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Deleted User

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  1. http://www.stereogum.com/1432671/m-i-a-s-matangi-will-be-out-115/news/ SUPPOSEDLY, if Matangi isn't out due 5th November, she'll leak it.
  2. I wasn't on the hype train, au contraire, mais at the last time I just hoped she would daze me like she used to do.
  3. Deleted User


    I was ABOUT to post this! <3 The video is just SO cute <3
  4. I know, I just didn't really, REALLY expect her to really draw upon that strategy. I guess she did and kills an idol for me. Girl HELLO, talk for yourself, I didn't intend her to be mainstream nor indie, I'm just expecting good music from her. And Applause sucks. And I THINK that Artpop will too. What I only liked from her is Poker Face, Dance in the Dark, Heavy Metal Lover, Government Hooker and ScheiBe. I thought she was original.
  5. Deleted User


    Pure Heroine? It sounds SO fucking good! God, she's a saviour.
  6. 110% generic. I'm so disappointed. I can't believe I expected something from her.
  7. Deleted User


  8. Deleted User

    Is she up to something? I've seen entries on Stereogum about her, she's slowly thriving
  9. Ooooooh, I'd really love those in original quality!
  10. This is a perfect wrap-up. I wonder if she, I dunno, knew all of her fans CRAVED for it
  11. Well, in my country, all the gay community adores and praises marina, for everything that she's NOT. I so hate my country. Every gay here is hipster. And I hate it.
  12. Deleted User


    haha, but I use the same username everywhere!
  13. Deleted User


    Hey everyone! By contacting some people, and doing this and that, I managed to get the original, and official bootleg recording of Lorde's performance at "Splendour in the Grass". The file was raw, so I cut it, and I splitted it into tracks... I remastered the audio, made a few modifications so it's more audible. Here you go! Tracklist: Tennis Club Biting Down "This is Mental" (Banter) The Love Club Royals DOWNLOAD HERE: http://www.mediafire.com/?dhjfp840yvljvpc Enjoy! <3
  14. Deleted User


    I love them in this order RIBS <3 A WORLD ALONE <3 400 LUX WHITE TEETH TEENS I love them all, but gosh, RIBS, PLEASE. I need this album like I need air.
  15. Deleted User


    SO, I don't know if I will get killed for making this thread and stating what follows but I don't care. 1949 is one of my favorite Lana songs. It's one of the only ones I don't ever get tired of listening to or singing to. I just love it. I know that Hawaiian Tropic+1949=Every Man Gets His Wish, I love them three, but 1949 is just so beautiful... Anyone feels the same way? Anyone knows anything on the background of this song?
  16. So, is the original file as shitty quality as it listens? Or do we have a decent audio file? Because I'm listening to what seems to be a soundcloud rip of a soundcloud rip of a soundcloud rip
  17. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:wjpU4ExMbSsJ:https://www.ricknowels.com/songs/author/admin/page/2/+&cd=3&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ar the songs are all there. I just can't get them.
  18. http://fuckyeahflorencewelch.tumblr.com/songs This is the closest I could find :c
  19. Deleted User


    I never heard that feature! I'd love to!
  20. Ok, I NEED those Little Boots tracks... Do you know where I can get them? Also, does anyone know the concrete list of artists that suffered leaks from the site? I feel exactly the same, but I'm starving like so much. I hate her instagramming and not ever doing anything musical-wise. I know she's all indie, and I love that about her, but I think she's taking TOO MUCH time off... I overplayed her albums like crazy. I love Midnight Shining, though! I hope the album carries that ethereal style she seems to put in her covers so much. BTW, I work at Starbucks, and in Argentina, currently the CD plays Silver Spring <3 <3 <3 <3
  21. Hey guys, I wrapped this pretty quick, anyone knows if I'm missing anything??
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