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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. Made a topic about the video that could actually help make sense of it with the track. If ya got any theories too, just jump in http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/9434-white-mustang-video-theories/
  2. I don't think I'd be the only one for a LFL ep. That would be amazing --
  3. To start, I'll be honest. The first time I watched the music video for this still wonderful track, I just stared at my comp screen, wondering what the hell that was, what was going on, and tried so hard to figure out why I didn't enjoy the video as I pictured myself doing so. Lana was standing atop the man that she loved in their retro future home, holding onto his hands, then swooping down next to him on their textured red rug. I mean for some, that was sensual, and I agree to some extent too, but I expect more swaying, more gyrating of the hips from side left to side right, vice versa, flirting with her dress, twirling, and her hair in the wind as the love of her life gets frustrated as hell, arms to his head, gesturing his pain as she drives off. (It's pretty Born to Die, with an UV mindset I know) We, I, didn't get that from the video. I was letdown for that day. It sorta just came crashing down after someone posted an edit of BAR with the video, and, well I grew frail. Like, well that's what it was. I tried watching the video again, the second time, it was alright, the third fourth, ok I'm getting used to it, perfectly natural. Still thinking of how it could've been if this was the actual video for the unreleased track. (Actually, after getting over myself, I remembered more on what I envisioned the video for Best American Record would be like, navy blues, spinning lights, still some driving, but a lot more anguish, and a balcony scene where Lana and her lover sort of have an off moment that would lead to the decay of their relationship; tho anyway). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4ELqraXx-U Ok, so back to the present, watching the video in the earlier hours of the day (like 15 minutes ago as I'm typing this), and it just sort of hit me. Maybe I'm just being mentally lazy, and that the video she meant to release was actually edited for White Mustang, and that as strange of a depiction as it is for it, that it would all still fit in place; in laymen's terms, how it's actually meant to be, as the reality of the situation is having the video released. Enough with the wordplay jump rope. Let's analyze the video. The narrative goes like this. Her musician boyfriend basically ascends to fame, and ends up neglecting Lana her needs from the relationship that they still shared all the while this was happening. She runs off to the city, in presumably his old auto, his White Mustang, so he chases after, knowing a rift's been caused between them. They dance, he leaves, and she's seen driving alone down the freeway going who knows where exactly, memories of their last encounter still projecting in her mind. It's got the same themes from BAR having a relationship fail, he was doing it (all) for fame, and so she leaves him, fine. So which themes together from both tracks still share similarities? Her heartbreak, the thrill she used to have in the relationship, her leaving. It all still fits within the the track and video's story. Quoting myself from like August: For me, the video still fulfills that comment I made to what felt like ages ago. I think that it's just now, more so symbolic of the White Mustang to being the driving force of what ended their relationship. He was killing it career wise, and she still remembers how they met when he drove in with his auto to her when they fell in love. Looking at the video, he doesn't seem to be driving it anymore, and all the passion, the adrenaline, the heat of their relationship just died as soon as the engine was put to rest and turned off. She takes it for a drive, to a place in the city that they both obviously know, someplace special to both of them, and they have one last dance before they part ways. Her lover does leave her, but she's the one who pushes him away. In the end, she takes the car, and she drives off on her own, while the she recollects the memories of their relationship down the road, onto the freeway, smiling that even if it was over, she knew that it was real, and that it all happened. As if taking the car sort of reminds her of everything, and that she's ok with it. One thing tho, that I can't really have myself fixate on and focus is the missile being shot in the video. I mean, for me, it sorta reminded me of a safety flare, but those are usually colored. I can't help but think that it meant some kind of surrender in the video. Was it supposed to signal her newfound disinterest? Fucks no longer given? Along with the somber horns playing in the background, in my opinion, that might just be it. Maybe someone can add on that. *Read the tweet, confirmed it's about situations we can't control So, after having my fingers play hopscotch on the keys of my keyboard, does everything sort of make more, or less sense? Does the video connect with you now on a more resonant level? I was reading an article about schizophrenia the other day, and can't help thinking that I might've just talked in circles, but I do know for sure, that the video does make sense when I really think about it, and for the track specifically. Do you have a particular theory that sort of bridges the song and video together that puts you at ease after watching it?
  4. Oh hey, I'm not sure if it's just for me, but I wasn't notified when ya typed this. I know what you mean, but for me I love how intimate it is when an artist just sings in the studio: there's more or less emotion on their face, and the little touches that they sometimes do with their voice, or just how they move. In some ways it's a lot more present than seeing them front row, and a lot more people get to see it. Btw, did u calculate the reply number, or like is there a toggle somewhere that just shows it?
  5. Lana's got to do a live album performance somehow, like a few videos in the studio singing live or something. Too much beautiful material, it needs to be preserved, best in this way --
  6. https://twitter.com/search?q=life%20is%20beautiful%20lana%20del%20rey&src=typd Blue is the color of the planet from the view on the computer screen.
  7. U know what, as reluctant as I was before, I'm just gonna say it. Perfect opportunity to have BAR released as a stand alone or even buzz single, emerald city peaches and fooks are ruined. That felt so horrible to say
  8. I remember the days when I first listened to her music intently, and she's been like a friend of mine in my head. Got me thru a lot of times and things. Happy birthday angel xo
  9. I was gonna say that she did stand on the horse, but I think she stood on a car for the shoot. and yeah! There're more videos on yt if you look up Lana Del Rey Steven Klein Vmag Cherry'" I still think the clip was just beautiful, it sort of reminds me of the Shades Of Cool video actually the more that I think of it. To each their own
  10. I was more enchanted with the way the light shone, and the cherry blossom trees dancing in the clip. And with the horses, wouldn't you want to have a stroll with someone side by side, or holding onto someone watching the scenery move all slow?
  11. I loved the aesthetic so much, here's a vid from her insta before. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCAyM1VqJv4 You said it perfectly, I could definitely see that
  12. Do u guys think the Steven Klein shoot for Vmag would've been used for Cherry if it had a vid?
  13. I get what u mean. I always pictured BAR with different visuals for sure.
  14. I was watching the video, first time, I was just confused and disappointed. Second time was a bit better, but um. Ok. So I'm guessing that the video was spliced and now seeing all BAR reworks, it does make better sense. I wanted to like the video so much, that I made up this theory that this was just her in agony after recalling their days when her lover wasn't such a total bore to her, kinda like how the b*tches and f*cks work in Cherry, and they break up and she's almost laughing at herself at the end. I still think a few lines of dialogue, narration could've saved the video just like that. At least the yt viewers seem to like her eyeliner. It was, it was just.. different.
  15. I honestly think some dialogue lines, or just her narration would've saved the video so much.
  16. This. I wouldn't mind a sort of B sides album when it comes to UV, and I'd love for her to extend Lust For Life with a second part to it too, preferably with more visuals. Also, on another note. I'd think Honeymoon is just too perfectly cohesive on its own, so I don't think it'd add anything to the records if it were to happen
  17. See I know what you mean, and it just conflicts me too. I was gonna say not if he moves in the right sort of way, but seeing how he's more of the sub role, I guess letting it down all the way suited him better. I wonder what Lana's playing exactly in the music video.. I instantly thought of Shades Of Cool ghost, but with a vengeance, or at least experience. I wonder how many hours we'll have to wait to find out
  18. I think he'd look a lot sexier if he had his hair up in a messy, dare I say bun. Just something jumbled up at the back of his head
  19. Not to be a selfish fan or anything, but I really truly do think that so many of the tracks on the record are video-worthy. Justice for Groupie Love
  20. I think after the White Mustang vid drops in about or within 2 weeks (however rumored it was with Ben saying, crossed fingers), I just know how much lonelier I'll feel after the video bliss comes out. I'll probably watch a few more music videos, have some sort of moment by the window then start asking questions like, will there be another video? When will she sing Beautiful People, Problems live in full? Can she have a studio session where she sings the tracks? Does Change really have a homemade video? Will there be new music that comes out from the new tour? Have the vinyls shipped yet? Is there going to be anything new on May 26th, 2018? Will it be a full moon on that Tuesday?
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