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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. I think I know what you mean. But I guess each person's opinion is different so it's all cool. Like for me, yeah White Mustang sort of takes a different direction in tone, but I think it's all supposed to be that way. It's already set in the verses of the track, that it's in the past, and I think she's just looking back at something that used to be so special to her. But now, even if she's still fond of what it was that made her feel a certain way, she knows that she can't change it, so she just takes it for what it was. That's why it's more subtle, underlying and less dramatic. There's a lot of emotion to be found within and without the narrative that kinda cradles you, making you think of what it was that she danced in situationally, but still ultimately left from. That kind of warm nostalgia just makes me want to sway around to it. It stops time in more ways than one
  2. For me, I'd just love her to perform the entire album from start to finish, with matching visuals and dancers beside her on LFL and Get Free
  3. Slipping off my boxers in soft filters everybody said you're a killer but i couldn't help the way i was staring the day your towel dropped the day i saw your white mustang your white mustang white mustang, said ur a wild mustang
  4. I'm lusting for a professionally recorded concert from her team. All these performances are amazing, but it'd b great if they didn't have the sound of other fans talking about their outfits matching and those sort of convos no one really gives about
  5. White Mustang isn't that complex of a song fine, but it's just got the right amount of intrigue around it. It says, I'm here without having to ask and leaves a lasting impression. I love it so much more for that. And the whistles keep it laidback and sexy. People who dislike it need to have a chill moment to it, it'd make it all the more better
  6. Every time someone drops his name, all I can think of the original Make Me vid that never happened with Britney, but that's pretty much it. Don't even wanna listen to the lyrics. They seem.. flat.
  7. U know what. Although I don't really like talking about charts, I'm really glad that she debuted first. The record is just amazing
  8. I know, a bit concerned for that too. I hope we get an intro or a fuller backstory to it. But I guess it just depends, we do both know that the music's gonna be good, so there's always that
  9. I actually like how Cherry turned out, profanity and all. I have backstories that I sometimes match to each bitch and fook. White Mustang is only 3 minutes, but if it went any longer, I feel it would've ruined it. It's perfect for me
  10. Oh yeah no definitely, it stands out from the rest because of this. I just wonder how strings and some vocal layering would amplify it. It's a treasure as it is and it turned out real well for and on the record. But just imagine it, the sound
  11. Words are supposed to be bridges dammit. Discuss it somewhere else while listening to Change preferably Actually, now that I think about it. Driving home from school today, I was listening to Change and remembered how someone mentioned it was the last written song on the record. So production for it, was just her vocals with piano. Imagine how amazing it'd sound if it had strings and a beat. I love how solemn the tracks sounds, but just imagine it. Wow
  12. I think I get what you mean. I love the music, it's perfect for me, but maybe for ya it's bc they don't have bridges as powerful like that from UV It makes it feel fresh tho
  13. I've been listening to this record for days straight now. It's so fucking good WTF
  14. Thank u. Not gonna lie, I think a normal black vinyl for LFL sort of adds to it's charm. The coke bottle clear doesn't do anything for me atm. Watch me get both versions later on tho
  15. Ok so wait, is there a kind of thread with all her upcoming performances are? Been away for hours, and missed so much
  16. Shit I was listening to it all day, and now this happens YES. I'm ready to get mustang wrecked *Also, do u know how difficult it is to NOT find a pron gif searching for a man riding horseback?
  17. Serving with her old Hollywood glam and 60's liner looks. Yes to MAC
  18. I think she works better as an influence than someone who'd have her own line. No clothes pls, but I do think a make up collaboration would be great tho
  19. I forget to mention I love how Heroin, Change and Get Free aren't bonus tracks. That quality truly being on the record without the need of em
  20. YEEEEESSS !! I think so too, it really depends on how you look at each record through it's specialties and what they each have to offer, they all have their own world if that makes any sense. We can chat about it somewhere else. Someone hollered the thread topic's AP
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