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Everything posted by whitman

  1. Blue Jeans West Coast Summertime Sadness Brooklyn Baby American Ride Off to The Races Born To Die National Anthem
  2. This Pitchfork list is a joke. I love Grimes but Oblivion on number 1? LOL
  3. As I expected the video is all about the aesthetic, for me there isn't really a meaning behind. I remember when the cover of the album came out and everybody seemed so disappointed because it was not what we expected at all, it was so simple for a title like Ultraviolence. Later I read that Neil Krug interview and I finally understood why the chose that picture as a cover - it was a completely the opposite of what we expected to be. Ironically or not she decided to not release a predictable video for Ultraviolence. The real issue it that maybe we want her to be predictable, so the problem might be us not really the video. When this supposed to be a bigger project ( because it's a cinematographic, epic love song song) she gave us something personal. Which is good thing because maybe this song, its lyrics it's more personal than we ever imagined. Also we need to give her some credits for being sensitive enough to not release a video with suggestions of abuse or domestic violence
  4. I like the concept of Lana wearing a wedding dress in some kind of noir movie. It give us that Virgin Suicides look that we all love ( or at least I do). However I'm really concerned the video is all about Lana in a wedding dress doing gifable things and looking sad. Based on the previews there is anything really besides this. Also a lot of people here still didn't get that Lana is no longer interested in being a pop star ( or at least to be considered one). For me UV sounds more a natural progression from Aka, it's like BtD and this "Gangster Nancy Sinatra" sound never happened to her. So it makes sense she's doing this video herself since she's always talking about how things were simpler and this exactly the image she's building this era- no longer the 50's beauty queen, casual looks in her videos and promotional images etc.
  5. Honestly I can't recall an artist who was so brutally attacked by media and humiliated as her in recent years. It's definitely enough to make anyone crazy - especially a sensitive person as her. So yes she sounds extremely paranoid sometimes but yes it's understandable But I agree with @evilentity: the nature of the questions she is often questioned in interviews are definetely provoked by her ( and her work). If you analyze UV you can totally see she got every little bad thing written about her and turned into songs: she was called anti-feminist then she wrote a song about getting hit and loving it, she was accused of being a label puppet then we got FMWUTT and MPG as a response, It's like she really transformed herself into this character that people initially thought she was just to piss and confuse them. A normal artist would probably write about other things after experience such a negative response of their work, but Lana decided to go even further in the dark themes and approach them again and explicitly and now she won't take responsibility of her own decision. It's pretty disrespectful to say things like "I don't want to people to hear it, it's none of their business" to people who actually enjoy her music after writing a song with a line like "he hit and it felt like a kiss". It's easier to say stuff like this than admitting your real motivation.
  6. While I agree with you I can't stop thinking she's much more aware of the aesthetics she's chosen to portray in her music than we imagine. This particular quote it's pretty interesting: "There is a whole new genre that nobody is observing. The American Dream and American Psycho are starting to represent the same thing. Cinema and music and life are starting to merge. Death is art. We've played pop music out. That wholesome dream is dead (...)I'm talking about epic, knocked-down, dragged-out love stories in song. That's what I'm heading towards. I want to destroy lives with my music and to understand the glamour of danger. Without Scarface would there be half the gangsters there are out there now?" For me this quote totally captures her whole persona and what she's trying to achieve in her songs perfectly. It just can't be all that unintentional, you see - or at least that's what I want to believe.
  7. I believe more in the journalist than Lana #sorrynotsorry I love her but she confirmed she said those things to him but he should have "read between the lines" before writing that article. This is a lame excuse for me.
  8. C+ from Hitflix ( 30/40 at Metacritic) ww.hitfix.com/immaculate-noise/review-ultraviolence-by-lana-del-rey
  9. Good review from Billboard and Pitchfork. It always makes me smile seeing that almost any critic couldn't read between the lines and see her satirical lyrics. They focus so much on the "lana del rey character" and forget to read the real songwriter behind all that and her real intentions- or as in Lana's words "They judge me like a picture book/ By the colors like they forgot to read"
  10. Yeah, I noticed that too. They clearly want to cause some buzz with that review to attract more clicks. Disgusting
  11. Ok, that's a good reason for Lana get mad enough to write about Taylor Swift - she stole her ideas and her only friend on the industry.
  12. Not in public. But they're both women in showbusiness, they even already attended the same parties. Maybe Taylor met Lana and acted like "oh, are you that indie girl?" and Lana got mad since she thought her ideas was stolen lmao.
  13. I'm pretty sure it's about TS. Remember that tweet from Jamie King talking about Taylor's video? She was really close to Lana around that time and if she said that on twitter I'm pretty sure she must have talked about it with Lana. She was pretty mad because TS copied Lana.
  14. I read somewhere she already sold more than 300k copies WW only with pre-sales. Anyone knows anything about it? I didn't see any receipt Maybe with the reviews and good press she'll do even better since this is just the inicial prediction
  15. The best reviews so far doesn't count on MC, what a pity
  16. Finally Stereogum admitted they were unfair with her. I mean, they still think BtD was shit ( I don't love it either), but the attacks were so personal, so destructive and slut-shaming. It was definetely not necessary. Now let's pray for the Pitchfork and RS reviews does the same ( but judging by how they write about her, I still think they will trash the album)
  17. Digital Spy 4/5 http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/music/review/a577571/lana-del-rey-ultraviolence-albu m-review-sounds-better-than-giving-up.html
  18. http://www.irishtimes.com/culture/music/album-review-lana-del-rey-s-ultraviolence-1.1828402 Irish Times gave the album 4/5. Idk what you all are complaining, it's such a better reception than BtD so far.
  19. What really shocked me the most was to read she doesn't like this part of her shows? I know it's hard to her to be there but I always had the feeling she genuine love to know her fans and etc, but I guess not.
  20. "Many of the accusations that were leveled at her major-label debut were inaccurat" Funny how they don't mention they published an article about it - an inaccurat article btw. Other than that, really good interview and photos.
  21. First listen: For me it's much more a coherent album than BTD. Like BtD and Paradise, the album has the same "feeling" or "vibe" from the start to finish, but there is no way to compare her vocal delivery in UV, it’s simply phenomenal – even though the lyrics are not really as good as some of her previous work the WAY she sings it’s much more powerful. It’s raw and honest, while I was listening to some songs like Carmen and MDM I felt like listening to a character, but in this album I felt like I can believe in every word she sings. It’s hard to beat individual songs like Off to The Races, Born to Die and Video Games, but UV works way better as a whole album. My favorites: Old Money, Money Power Glory, Florida Kilos, Cruel World, Pretty When I cry and Black Beauty ( and all the other songs previous released); Not really feeling at the moment: Guns and Roses and The Other Woman.
  22. I thought they had a better system...so if anyone report the link they will send me an email? Not really good...
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