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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. Deleted User


    Hmm, I'm not trying to start a war or anything, but sometimes when people stan like this it makes me nauseos... I mean, whenever we don't like an artist, we are totally allowed to express it in the worst way possible, but whenever we're talking about an artist we love, we must be "respectful"? I said it as I felt it, and I try not to express myself in terms that would make another person happy, or people would agree (I'm not here for likes, that's plainly stupid), and I just thought the exact way I expressed it. As for the second quote, why must we always go from one end to the other? We all admire beauty, but whenever we like an artist who's not gorgeous, we go like "Oh, but she's a true artist, she doesn't need to be beautiful/ the beauty gimmick"... Seriously though, I never said anything of the sort (In fact I said quite the opposite, I LOVE her music and I'm true to myself enough to keep loving her music despite her unlucky lack of aesthetic gorgeousness (hundred dollar bill, do you like this expression?) so why must you imply that I said so? I think this shows you're pressed. I'm here for her music, not for how much she would fit as a model. And the way an artist looks always has to do with the art they produce. As Lana del Rey fans is quite hypocritical to say counterwise. Oh, by the way:
  2. Deleted User


    I KNOW I sounded uber cruel and I don't know, even hurtful, but her whole face is a big mess. AND I TRY TO SEE HER AS PRETTY, BUT I SWEAR I CAN'T. Her music's been on repeat in my house for weeks now.
  3. Deleted User


    She's so fucking ugly but I need to see this! (Seriously, I LOVE her music, but I think her face is SO complex...)
  4. Deleted User


    Uhgh, I knew it... I still hoped we'd get something "new"
  5. Deleted User

    Charli XCX

    I think I'm able to hear her in the backing vocals, but maybe it's my imagination
  6. I think she was really high. And that she's always talking sheer nonsense. It really pains me. But sometimes I feel as if she was fake as a thousand dollars bill. And I love her. But I think she's a big fat liar.
  7. Deleted User


    I love her music, SO much... Could anyone please list her stuff?? Releases and unreleased?
  8. Deleted User


    I just found a FLAC link to the Tennis Court EP... It will bring Bravado and Bitin' Down...
  9. I remember there was another remix EP with a violet ish version of BTD cover.... Anyone remembers it? Has a link for it?? These remixes are quite good. Oh, and btw, does anyone remember a song called "feet don't fail me now"? that sampled BTD....
  10. Deleted User


    I'm addicted. And I must thank you. My all time favorite is swingin party. It's amazing. And I love the lyrics to Tennis Court up til the chorus. The chorus ruins it all for me. As for the EP, Royals and The Love Club are mind blowing. So addictive. And Million Dollar Bills could use an extension.......
  11. Deleted User


    MORE THAN OK <3 <3 <3 <3
  12. Deleted User


    My newest addiction. She sounds so fucking good... Can't believe she's 16. Anyone can PM her stuff? <3
  13. Deleted User

    Charli XCX

    Can I please get a link to Interior? <3
  14. Deleted User

    Charli XCX

    So you're basically saying that she isn't that much as an artist? I do think she's creative, and that if she does kickass music then she should do kickass stuff that goes with it. Anyways, opinions are opinions and I respect each others' Anyone seen this? The top comments are sinking her,
  15. Deleted User

    Charli XCX

    Hey, do you actually know what art is? It's not only expressing whatever you feel, but it's also making a lot from a little. You don't need money to make a nice video. You need a concept, an idea. And I am surprised that as a LanaBoard member you are actually saying this. Video Games is SO beautiful, and yet there's almost no production whatsoever behind it (in terms of funds and money) iamamiwhoami made GORGEOUS videos, on which their career is almost entirely built, and beleive me, they did have almost no budget, they just had the best ideas, and the best people at the correct time.
  16. Deleted User

    Charli XCX

    I am AB SO LU TE LY angry with this... It feels as if she's scrapping songs, by releasing videos just for the sheer fun of releasing videos. There's no actual management here. There's no sale strategy! And although I like the videos' simplicity, she's just making the chances for a second album travel so far away.
  17. Ok, I can't believe someone made this thread and it wasn't me. I LOVE her. She's like my second Björk. Björk is the queen and she is my princess. I hope I was the heir to their throne. I first found her out with Possibility, which enchanted me, circa 2010. I shipped both of her albums (she is unknown to my whole country except for the infamous magician remix, which I hate). I adore her. I cover almost each and every one of her songs. She replied to me in a comment I made for her video for the audio of Rich Kids Blues. I'm longing a third album so much. Lykke and Lana LOVE each other, I once read a twit or two regarding themselves. I just love her. Her sense of fashion, her destructive lyrics, her raspy voice. She means everything to me. <3
  18. I dreamed that I was part of "You're Not the One" Video. I guess it's coming out soon.
  19. Deleted User

    I know right? It feels as if she made this video with the indie purpose of being so under, but she's just like overdoing it. She's got potential. Lots of it. But I hate like, cliché and stuff that repeats itself.
  20. Deleted User

    I like her, but she's kind of uncomfortable to look at, and her videos are somewhat crossing the line between home-made to stupid. And I'm saying this, liking her music a lot.
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