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Everything posted by whitman

  1. Born to Die: Summertime Sadness AKA: Kill Kill Sirens: For K Unreleased: You Can be The Boss Demos: Diet Mtd Dew Collabs: Ridin
  2. whitman

    Song vs. Song

    Hot Hot Hot Lolita (Demo Version) x Hundred Dollar Bill
  3. It also makes sense if she uses some part of body electric ( the poem)
  4. Whitman has a poem called To the Garden of The World - it's one of the poems selected for the chapter Children of ADAM ( which Body electric also makes part) in Leaves of Grass. "TO the garden the world anew ascending, Potent mates, daughters, sons, preluding, The love, the life of their bodies, meaning and being, Curious here behold my resurrection after slumber, The revolving cycles in their wide sweep having brought me again, Amorous, mature, all beautiful to me, all wondrous, My limbs and the quivering fire that ever plays through them, for reasons, most wondrous, Existing I peer and penetrate still, Content with the present, content with the past, By my side or back of me Eve following, Or in front, and I following her just the same."
  5. I think she is gonna get some time for herself after all that happened to her - hype, backlash, two albuns, world tour, leaks and so on. Didn't she say this in that interview? I'm pretty sure is just a break
  6. "can't wait to see you at our premiers for Tropico at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery and in NYC." https://twitter.com/LanaDelRey/status/368824186535292928
  7. Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't think she will go back to this *lolita lost in the hood* sound again. I love Lana gangster too, but her sound is getting more and more darker. I think in this point of her career she is more focused on getting critical acceptance than views on YT, it seems really important to her to be accept rather than get notoriety of big crowds.
  8. I mostly agree with Lorde about how mainstream music glamourize a lifestyle of opulence that is not even close of what people can afford it – and it is very sick to think that people can’t really relate to it but somehow are obsessed with this lifestyle. But I think that Lana has a very different take on this subject. Lana sings as someone who lived a life of opulence but she doesn’t associate this with happiness - she is all about the dark side of the “American dream”. She sings “Everything I want I have: money, notoriety and Rivieras” in a song called Without You and she claims that all this “it means nothing if I can’t have you”. Children of the Bad revolution, Carmen and National Anthem are songs that portray the tragic consequences of a life involved with opulence. Differently of a rapper who manage to sing about how life is fucking amazing now he has a new car, in her songs Lana plays the *miss America* girl who had everything and done it all, she drove the rights cars, wore the right clothes but she not is satisfied and found love in a doomed relationship. So I would not really include Lana as an artist who glamourize money. Like Lorde, mostly people are really confused by Lana because she doesn’t have really a statement about this: for some, lyrics like “money is the reason we exist” makes her a shallow girl and for others she is actually criticizing our society. It seems that nowadays either we are pro or against something, either you are the girl who sings about Hamptons or the girl who makes fun of it, there is no midterm anymore. But Lana is just someone really aware of all aspects of her own life, she doesn’t really have a massage, she is not really trying to change the game, she is just telling her story through music. That’s it.
  9. I like her because somehow she is related with a lot of things that I like - and even in more strange way I can relate somehow with her lyrics. First of all, I am cinephile and completely obsessed with David Lynch ( and it was because a Lynch article that I first heard about her), so when I first watched the first version of Blue Jeans I was completely mesmerized. The footages clips and her songs it was such an amazing mix ( and THAT face and THAT lips) that I couldn't even explain - seriously it was like love for the first time, I spend weeks looking for all the videos she used for VG, Kinda Outta Luck and BJ and reading everything about her. So this cinematic thing - from her persona to the videos - it was what really made me like her. *Lyrically, I think she plays a character in mostly of her songs and I totally could see her like a character out of a Bukowski novel mixed with an Fietzgerald bored teenager. And her whole "Lolita lost in the hood" act it was really interesting, specially as someone who really loves Lolita ( the novel). So for me she was like an personification of these influences ( that maybe don't make sense for anyone else but for me does and that's why her songs sounds so special to me). And finally, Born To Die came out in a very trouble time for me and her songs was the only thing that made me happy those days, I've lost someone I loved and how mostly of her songs are about lost I felt nostalgic listening to them.
  10. http://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/music-festivals/5638122/lollapalooza-2013-nine-inch-nails-queens-of-the-stone-age There is short professional video of her performance in this article
  11. Maybe I'm wrong but I guess that Lana is refering to herself in Black Beauty, not Barry. Like she is the sparrow blue, she's involved with so much beauty in her life right now - she's in a worldwide tour, has an amazing carrear, a boyfriend who cares about her and fame but she can't really see the beauty in it. In some recently interviews she gave me an impression that she is clearly not satisfied with all that happened with her ( and we also have that video in Dublin when she cried while singing Video Games), in one interview in particular I remember she said something like "All I wanted was to be a poet and all I could get is this ( refering to her staff and the fact that she has to stay in hotels and so on)". We all know that the backlash REALLY affected her so I think that this song it is indeed about her and how she is feeling right now not really about an relationship.
  12. Maybe I'm wrong but I guess that Lana is refering to herself in Black Beauty, not Barry. Like she is the sparrow blue, she's involved with so much beauty in her life right now - she's in a worldwide tour, has an amazing carrear, a boyfriend who cares about her and fame but she can't really see the beauty in it. In some recently interviews she gave me an impression that she is clearly not satisfied with all that happened with her ( and we also have that video in Dublin when she cried while singing Video Games), in one interview in particular I remember she said something like "All I wanted was to be a poet and all I could get is this ( refering to her staff and the fact that she has to stay in hotels and so on)". We all know that the backlash REALLY affected her so I think that this song it is indeed about her and how she is feeling right now not really about an relationship.
  13. Maybe I'm wrong but I guess that Lana is refering to herself in Black Beauty, not Barry. Like she is the sparrow blue, she's involved with so much beauty in her life right now - she's in a worldwide tour, has an amazing carrear, a boyfriend who cares about her and fame but she can't really see the beauty in it. In some recently interviews she gave me an impression that she is clearly not satisfied with all that happened with her ( and we also have that video in Dublin when she cried while singing Video Games), in one interview in particular I remember she said something like "All I wanted was to be a poet and all I could get is this ( refering to her staff and the fact that she has to stay in hotels and so on)". We all know that the backlash REALLY affected her so I think that this song it is indeed about her and how she is feeling right now not really about an relationship.
  14. I read an interview with Perry ( the creator of the festival) and he said that Lana was an must-see act because she hasn't been touring in USA and people might be surprised with her performance. And most important, although she is not in the main stage they scheduled her to be the final act of friday, so I'm pretty sure they know how much attention lana would get to the festival ( I mean 14010 people add her to their line-up shedule more than The Cure, Nine Inch Nails and Queens of the Stone Age which are headliners). We can't forget that there is an negotiation and if Lana doesn't want to they can't stream her concert - and I'm pretty sure that's what happened considering that she didn't let any press during her Paradise Tour in Europe.
  15. They will not not stream her concert http://www.lollapalooza.com/news-events/artists/2013/07/30/2013-webcast/
  16. I can't think in something more exotic than a black albino.
  17. In the first photo she's holding an albino snake, maybe Shaun is not Adam but the devil who teases Eve to eat the apple? Or at least he represents temptation? idk I'm excited xD
  18. I've just bought my tickets for Planeta Terra and I'm more excited than I thought I would be. I hope they confirm the RJ concert so then I can attend both
  19. I have to say that AKA is actually my favorite record of Lana so far. It works way better as an whole record than BTD for me. So Kill Kill is the most iconic song so probably it would be the song that it would make her big ( just like VG did for her). Before her album cam out, she would release a promo video for Raise Me Up . Her second official single ( with an BTD video production) it would be Yayo. Then she would just release homevideos for Gramma, Oh Say Can You See me and Trash Magic ( in my Aka version this song it is definitely on it). She would be the pitchfork/hipster darling, not the type of fame that Lana has now.
  20. whitman

    So Legit

    she is a songwritter probably was drunk or really mad when she recorded it like 3 years ago. Like really, who cares. The best of it is that finally lady gaga is gonna leave the "related artists" in Lastfm
  21. I was so sad because I thought all those leaked songs so bad but then I listened to this and then....I regained faith in her again. One of her best songs
  22. Oh, no please...I hope no. God don't let that happen
  23. I've been listening this playlist a lot recently. 1 - Diet Mnt. Dew ( Demo) 2 - Dum Dum 3 - Gramma 4 - Ridin 5 - You Can be The Boss 6 - Trash Magic 7 - Daygo Reflection 8 - Hundred Dollar Bill 9 - Heavy Hitter 10 - Kinda Outta Luck 11 - Off to The Races 12 - Lolita (Demo)
  24. Remember the Bel air description about TROPICO "I lost my reputation, I forgot my truth. But I have my beauty and have my youth". Now that we have these set photos of her as a stripper this phrase makes sense now.
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