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Cinnamon Girl

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  1. Cinnamon Girl liked a post in a topic by prettydrugs in Athens, GR @ Rockwave Festival Greece - July 8th, 2013   
    new Cola lyrics at the end, Im in love with this 
  2. Cinnamon Girl liked a post in a topic by Foolish in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    It may not be too much historical but it doesnt mean it hasnt been rich. And it certainly hasnt been connected only with pop culture. After fin de siecle in France (Paris) it was a cradle of many modern art movements (especially New York) and its influence is undebatable. Modern forms of music (rock&roll, rock styles, pop, country, hip hop, soul...), paintings and design (pop-art, neo-realism, neo-expressionisme, photorealism and other postmodern tendencies), movies (hollywood), poetry (Wiltman, Poe, Dickinson, Beatniks), dance, architecture ... - have evolved here. The US has always been free place where artists can bring their creative ideas to life. It´s a really pity how someone can say the US has no culture.
  3. Cinnamon Girl liked a post in a topic by PennCentralFan in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    I doubt she doesn't care about the US anymore. It's her home country and she isn't Gwyneth Paltrow. Given how she wraps herself in the American Flag and the American iconography of her photos and video shoots is why she sells well in Europe, she do a US tour soon. I suspect in support of her next album she'll do a US tour. Sure she may not sell out the Staples Center but she'll have a great tour in the US. I suspect she's building buzz and anticipation which is good.
  4. Cinnamon Girl liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    I don't know, she could perhaps... act? You know, with dialogue?
    I mean, "What are you doing, Ray?"   was iconic
  5. Cinnamon Girl liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    - Dope monologue about being in the land of gods and monsters, stripping and stuff.
    - First song is G&M in the strip club. Hopefully some tits, if not hers, make a premiere. Really trying to imagine her meeting this albino guy in the strip club, but...
    - Undetermined for Body Electric. Monologues galore, for sure. A dark part of the relationship, I suppose, if G&M is about current love and Bel Air is about a reunion. Must be some kind of break.
    - But he picks her up in the Bel Air car as the piano begins and they ride off to the ethereal meadow of loveliness (Heaven?), where they fucking float around and stuff.
  6. Cinnamon Girl liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in We're Looking For Members to Help with the Interview Subsection!!   
    Aww, I know what you guys mean. I got so frustrated I went and took a tiny nap and now I feel a lot better :3. I'm also super happy with how everyone's been transcribing/translating the interviews, you guys are already making this easy for me.

    I have to admit, I feel really overwhelmed right now with the amount of work I have to tackle. My problem is that I asked for volunteers when I myself wasn't ready or prepared for the influx of interviews I'd be getting. When I made the original list of 2011 interviews to be translated/transcribed/typed/found, I was already working on another task of formatting 25 other interview threads. I should have finished those interviews first before putting more on my plate.   

    I would ask another moderator for help (as they already have access)... but do you know when you're spearheading a project and you have an odd process of organizing things in your head and you just know how it works, like exactly what needs to be done and what considerations need to be made and all of that? It's just very hard to convey everything you need to when you're intimately acquainted with a project and know the ins and outs of it. I just need to finish up certain things, and set up certain paramaters so that you guys can be brought in, see the set up and formatting, and not have to deal with any loose-ends. You'll just be able to choose an interview, transcribe/translate/type it, and make your own thread according to the format laid out for you. (That is, if you want. If you want to stick with what you're doing, that's cool too). I hope I'm making some sort of sense. 

    So because of this, I'm going to ask that we actually halt work on the interviews just so I can at least get my head above of the water and get all caught up. @ can continue working on her interview, and anyone that has already claimed an interview but has yet to finish it can still post theirs too. Other than that, please refrain from any more work on this project. That means you too, @@Quentin!
    I promised a glimpse of what I've been doing, so here are some snapshots of what's been going on behind the scenes.   This is still in development and there are still some things I'd like to change here and there! (Don't mind the spelling mistake I made in the album title )
    My hope is that once I get caught up, this can become even more of a collaborative project. We'll all have access to the subforum so we can discuss any changes in format, troubleshoot problems, etc. I don't think it's terribly fair to work on a portion of a project without seeing the bigger picture, giving your input, and seeing how the project develops and grows... which in my opinion is the coolest part of collaborative projects!
    A really big thanks to everyone that has volunteered and donated your time and effort. You guys are the best!  
  7. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by Cinnamon Girl in We're Looking For Members to Help with the Interview Subsection!!   
    i dont know any languages other than english but if you need someone to transcribe interviews id be happy to help!!
    lana interviews are my weakness 
  8. Cinnamon Girl liked a post in a topic by Sitar in "Summertime Sadness" - Next Single in the US, July 2nd   
    Count your blessings there's no Will.i.am mumble.
    But seriously, the extended German radio mix is one of my favorite Lana productions ever, wish that would catch on.
  9. Cinnamon Girl liked a post in a topic by lola in We're Looking For Members to Help with the Interview Subsection!!   
    oops, i started typing the sunday times one up without posting here, sorryyy
  10. Cinnamon Girl liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in We're Looking For Members to Help with the Interview Subsection!!   
    Wanna help with the currently in development interview subsection??

    i've been doing some work on the interview subsection and it is an ENORMOUS task. we're looking at making it incredibly comprehensive, including every print (magazine, online), video (shows, online exclusives), and radio interview, including transcripts of the video and radio interviews and typing out previously scanned-only interviews.  imagine needing to refer to a lana interview but not knowing which one made reference to ________. you'd need only to search the select key words in the interview subsection, using the forum's search feature to find every article she ever mentioned x, y and z. 
    it's a HUGE project, but one i am confident can be completed relatively quickly we make it a collaborative effort. we're talking every interview, from 2006 to 2013. 

    This is something i'd really like to work on because the longer this project is put off, the more overwhelming it will become with time with more and more interviews and it may never be tackled. i'm just asking people to pitch in what they can, i am not expecting you'll spend 7h a day working on this. Every little bit helps, but i must admit, those willing to do a little extra will be super duper appreciated. 
    if you're interested in helping, comment below and let me know what you'd be interested in doing, and i'll make sure you get access to the interview subsection to start pitching in

    kanye and i thank you for reading! 
    (if i get enough volunteers, i'll stop using these tiny heads everywhere, i swear)
  11. Cinnamon Girl liked a post in a topic by Monicker in 50 Cent Appreciation Thread   
    The charisma 
    I'm pretty sure there was a second interview he did with her but i can't find it. Do not ask me how i got into this because i absolutely do not remember. Sometimes i really confound myself. 
  12. Cinnamon Girl liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    I love 50 Cent. He is so funny and sweet and charismatic. His interviews with Chelsea Handler are the best. And, you know, i hate his music! See what i was saying earlier! 
  13. Cinnamon Girl liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    No, Lana doesn't owe us anything, but I'm also not obligated to like her or refrain from valid criticism of her just because I like her music. Frankly, it amazes me the amount of excuses some of you make for her at times. (As a side note, I think a lot of projection is going on there.)

    I started writing a long diatribe quoting the interview extensively and dissecting the info in it as well as what I found objectionable, but honestly, there's so much to criticize here that it became one big TL;DR that I had trouble even organizing coherently. (And that wasn't even getting around to responding to some of the replies in this thread!) I might still post that, but for those of you who still don't get what some of us took exception to, here's the CliffsNotes version:
    Superficial America-bashing that seems rooted in pettiness over harsher media criticism and less commercial success in the US (and a ridiculously false perception of it at that), not in any sort of intelligent critique of the US Bringing up the subject of being criticized as anti-feminist, bitching about it, then expressing complacent views on feminism and denying obvious inspiration by female icons Denying she cares about her appearance when she certainly does Stating she has a degree in metaphysics even though Fordham does not offer a degree in metaphysics (and as Maru pointed out there is some doubt whether she even graduated at all) Hurling accusations of media slander against her and her family about things she continues to lie about in the same breath Falsely claiming that she doesn't have money and that her family never had any money Bitching about a lack of control of her image and how the media portrays her in the same interview she admits to "fucking around with" journalists in her answers in previous interviews Judgmental and pretentious statements that other people don't care about music/poetry/art as much as her and Barrie in the same interview she says music isn't her primary focus A pervasive attitude of defensiveness and victim-playing throughout
  14. Cinnamon Girl liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    .... you guys are really annoying me and twisting words. no one here is like OMG IM DONE WITH LANA DEL REY IM LEAVING THE FORUM. 
    we're allowed to have our opinions, just as you have yours. if you want to think everything she shits out is 100% gold, that's super cool but we're allowed to think otherwise, and that doesn't mean we aren't fans or that we don't support her. if we weren't fans, we wouldn't be on this forum. being a fan doesn't mean you're always LANA DEL REY IS MY QUEEEEEN etc. at the end of the day, I think it was a discussion ~ not any sort of uprising against Lana as some of you are making it out to be
  15. Cinnamon Girl liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    I think that while we try to "rationalize" the behaviour in this interview with "personality disorders", an inability to take criticism/adjust to fame properly,  she's human and just had an "off" day, etc, none of those rationalizations excuse her shitty attitude. They may explain, but they don't excuse it. 
  16. Cinnamon Girl liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    I know. She listens to only singles by music legends (The Doors! Elvis! Bob Dylan! Frank Sinatra! Biggie!), strictly reads canonized literature (Lolita! Leaves of Grass! Howl!), and only appreciates classic films (The Godfather! The Godfather Part II! American Beauty!). Her taste isn't nuanced or inspired (see: "Oh, I just like the masters of every genre"). It's laughable when she claims that she has a ~true appreciation for the arts, she lives and breathes it, and simply can't be bothered to be affiliate with those she believes doesn't~ when it seems her current* taste is dependent on whether or not the artist/work in question has reached a revered status. 
    Her inspirations read like a compilation of ~the best of the best~ from the who-sayers and taste-makers of "classic" work, these influential, "renowned" American media institutions. It's almost as though she trailed her finger up and down Rolling Stone's 100 Greatest Artists of All Time, American Film Institute's Greatest Films and Greatest Contemporary Works of the 20th Century** when choosing her influences...
    No one can truly call into question something as deeply personal and visceral as one's passion for any given thing. It is impossible for me to make the case that Lana's excessively trite influences somehow diminish her ability to "...care about music deeply..." or to "...really [live] it and [breathe] it." Still, if I can't definitively say that Lana's passion for music is diminished because of her cookie-cutter influences, then who is she to say that others "...don't actually care about music and art" and that "they want to be cool"? Who said that she's the absolute authority in appreciating music and poetry and art? Even more compelling: Why is the person who ruthlessly had their authenticity called into question early in their career (to the point they went on to call it "lies" and "slander" in this very interview, mind you) suddenly calling into question the authenticity of fellow artists? What fucking hypocritical bullshit. She sounds like a real prick. She'll need all the good luck she can get finding that "high-class group of musicians" to be a part of because with that elitist attitude I suspect she'll have a really difficult time. 
    *Sigh. I miss the kitschy, unabashedly low-brow Lizzy Grant that said she wanted to kiss Antony of Antony and the Johnsons. YEAH I'M GOING THE TYPICAL "I MISS LIZZY" ROUTE, DEAL WITH IT
    **Let's pretend Whitman is a contemporary poet so that my snarky point still sticks
  17. Cinnamon Girl liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    oh goodness this has become one of those divisive interviews~   this thread is a mess.  I get what some of you are saying about overt patriotism~ But I just find it confusing for the girl that was waving around her American flags, has referenced America in at LEAST 10 songs (not counting American landmarks, specific cities, etc.), and said she "believes in the country America used to be" (still don't know what this means, maybe something to do with the American dream?), etc. has completely thrown Americana out of her lyrical inspirations and says she's not patriotic "anymore" .. 

    If she had substantiated reasoning, that'd be one thing~but you guys saying she felt alienated or that she didn't have a fan base here is completely untrue. Look at her album sales, look at her sold out shows in LA + NY following the release of BTD.  Did you see how packed Amoeba records was?  I felt like this interview was a fuck you, America and fuck you American fans who have supported you since you came on the scene
    I think it's important to not be unduly critical- she is human, we contradict ourselves and sometimes we paint ourselves in the way we want to look/seem to others, and not necessarily the way we are ~ however, I feel like some will just excuse anything she says. She's just like me! She's misunderstood! Faults are a part of being human and she's not perfect.  She is a public figure and once you put these things out there, you have to be held accountable.  Yes, it is mostly about the music but you can't deny that at least some of the reason why you are such a fan~ and why you've joined a forum revolving around her~ is because of Lana Del Rey the person. I'm just saying you can still be a fan and not even like her most of the time. (does that even make sense? idk, i have a lot of feelingz)  I still find her completely intriguing, even if she's not necessarily my cup of tea, and I think the conversation regarding her personality is interesting~ perhaps we should make a separate thread for that to discuss
  18. Cinnamon Girl liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    Hey, so, i'm going to spend two years telling people that i'm more of a singles person and that my favorite songs are Hotel California and Wicked Game (which i will continually refer to as Wicked Games) and all the hits by the masters of every genre, like, uhm, Bob Dylan and Kurt Cobain and Eminem, and then lament the fact that i just can't meet anyone with such a deep passion and appreciation for music like my boyfriend and i have. You know, people who really live and breath music? Never mind, no one understands.  
  19. Cinnamon Girl liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
  20. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by Cinnamon Girl in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    may i ask what this explained to you? it seemed cryptic as fuck to me, maybe its just cause im tired. but enlighten me please!
  21. Cinnamon Girl liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    OK maybe it didn't explain as much as confirm some suspicions I had.
    I always wondered whether her many references to faith, God and praying meant that she was actually an active member of a church, going to services on a regular basis, believing in God as fact and the likes, and something didn't really add up. But I get the feeling from her answers that there's a strong element of philosofy and aesthetic to her faith like with everything else about her. Like the beauty and stillness of a church would be more important to her faith than reading the Ten Commandments. She's not as much of a literal believer as she has come off as sometimes. I hope that makes sense. 
  22. Cinnamon Girl liked a post in a topic by Hello Heaven in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    Very true. She must be shattered and she's not used to being in America, she'll cheer up soon, she's a very happy person.I'm really excited for the new album. I think one of the reasons she said she likes Paradise more is, like you said, her lyrical themes have altered and so she probably feels it's more personal to her, she's changing just like everyone does.
  23. Cinnamon Girl liked a post in a topic by Miguel3Zero in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    The Paradise Tour was a fantastic achievement by her, and a great progress in many ways. But it came with a heavy price. She needs to rest and regain her good spirits.
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