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Everything posted by lauradelxx

  1. So I was watching Nextflix last night and evil comes with strings attached EVIL COMES WITH STRING ATTACHED EVIL COMES WITH STRINGS ATTACHED GUYYYSS
  2. I love Florence and Lana (both have an equal sized poster in my room btw) and I was happy for Lana that she won Best Alternative. Florence fans can give lana a break. Stop fighting over a category, there both good singers and future icons
  3. I mean when people judge Lana there's only so much I can say. If they just say, "Oh I don't like her music, She's annoying" I'm not gonna go bat shit on them. BUT if people sit there and degrade her for no reason and says she has no musical talent, and full of fake production, and they take it to da HNL that's different. I won't get into a fight with somone over it because at the end of the day, that's there opinion. Get over it, build a bridge. I stan for Lana so anything she does I support and all those who judge her can take a chill pill and eat some ice cream.
  4. I like the older version of Yayo. Also I like the live version of Body Electric better than the studio. But that's just me.
  5. I don't know why it's so small. But click on it and you'll see it become ginormous.
  6. Fall down stairs. It would be horrifying to be burned alive. I can't. I'd smell like turkey tbh. wyr sleep in a bed full of spiders or sleep in a bed full of rats
  7. Yeah, Idk why I thought it was Kip. Either way the man is sexy sexiness.
  9. I still can't get over how hot Evan Peters got (Kip) in this season. Like he went from Sleepover---> American Horror Story I'm so proud of him. But I do miss tate & violet though. My soul. I can't, just bring violet back.
  10. See now I thought I was the only one dude, the only one.
  11. My friend tevin asked me if i knew who she was when she first first FIRST came out... I said "yeah she's everywhere. it's kind of annoying"
  12. This is so hard I can't even choose. On Paradise, I like Gods & Monsters though. For BTD it's impossible to pick a favorite tbh
  13. The Ride monologue speaks so much volume to my heart. That's why it's on my tumblr
  14. lauradelxx


    I only know one of their songs, Thank You for the HeartBreak :x
  15. He tells her he is infatuated with her lips. They write a song together
  16. She travels the land high and low when her phone starts to ring
  17. Yes! Bel AIr reminded me of nightmare before christmas though. Guess it's still ghost related.
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