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Everything posted by expandableclitoris

  1. Gosh like last year... I want to watch Logan! Last time you heard Gods and Monsters?
  2. Last week Last time you wore a wrist icicle
  3. Got your comment misunderstood, sorry bad english But I think Banksy is obv ironizing the illegal wall and the nerve Israel have for taking over a territory which they dont belong to. I don't think it's exploitation, he's just grabbing more attention to it. But it's just my opinion.
  4. expandableclitoris


    Her boyfriend is weird. But he reminds me one of these goth teens i used to fuck with when i was an adolescent just because they were really good in bed
  5. cruel world - 22 ultraviolence - 16 shades of cool - 17 brooklyn baby - 16 west coast - 16 sad girl - 15 pretty when you cry - 17 money power glory - 16 fucked my way up to the top - 12 old money - 13 the other woman - 14 black beauty - 14 guns and roses - 11 florida kilos - 14 is this happiness - 12 flipside - 12
  6. Its indeed weird and specific but considering her coffee addiction.... ctfu
  7. honeymoon - 10 music to watch boys to - 10 god knows i tried - 15 art deco - 31 religion - 15 salvatore - 45 the blackest day - 46
  8. cruel world - 15 ultraviolence - 16 shades of cool - 16 brooklyn baby - 16 west coast - 16 sad girl - 15 pretty when you cry - 17 money power glory - 15 fucked my way up to the top - 14 old money - 15 the other woman - 15 black beauty - 14 guns and roses - 13 florida kilos - 14 is this happiness - 15 flipside - 14
  9. 1 week ago last time you wore a vintage tshirt?
  10. Cold soda Would you rather let Lana spit in your mouth after her morning bad breath or let her humiliate you in public?
  11. He look hella weird with this pornstache EDIT: Omg loved his song Pure Comedy!! He's such a crooner in this live
  12. Right but you have time to write an essay about how Lana should do a musical and how every thing she does is totally new and creative compared to every other artists in the world, cause they are totally generic and copycats, not forgetting the mention of one of your "cathartic" life moments where we are brought back with you just like a time-machine How many years old are you? I'm thinking about 56 or 12
  13. A hotel which prides itself on the "worst view in the world" is set to attract international attention - because it is a collaboration with the famous street artist Banksy. The Walled Off Hotel in Bethlehem looks out on the concrete slabs of the controversial barrier Israel has built in and around the occupied West Bank. Israel says it is needed to prevent terror attacks. Palestinians say it is a device to grab land and the International Court of Justice has called it illegal. The rooms of the hotel are also filled with the anonymous artist's work, much of which is about the conflict. The owners say it will be a real, functioning hotel, opening on 20 March. But the hotel is also part art gallery and part political statement. ___________________________________________________ Most cities in the West Bank are off-limits for Israeli visitors. But the Walled Off Hotel sits along a part which remains under Israel's control - meaning Israeli visitors can visit the Walled Off Hotel and see Banksy's latest creations. Every room is decorated with works by Banksy. "My accountant was worried some people will be too scared to travel to the West Bank," the artist said in a press release. "But then I remind him - for my last show they spent a whole day in Weston-super-Mare," he added, referencing his dystopian theme park on the English coast. The works include a mural in one bedroom of an Israeli solider and his Palestinian counterpart having a pillow fight. In the presidential suite, the bed is decorated in romantic red - with a painting of a heart contained by barbed wire as its centrepiece. The hotel is proud of its self-declared "worst view in the world", coupled with its British colonial aesthetic. Afternoon tea is served daily, and there are several references to British culture throughout. Even the typical hotel television has been transformed into a piece of political art. The presidential suite is decorated in mock-colonial style. The owners said the style was an "English gentlemen's club from colonial times". "However, the refined ambience has been brought right up to date - the oil painted seascapes are awash with refugees' life jackets, statues choke on tear gas fumes and cherubs fall to earth starved of breath." Among those references is a recreation, housed in the museum area, of the signing of the Balfour declaration, which gave British endorsement for "the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people". Banksy said: "It's exactly one hundred years since Britain took control of Palestine and started re-arranging the furniture - with chaotic results." The bar area is also decorated - but with security cameras, slingshots and sledgehammers in direct reference to the security barrier outside and the conflict it was built as a result of. The restaurant area features more politically-charged artwork. There is also a gallery on the ground floor filled with Palestinian art. The hotel will accept bookings from 11 March, nine days before its opening. Its doors directly face a stretch of the wall which Banksy has previously painted. "Walls are hot right now," the press statement quoted Banksy saying, "but I was into them long before Trump made it cool." The Walled Off Hotel opens on 20 March.
  14. I think some songs doesnt fit live but i would love to hear a revamped version of Paradise
  15. The thread is not about Lorde, as the adm said pages ago, lets keep to the subject
  16. She should, at least, do a BBC Radio 1 promo for Love and talk more about the album, give people some tease. The tour needs to hurry up too. The song already proved it can go further because IT IS COMMERCIAL but she's isnt a mainstream artist and she obviously can't hold a single that's up the top 5. The albums are not going well too. Again, i shall say: the record label needs to support her stuff if they're interested in getting dat ca$h. The only artist that is a sell-out in these years at Interscope is Kendrick Lamar. And he's doing some featurings only, no promo for any album. Give her the boost, Iovine. Having said that, I need to affirm that I dont fucking care about sales. But when the label is fucking up her art in a 1000 different ways just because she's not the best selling artist, I get angry. You can warn point me now.
  17. Hawaii Would you rather get a 2 hands fisting or listen to the new Lady Gaga cd every minute till death?
  18. expandableclitoris


    The song is already bigger than Katy Perry and Lady Gaga songs Currently #3 on iTunes US, #13 on iTunes UK and #1 in NZ Unfortunately, its not on Billboard Hot 100 Also the video got 9kk in 2 days!!
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