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Everything posted by whitman

  1. To be fair: John Wayne, Marilyn and Jesus sounded pretty much like aliens not really Gods while they speak.
  2. Tropico it's just like what she said: it's an surrealistic project, you just need a little imagination to fully enjoy it. I really liked how they used the songs as dialogues to make the story move forward and it really works mostly of the time, but on the other hand I think the poems were kinda unecessary sometimes- because they summarize all what the images represent and since this is supposedly cinema it's completely redudant. It doesn't really bothers me since the themes she works through the movie are not that easy to represent visually, just like she said it was the best she could do.
  3. I can't believe it you are guys are watching! #WaitforTropicoOnVevo ( true is i am at work right now and I can't watch so I'm jealous) But I'm kinda dissapointed with the comments, which could be a good thing because I was TOO excited.
  4. Just saw a picture of the line for the premier and it's crazy. Hopefully this will motivate her to tour in us
  5. Just like Tropico was a random word she used to describe Bel Air video a year ago? I don't think so
  6. I always had an impression that Lana first got this idea of TROPICO and then decided to write the songs to fit the concept. I think ULTRAVIOLENCE it's probably just like that: this concept it's what gonna inspire her songs for the next album ( probably with another name, just like PARADISE).
  7. Edgar Allan Poe and Clockwork orange references....omg too much to handle. Besides that new trailer seems like a Terrence Malick meets David Lynch movie.
  8. I was literally waiting for James Franco to appear any minute screaming "spring breakers foreeeever".
  9. The strip & Los angeles - possibly from Gods & Monsters scenes.
  10. I hope they release a new version of Body Electric in this EP. About the song, I think it might be just a intrumental song or the filme itself.... but who knows maybe Lana is good to us all and decided to release a new song. And I am the only one who thinks that Bradley would be perfect for the role? Not just because he has the "gangster look" more than Shaun but it would give the story that started in Born To Die/Blue Jeans a properly end.
  11. I'm pretty sure that is going to be a premier for Tropico. She said that it was coming in two weeks when her american south tour will be finished and probably she will return to the USA. Also her staff gave some fans in RJ promotional Tropico cards...I mean, why would they have promotional material for a project that is going to be on YT?
  12. Besides the intro that features in the teaser someone on YT posted the lyrics of BE and she said "exactly".
  13. You got the point, it would be great to have a physical copy of aka The weeknd released a compilation a while ago with all his 3 albums that were available for free on the internet and still the album picked #4 at billboard and sold pretty well. In any Lana unreleased video on YT ( even in Summer wine and Chelsea Hotel) there's a lot of comments asking "where i can buy it?" "I don't find on itunes" from casual listeners and etc, so it would make sense to official release her previous work that is already available. Besides that she could increase her setlist.
  14. Before new music, I really think she should release AKA and include some covers like Chelsea Hotel and Summer Wine. Maybe just an Itunes version idk but it's really a waste of money and I still don't understand how Lana hasn't done this yet since she owns the rights.
  15. Lana said that usually she writes the whole album around one world or specific sound. Like In Born To Die she wanted a dark cinematic sound mixed up with heavy hip-hop beats, that's why songs like KOL and DICWB didn't make it for example. So it's right to assume based on her previous works that songs like Hollywood and JFK weren't intended for a new album, because lyrically and *sonically* they're far away from "spiritual and stripped down" ( how she defined her new songs). But again, the only thing we know for sure is BB
  16. From the time they were leaked ( and how), it's assumed that AFFA, Hollywood, JFK, Starry Eyed and Black Beauty were written for the new album. But we're only sure about BB since Lana had already mentioned the song before. But my guess is that Hollywood and JFK were maybe Paradise outtakes because lirically it doesn't even come close to what she described the new sound would be, Hollywood it's really 2011 Lana Del Rey ( that hollywood sound from Hollywood's dead and every man get his wish) and JFK had previously been mentioned at the time we didn't know the tracklist for Paradise.
  17. I don't believe the same person who wrote a line like "elvis is my daddy, marilyn's my mother" said that
  18. John wayne as a god? Is that really happening? Lol omg I need to see this
  19. I hope so...Although it would make sense if it was an extraterrestrial love story since she chose Shaun Ross to star on it.
  20. "On Tropico, the short film the Internet has been buzzing about: "It's Elvira and Jesus and Marilyn and extraterrestrials all in one. Ok, now I'm worried
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