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  1. celestialjukebox liked a post in a topic by trailerparkdarling- in Memorable Lana Del Rey Quotes   
    "What other people think of me is none of my business"
    "I have a personal ambition to live my life honestly and honour the true love that I've had and also the people I've had around me. I want to stay hopeful, even though I get scared about why we're even alive at all"
    & this is not a quote by her, but it's a quote about her in Vogue UK which reads; "In some ways, the singer couldn't be more like this beautiful, damned town: a gilded place with a dark heart; real yet fake; a paradise from the outside, a prison from within" 
  2. Elina liked a post in a topic by trailerparkdarling- in Memorable Lana Del Rey Quotes   
    While reading 'Portrait of a Lady' for uni this year I came across this quote. Sound familiar?  

  3. Elina liked a post in a topic by trailerparkdarling- in Memorable Lana Del Rey Quotes   
    "What other people think of me is none of my business"
    "I have a personal ambition to live my life honestly and honour the true love that I've had and also the people I've had around me. I want to stay hopeful, even though I get scared about why we're even alive at all"
    & this is not a quote by her, but it's a quote about her in Vogue UK which reads; "In some ways, the singer couldn't be more like this beautiful, damned town: a gilded place with a dark heart; real yet fake; a paradise from the outside, a prison from within" 
  4. Elina liked a post in a topic by trailerparkdarling- in Sirens - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I really love this album and I probably listen to it more than I listen to BTD now. 
    It's so vulnerable and honest and the lyrics are really beautiful. I've always thought her an amazing lyricist, but some of her later song lyrics (mostly in Paradise to be honest) are a bit of a stretch in my opinion, even though I still adore all her songs ("don't treat me rough, treat me really nicies" comes to mind). I also think it's possibly one of the most autobiographical albums she's ever done, 'For K' is one of my absolute favourite songs, and it tells us more about 'K' than any of the later music she made. It obviously touches upon drugs and alcoholism, (Pride, Bad Disease, etc) but in a way that's different from how she addresses it at later points. I just think it's a thoroughly beautiful and telling album. 
  5. trailerparkdarling- liked a post in a topic by ZeroZero in Lana covers V Magazine's Best of the Best Issue   
    I love the UV photos but damn!! The 3 inch hair height, the gloves, the jewellery, the veil, the filters and vibe of it all. This is gold. Haven't had a good photoshoot like this since 2013
  6. trailerparkdarling- liked a post in a topic by wittycatchphrase in Honeymoon - Media Drop Order Directory   
    Yeah the official U.S. store doesn't specify how many lithograph prints but I don't see why the U.S. would get 10 and everyone else 4. I'm getting the box set and I'd rather expect 4 and get 10 rather than expect 10 and get 4.
  7. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by trailerparkdarling- in Memorable Lana Del Rey Quotes   
    While reading 'Portrait of a Lady' for uni this year I came across this quote. Sound familiar?  

  8. Lirazel liked a post in a topic by trailerparkdarling- in Lana's Tattoos.   
    I'm a big fan of Lana's tattoos. Although the 'Nabokov Whitman' one isn't really to my taste, I appreciate that she is probably honouring those who inspire her. I have 3 myself and I understand the need to either give yourself a permanent reminder, or to remember someone, or just any personal reason, really. Tattoos are a weirdly personal thing. Some people can't understand why on earth I'd have got what I've got (the way we don't really know why Lana has all these tattoos on her, although we can make a good guess) written on me, but to me that's the point. It's a personal thing.
  9. comeintomybedroom liked a post in a topic by trailerparkdarling- in Calendar 2013 (1600x2450)   
    My shirt came today and it is luuuuuush. I'm pretty much inseparable from it to be honest.

  10. trailerparkdarling- liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Trash Magic * Madly   
    @@cartoon eyes 

  11. prettydrugs liked a post in a topic by trailerparkdarling- in Lana Del Rey Officially Announces TROPICO, "Coming to a City Near You"   
    Would just like to interject with a comment about how freaking excited I am for Tropico. I feel like it's been ages since we had a new Lana video so I'm beyond excited about this. 
  12. Intriguing Penguin liked a post in a topic by trailerparkdarling- in Lana Del Rey Officially Announces TROPICO, "Coming to a City Near You"   
    Would just like to interject with a comment about how freaking excited I am for Tropico. I feel like it's been ages since we had a new Lana video so I'm beyond excited about this. 
  13. Beemo liked a post in a topic by trailerparkdarling- in Beemo's Covers | Update: Mixtape   
    This is amazing!!
  14. trailerparkdarling- liked a post in a topic by trayertrash in Lana's drug use/trailer park era   
    From my own personal drug battles, I can tell you that just because she did a drug doesn't mean she was addicted to it. I've done every drug out there, I did several of them on a weekly basis, but I was only really addicted to one. People are addicted to the high more than the actual drugs themselves, well in less extreme cases anyway. She may have been addicted to 'yayo', but did meth as a cheaper high, since around the years provided, you could buy a bottle of cough syrup & make meth. That's what, $5 or so bottle vs $20 or so for an ounce of yayo. A bottle could last you a day or two, an ounce could last a few hours, if that. No question about her doing drugs, just the extent of her use. I just think if she was really addicted to meth you'd be able to tell now. I did it for about 4 months recreationally and you can still tell with me... and that was about 3 years ago. I'm just glad that she's clean now. Drugs are a rough road to go down, it breaks my heart hearing of anyone struggling with it.
  15. trailerparkdarling- liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Lana's drug use/trailer park era   
    Because your past defines aspects of you. You can change as a person, quit drugs, stop drinking, and live clean but it doesn't change the fact that at one stage in your life you were an addict. Denying that or pretending like it didn't happen makes it impossible to grow, better yourself and fully recover. Her speculated addiction is a huge theme in her music so it's relevant to talk about.
  16. trailerparkdarling- liked a post in a topic by Beemo in Beemo's Covers | Update: Mixtape   
    Made a mixtape for the last 5 leaks. I also made a cover for it.

    Paradise Lost: The Outtakes
    1. Black Beauty
    2. JFK
    3. Hollywood
    4. Starry Eyed
    5. Angels Forever, Forever Angels
  17. redrose liked a post in a topic by trailerparkdarling- in Lana living in the UK thoughts?   
    I'm pretty sure that not every single British musician was 'inspired' by America. America is unquestionably a wonderful place, but it doesn't detract from the individuality of British artists. A lot of them were probably inspired by things other than America. Please stop suggesting that everything about the UK is directly related to America, because people here can stand on their own two feet and make their own music inspired by a huge variety of things. 
  18. Lad liked a post in a topic by trailerparkdarling- in Miss America + GET DRUNK SESSIONS   
    The EP booklet is absolutely breathtaking! Huge well done, it's beautiful. 
  19. ndizzle4u liked a post in a topic by trailerparkdarling- in Lana Del Rey Reveals Details About "Spiritual" New Album   
    I'm so excited to read this! I thought she was done with music (although I always harbored hope she would change her mind) so I cannot even contain my excitement that there's a new album in the making!!
  20. James19709 liked a post in a topic by trailerparkdarling- in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    This thread is amazing. The kind of analysis going on here rivals what I'm doing for my degree! 
    It's incredibly interesting to read all the different interpretations. I guess one of the lovable things about Lana is that she is so open to interpretation. I have to admit, I find myself dying to be able to answer all the K questions and it's great to read all these theories.
    Lana always did say that alcohol was the first love of her life, and to be honest I think that reflects in a lot of her music. It shows the love affair and the consequences that spiraled from it. It's not hard to make that connection so I love that you guys have pieced together all the other info, it's like reading a novel!
  21. cola liked a post in a topic by trailerparkdarling- in Calendar 2013 (1600x2450)   
    My shirt came today and it is luuuuuush. I'm pretty much inseparable from it to be honest.

  22. lflflflflflflflflflf liked a post in a topic by trailerparkdarling- in Calendar 2013 (1600x2450)   
    My shirt came today and it is luuuuuush. I'm pretty much inseparable from it to be honest.

  23. trailerparkdarling- liked a post in a topic by Divisive Princess in Calendar 2013 (1600x2450)   
    Is there any way I can purchase the boy? (just kidding... not really) But this shirt makes me REALLY wish I had money
  24. SparkleJumpRopeKing liked a post in a topic by trailerparkdarling- in Best LDR Musical Moment   
    I feel like this could well be the longest reply I have ever written because there are so many Lana things I love in so many of her songs.
    - I love pretty much every single lyrics in 'Pawn Shop Blues', but especially the line; In the name of higher consciousness, I let the best man I knew go. It's my favourite song, the tone and the lyrics just match so well, and I must have listened to it a thousand times when I broke up with my boyfriend. 
    - I love the way she sings 'Think I'll miss you forever' is Summertime Sadness
    - The little laugh in Motel 6 when she says 'Baby you can buy me Diet Mountain Dew and we'll get right down to it, me and you'
    - The beginning of Dark Paradise; All my friends tell me I should move on, I'm lying in the ocean singing your song.
    - Body Electric gives me shivers. I don't know what about it does, but it just does.
    - For K makes me want to cry. It's beautiful and sad and I can't control my emotions when I listen to it. Especially the lyrics 'Is this what you wished? Did you wanna die?'
    - The lyrics I know I wanted all this in the beginning, I really tried, I know I caught you at a not so happy time of your life in Junky Pride.
    - The 'ray-ray's' in Raise Me Up, especially those at the end. 
    - The feel of 'Trash Magic'. I don't know how else to explain it. Just the quiet, haunting, simplicity of it. 
    - Video Games. It took me quite a long time to like this song, but now I adore it. I love her ability to turn the simple action of playing video games with someone you love into a song.
    - Yayo. That song just defeats me. Hello heaven, you are a tunnel lined with yellow lights on a dark night. 
  25. SparkleJumpRopeKing liked a post in a topic by trailerparkdarling- in Motel 6   
    I've been looking for the '7-Eleven' part of the lyrics for ages, so I'm really glad I found it!
    I love this song so much, it's definitely one of my very favourites, although for the life of me I couldn't tell you why! I love the way she says 'baby you can buy me Diet Mountain Dew and we'll get right down to it, me and you'. 
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