.
  7. Don't ask me how, but I can tell the video is going to look just like I envisioned it purely based on that millisecond clip
  8. I hope it leaks tomorrow tbh. I don't want to wait until tomorrow night.
  9. As much as I loved the BTD era, it was completely manufactured. She was branded as a vintage fashion icon and we now know that that's not entirely what she's about. I'm not even going to comment on the weight because I think it's irrelevant and I'm tired of people talking about it, but I do think she's dressing more and more how she wants and I can really appreciate that. She's a 30 year old woman and to be mad at her for ditching her put together looks of the past is stupid tbh. She is dressing her age (for the most part; there's been some atrocious outfits) and I'm loving Mature Lana. I think she still cares about fashion to an extent but not so much when she's out and about in the streets. Her Golden Globes look and the V Magazine just go to show that she hasn't completely given up. It's not something I worry about with her.
  10. I couldn't care less about ch*na.pa*ace but I love anything that involves some good sleuthing
  11. I hope there's a monologue and real opportunity for the story to develop. I normally wouldn't get my hopes up for something like this but there is a monologue. Also, I hope she'll at least dress herself decent. I loved what she wore to the Tropico premiere and idk, maybe she'll go all out for this. The fact that she's even having a premiere is getting me really excited about this video. She's not stupid and she wouldn't do that if it were something like the MTWBT video. I also wonder if she scrapped this video for UV because she thought it was better suited for Freak (obv I don't know when she wrote Freak) or thought she could write a different song around it.
  12. I love this cute lil song
  13. I am so excited. I have wanted a video for Freak with those visuals since we got the album teaser.
  14. I believe that Ray is Arthur Lynn. I don't have a ton of evidence to back it up, but in Wayamaya she says 'We changed our names to Lana and Ray'. This line immediately stood out to me, as I had seen this before. It's a blog post that Arthur made while they were dating and it's tagged 'true love' (so cute) and so I'm wondering if they liked those names or if they had any significance to them and that's what inspired the line from Wayamaya and maybe even her stage name, as she was dating him around the time she made the name change. Of course I could be wrong, but with the way the timeline lines up and and the post he made, I feel it's at the very least more than a coincidence. The only thing I can't place my finger on is Raise Me Up, but oh well. If you want to learn more about her relationship with Arthur, this is an awesome read.
  15. For everyone that lives in the US- Barnes and Noble usually carries NME magazine. The only thing is that they don't get them until a couple weeks later and they're not free for us
  16. I just can't stop thinking about how bad this could have been. He is obviously crazy and I could see him holding Lana hostage or something in her own house before killing her (a little graphic, but it's true!). I'm just really glad he never came into contact with her.
  17. He's really good friends with someone I know and apparently he was telling everyone what he was doing before he left. How could you be so careless about a crime (not that he should have done it in the first place)?? Also, apparently he is 'troubled' and has psychological problems. No surprise there.
  18. Omg I live in the same town as him?! Like that's our local news station. I'm freaking out a little, honestly. Lana is never coming here now
  19. I don't see why people are getting so up in arms about this. I don't think many people are going to be getting it for the ~amazing~ sound quality or to be a hipster, but because it's cute and I would consider it a collectible novelty. Say what you want about cassettes, but they really are rare and it's cool when your fave's album is one of the few in production.
  20. I agree. The only thing that makes me sad is that it didn't come with the printed vinyls
  21. Am I the only one that thinks the whole TMZ article about her buying that house to hide out from fans was part of the marketing for the HBTB video? Like they prefaced it by leaking that she bought that house (that isn't her actual house, at least not anymore), and then in the video she's being watched and followed? I feel like it was very strategically done to add to the story that HBTB illustrates.
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