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Deleted User

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Everything posted by Deleted User

  1. Deleted User


    She's like the queen of instagram and twitter and yet she gives no info whether something new could come out :c
  2. Deleted User

    La Roux

    And no other news were heard from them :c I'd love a second album so hard
  3. Deleted User


    Does somebody here collect her unreleased? I'd like to double check my list :3
  4. Deleted User

    Paloma Faith

    Is she working on a new album or something? I miss listening to stuff by her, but I overplayed Fall To Grace so bad.
  5. Deleted User


    Who's pumped for her album?
  6. Yeah, totally forgot to post that! It's breath-taking
  7. Some tracks from the album leaked, I only got to get If You Wait and Interlude... But I saw people scrobble Shyer and a couple of others... Does anyone know where I might be able to find them? Or whether the whole thing leaked ?
  8. I'm so anxious for this.
  9. Deleted User

    KT Tunstall

    She's one of my favorite artists. I covered her at some concerts I gave some years ago. The new album is purely heart breaking. It makes me cry so bad. What happened to her, all together, was such a cataclysm...
  10. That's just an amplified badly extracted filtered acapella on top of the official instrumental. Her voice remains as edited as the single. Since the source is just the same.
  11. Deleted User


    Why not? I mean, it's as minimalistic as lush as her.
  12. I'm not even going to try to read the replies to the thread. I'm sure it's full of: "HOLY MOTHER FUCKER, I WILL SEARCH THE BLACK BEAUTY LEAKER AND I WILL KILL HIM. POOR LANA.".
  13. https://soundcloud.com/lactoseintolerant-1/gg-c-the-greatest Is this for real...?
  14. I was 2.0ing the joke, really. Don't take it so seriously. It was funny replying a cute comment rudely.
  15. I like her, but I prefer Alizée
  16. ah, it sure was Anyways, back to topic . https://twitter.com/Burim1/status/367325893796319232 Do I smell a close leak?
  17. I assure you, if you stopped judging people, you could be surprised. I have fucked more than one pussy, but that's just out of context, and out of place. Just to let you know
  18. Deleted User

    Charli XCX

    .......Where's Charli...?
  19. "She's a flop ever since born this way" I can't believe I just read that. This is such a lackluster.
  20. Rihanna always disgusted me. I think she smells like rotten pussy.
  21. I saw this twit: https://twitter.com/ShaundRoss/status/367030484917690369
  22. Deleted User


    Well, in my case, listening to stuff before it comes out ruins nothing for me. The songs feel as new because we get them in better quality. I Can't with just 7 tracks. I need more. This girl is SO replayable. Plus, getting early mixes would be SO cool.
  23. Deleted User


  24. My opinion on: Lady GaGa ~ Artpop: I used to love her. Back in 2008-2009. Revolutionary, creative, innovative, controversial, "original", omni-present. Now? She's a self-crowned queen with an army of identity-less fags behind her, and she keeps speaking big of her generic-ass music. Her third album and it's already a "comeback"? Bye girl, bye. Britney Spears ~ Blackout 2.0: It Gets Urbaner And Also More Spearitual And A Little More Personal (Raw) (We’re Just Having Lots Of Lunches Right Now): I'm ready for that. I'm still waiting to the day she may be able to dance properly again, though I don't expect her to sing haha. Brit was my favorite singer back when I was 4. She was really important in my gateway to music. Now, I know her music is vain and shallow, and hollow, but she's fun, and she's the only artist who's really loyal to performance music. She makes show music, and she doesn't say stuff like "MY MUSIC IS REVOLUTIONARY, AND HELPS PEOPLE AGAINST BULLYING, YOU KNOW, IF U SEEK AMY TALKS ABOUT THE CRUELTY IN TODAY'S DISCRIMINATION AGAINST HOMOSEXUALITY, THAT'S WHY I BAKE PIES IN THE VIDEO". She just makes fun and catchy music. And her videos are, almost, always amazing. Beyoncé ~ x ghetto diva empowerment album: Whatever this woman does, she does it right. My body is ready for her all the time. Katy Perry ~ Prism: Everytime I talk about her people get mad. But I can't help it. If Prism follows up Teenage Dream and Roar's decay, I think I won't ever listen to her again. I found out about Katy when Ur SO Gay came out, before I Kissed a Girl. Her first album, so pin-up ish, One Of The Boys, was SO amazing, her voice was concrete and admirable. Her live performances sucked (and I think they still do) but she had really nice songs, which felt really personal (except for a couple). Teenage Dream was half enjoyable, but she was in this bonehaid persona mode to illustrate a teenager teenage dream, and that persona swallowed her. She was unbearable at interviews and stuff. The Complete Confection proved she's an idiot. "Oh I was so in love, owell". I hope Prism will sound more like her origins. If not, I'm out. Forehead-anna ~ shit: Who's that? Oh yeah, that poor beat-up girl whose videos and music all sound and look the same. She could die and I wouldn't notice it. What I'm REALLY craving and unbearably urging to hear? Lorde ~ Pure Heroine London Grammar ~ If You Wait Sky Ferreira ~ Whatevernameshemightputheralbum Charli XCX ~ Album 2 M.I.A. ~ Matangi (supposedly due out November 5th.) Yelle ~ 3rd Album Owen Pallett ~ In Conflict Lykke Li ~ 3rd Album Natalia Kills ~ Trouble Grimes ~ 4th album Brooke Candy ~ Freaky Princess Sophie Ellis-Bextor ~ Wanderlust Róisín Murphy ~ Eternally Awaited comeback Azealia Banks ~ ? Kerli ~ Bubblegoth/Utopia/I Nimene La Roux ~ ? Foxes ~ ?
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