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Everything posted by BluVelvUnderground

  1. Yeah, I just checked my husband's Spotify and it's on there, too. Note, also US
  2. Hold up. What's up with Gods and Monsters? Edit: Ah, I don't have Spotify. It's still on Apple Music, though.
  3. I don't think any of my friends ever stayed there more than a year when they had lifelong plans of living there.
  4. She's frequently used Christian-based symbols even before what might be her becoming indoctrinated to that awful place, so I'm not sure if she's entirely referring to the church itself, although it's also hard telling. I've stood by all the way back to "Born to Die" that this girl has always had some serious religious-based personal conflict. I mean, she took a philosophy major. The majority of the people I know who go that route are usually - eventually - out of their Narnia closet as C.S. Lewis stans. From a Vogue article:
  5. No, no. It's still crazy that they're relatively close in some fashion. I wouldn't have ever pieced together that Hillsong could be attached to that lyric, but now my brain's in overdrive, too.
  6. "I feel free when I see no one, and nobody knows my name... God knows I tried..."
  7. @Peroxide, so I don't have to quote the entire lyrics and whatnot. To be honest, I'm disappointed in what these latest photos insinuate, but to kinda flesh out what I said prior, I'm really not surprised.
  8. Violets in poetry during the Plath time was usually associated with "goodness" or "kindness" or just anything related to "love". Etc. Depends on the use of it, but in this case, I think what "violet bent backwards over grass" is her way of saying that she's feeling incapable of being all those things. Plus, grass could be weed. I don't know. She musta felt happier when she was seven and flowers weren't so hyper-metaphoric to her.
  9. I knew I loved you for some reason. And my love Brittany Murphy in a gif. Ugh. Tauruses are the best.
  10. I hate playing devil's advocate, but based on the subtexts and symbolism of her work almost her entire career, it shouldn't really be much of a surprise if she does.
  11. lol I just returned from seeing it today and figured you haven't really seen it. That's all. It is bad, but the Rockwell thing caught me off guard, and you would definitely remember the answers to these questions because they're perfect ammunition for attacking the movie and discussing why it's so bad. Cheers.
  12. @Amadeus I know you've blocked most of it out of your memory, but I'm curious what Vine they're say appears in the film a couple of times, as well as which cameo (of an internet personality) is supposedly getting controversy and reaches Borat-like humor?
  13. That's understandable. Just confused now because quite a few are arguing that this fact about Rockwell going around is a rumor, and he's actually substantially in the movie a lot. Nobody has really corrected me on that, though.
  14. Eh, I thought Elliott was restrained, subtle, and showed emotion in his minimal screentime. I have yet to see Vice. Have you? What all does Rockwell do in it?
  15. Just a random fun fact. Possibly nobody else cares, but I found it interesting. Both Sam Elliott and Sam Rockwell - with their nominations, respectively, for A Star Is Born and Vice - have become two of the five shortest performances to ever be nominated for the Supporting Actor Oscar. Both performances have yet to be timed, but the record for this has been held by Ned Beatty in Network from 1976, who was only in his film for 6 minutes and still got the nomination. Elliott is speculated to have between 6 to 7 minutes, placing him in the top 5 in terms of the shortest. Rockwell does, too, although it's actually very much possible that Rockwell was in his film for less than 6 minutes, meaning his work as George W. Bush in Vice could very well be the shortest performance to have ever been nominated for Supporting Actor (which also places him in the 5 shortest performances to ever be nominated in any category at the Oscars in history.) Even then, Elliott and Rockwell are the first performances in Supporting Actor since 1977 to crack the shortest five. Just interesting, since there's been some criticism on them for being borderline "cameos". It's been almost half-a-century since the Academy has recognized them this short, and again, Rockwell may hold the new record. His role in Vice consists of small scenes where he appears briefly, with only one major scene where he talks with Christian Bale while eating chicken. So yes. Sam Rockwell got nominated for a cameo for playing George W. Bush eating fried chicken.
  16. To be honest, outside of horror and foreign films, it was a pretty weak year, overall. And we know they have one or two foreign films they focus on a year - and they are hard on horror, so it's not surprising, honestly. They've always been "lost" in some fashion.
  17. Yeah, even the surprises were kind of expected (other than that shocker in supporting actress.) Overall, I'm not even much of a fan of most of them, so I'm not even rooting for much of anything. Bummed Ethan Hawke missed in Actor.
  18. I did much worse predicting this year's compared to last year's.
  19. That nomination for Marina de Tavira was surprising as hell! Good on them!
  20. It's funny, because I'm usually such a snob with movies, but A Star Is Born was one of the first total Hollywood movies I thought was genuinely great in a long time. Also, when it comes to performance with a chance that more than likely won't make it, I really wish Toni Collette would get nominated for Hereditary, but I know their bias to the genre. That was one fantastic piece of acting.
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