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Everything posted by loleetah

  1. it was Mermaid Motel, Serial Killer and Kinda Outta Luck followed shortly after.
  2. I think maybe she's in a better place than she was and she wants us to be too. However I miss the sadcore so much too I really think that melancholy sound is what she's best at
  3. Yesterday this song (album version) came on while I was in the car, and it really hit me how devastating the lyrics are. I guess I've been desensitized to it by listening to it between other tracks from BTD but for some reason I really listened and got choked up. It really captures the feelings you get after a loved one passes away. The bridge, the hook...the feeling of wishing so much you could see and touch someone but knowing the reality, that they're gone and not coming back. Throughout the lyrics she floats the idea of killing herself and it makes those last two lines so much more powerful. I've always wondered if she really lost a lover and this is inspired by those feelings.
  4. I could totally see her in the future retiring making her own music and producing or ghost writing for others like she said in the interview, sad as it seems. It seems like she's getting tires of the bullshit
  5. loleetah

    Song vs. Song

    Video Games vs Serial Killer
  6. Tbh i have a theory that Del Rey could be inspired by Teisco Del Rey guitars, they were really popular guitars from the 60's.
  7. loleetah

    Song vs. Song

    Best American Record vs Fine China
  8. Completely agree, when I was going through a dark period of depression Ultraviolence was the only company I wanted and I truly felt "understood" by the music, like she was a friend who could connect to the way I was feeling. Now that I type that out it sounds so corny haha. But I will always love and be thankful for Lana deciding to share her gift with the world, and knowing that she's writing with us in mind is so nice
  9. If I remember correctly Lana likes going to Yosemite park in California to clear her head and that's where she was in the video she initially posted singing Coachella, she went there feeling anxious about North Korea. So maybe it's about feeling free in nature or something like that
  10. loleetah


    It's not wrong to not care what she does and stan the music, but she rubs a lot of people the wrong way because she lies in the spotlight to make herself seem like this perfect vision of a fuckup drug queen gone wild and comes across as really attention seeking and holier-than-thou. For me personally her shitty personality ruined her music and now I don't want to listen to it (I really liked Badlands when it came out and even went to see her in concert before she started acting dumb) but that's just me!
  11. loleetah


    The way she said it was so smug and I think that's the reason I kinda don't buy it, plus if it did happen you know that she LOVED it and was excited about it bc it means she has another story to tell to win her white feminism points Also I agree about the concept she hyped up this big story and the songs on the album barely fit, there are some songs I don't see how she can stretch to fit the aesthetic like she did with NoN....the attempt at doing it with Strangers fell flat
  12. loleetah


    She's really reaching for that Romeo and Juliet storyline, there was virtually nothing in the album that related to it which makes no sense because she set it up to seem like it was this epic concept album with a plot?
  13. I was convinced that person with the bowl cut was Lady Gaga until I stared up close at the pic
  14. I know the July 12th singles are most likely SB and Cherry but I would love for Lana to give us White Mustang or WTWWAWWKD something fresh, since most of us have heard Cherry in full live
  15. A new hairdo and a facial
  16. Mine is basically the exact same, besides switching MTWBT with Ride
  17. Love is so cute, I think the lyrics are really endearing and the production is cool. 8/10 LFL is kinda bland and I could have gone without The Weeknd feature but its a fun song that I do listen to, 6.5/10 CWIMM....some of the lyrics are nice (but some others are clunky) and I like the melody but that production sis 4/10 Too early to judge Cherry or SB yet, but I'm hoping they'll be above 7s
  18. I don't understand LB's hype for this song, I see so many people list it in their top 10s and say its one of her best songs but I can never listen the whole way through because I think her voice doesn't sound very good
  19. Omfgggg the fake lyrics they put before adding the new ones "crop top girl like the girls at her show" they tried it
  20. "White Lines and Black Beaches" Amazing!! Now I know what I'll change the track name to on iTunes.
  21. I was just trying to see if SB had really come out and this.....this is what I open the thread to
  22. loleetah

    Melanie Martinez

    https://twitter.com/migraineofmel/status/880233195748417536 No way this could be the real Can't Help Falling in Love?? It sounds like her but I feel like it could also not be her
  23. I didn't mean to discredit your account! I'm sorry. I just missed out on the SoundHound origin and was wondering since tweet was the first one to list the date.
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