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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. Deleted User


    I seriously like the song and video (this one less) but she's got to stop over-explaining EVERYTHING she puts out to the world, expecting others to, based on that, appreciate it in a way or another
  2. My life is fucking made. My Life Is FUCKING Made.
  3. Seriously, we are facing a girl (home recording) who covers Lana's songs (recorded and professionally edited in a studio), and people are like "Lana is better" (while this was never even discussed) and some others are all about "I KNO MAH GURL LANA AND NOBODY COMPARES TO HER AND PSHAW THIS GURL DOESN'T SOUND THE LEAST LIKE HER". She seriously does.
  4. Eyes closed and nothing said, if I listen to her, it's Lana. I seriously, seriously can't get over how identical they sound...
  5. The only two songs I like from the album are Blue And Happy. And Savages is growing on me because of the lyrics.
  6. Now. Soko was super different some years back when she was all hyped because one shitty skins-esque song "I'll Kill Her"
  7. Man, don't post that site.
  8. The Lana statement has been removed from the memoir's final edition (the one that actually hit the stores)
  9. Deleted User

    Purity Ring

  10. You are all kind of missing the point... Try to be a little objective about what Kim Gordon is trying to say. In the end, Lana IS one of the empresses of the newest "Live fast die young" trend in which exploding your body and venturing yourself into the unknown sounds exciting through little posts from instagram or facebook or twitter. I think Kim belongs to an older culture which I can totally relate to, and I'm only 21. Although I enjoy Lana's voice and music, sometimes I strongly "disagree" (and I use those marks because, well... You can't actually disagree with a song) with the messages through her songs. And sometimes she somehow glamourizes it so that people actually do want to live that. I don't agree with the way but I definitely feel what she's trying to express... And whenever you don't know someone, please at least google that person, because saying "who" with "diva GIFs" doesn't make you cool, it makes you a sad ignorant person who somehow shows pride on that. People need to stop degrading or minimizing other people's talent just because you aren't part of that zeitgeist or you don't like it. There IS a world beyond your tastes and preferences.
  11. I don't know why everyone clings to Better Than That... I mean, such a juvenile lyric, I think that should suit more a letter than a song, and people think "ooh, marina's so sassy and risky!" but whenever you're trying to shade someone and you put that into your art it looks basic and really childish. I had real high hopes with this album and seriously, it is such a letdown. At least compared to TFJ and EH. If Froot was her first album maybe I'd dig it. But I know she can do better than that.
  12. “She doesn’t even know what feminism is” "Girl in a Band" is a book-memoir written by Kim Gordon. She mentions Lana in one part of it: source
  13. Blue gives me Hannah Diamond essence
  14. Deleted User

    Tove Lo

    why isn't this on the years & years thread?
  15. This video is unbelievably good
  16. I was beginning to like her music but, no offenses to any one... she expresses herself in such a dumb way... She really let me down. She's just too... Tiny.
  17. Florence meets El Perro del Mar... That song really submerged me in deep blue happiness... So much good music coming out....
  18. It's got the best from Emile, the best from Lykke, and the best from The XX... This song is fulminating me... Seriously, I never heard something so beautiful and perfectly done. Who shall I summon to this thread? Lykke Li is NOT receiving the deserved attention..
  19. This song is fucking beautiful
  20. Deleted User

    Charli XCX

    So Rollercoaster IS a legit bonus track? I'm confused here
  21. Deleted User

    Charli XCX

    she reminds me of josie grosie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECWnJW88fcU
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