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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. I almost forgot to share it here too - just something quick I made after the Nintendo Direct with Animal Crossing: New Horizons news. They said they’ll have a “NookLink” app and, well, since I’m a Zelda nerd, this is what popped up in my mind lol.
  2. I guess this means she shouldn’t strain her voice by recording poems for Violet either. :/
  3. Just watched the Nintendo Direct! Aaah, there's so much customization you can do! I heard Resetti's theme song somewhere in the Direct, so hopefully they've found a new purpose for him in the game. Everything looks great, but I'm still not sure if I'll buy it. I think I'll wait and see if my sister-in-law buys it (she said she wanted the game) and watch her play some for me or see if I can borrow her copy and give it a try myself. (Also, anyone else who think it's fun that they're referring the island to be "deserted" when it has an airport? )
  4. I doubt it’s the corona virus that’s making her cancel the leg. From what I’ve heard, it gives you a fever and is overall pretty annoying to have but shouldn’t be a huge risk for people who aren’t suffering from other diseases simultaneously? Of course you should be careful and take precautions to not get sick, but... Hm, I don’t think the virus is the reason behind the canceled shows. If it would be, she wouldn’t be very safe in the US too, don’t they have corona patients there too? What about California? Nah, I believe she’s having problems with her voice.
  5. I get your point. But I’m just not that excited to pay more money for a similar show I’ve already seen twice, especially when I don’t have a big income. (But I’d probably think differently if she would play one night in my country on this tour - flights and accommodation overseas cost a lot of money too, money I would feel bad for spending) I try to buy myself as few things as possible lol, there’s stuff I really want but I keep waiting until later. I couldn’t stop myself from buying Tame Impala’s album yesterday though.
  6. In my dreams. I never bought a ticket this time, I felt that I shouldn’t when I don’t have a job. At first I felt sad because I wanted to go, but then I saw that her set list is pretty much the same and thought that I wouldn’t miss much anyway.
  7. Weren’t Alex and Ashley already in Europe? I think someone mentioned that the other day. I haven’t checked their IG that much lately...
  8. I blame her vape (and/or Sean if he gave her the flu).
  9. So it’s only the festival dates and the Italian amphitheater that are still scheduled now?
  10. Shit, I feel really sorry for those of you who has bought tickets, but especially for those of you who has bought several tickets and booked flights months in advance. :/ This is really unfortunate, but I guess she didn’t want to cancel a week in advance in case her voice would improve.
  11. Me too, I’ve been checking the tab under his name for like a year and they never have his albums in store.
  12. I just bought The Slow Rush, it’s my first Tame Impala album. I asked the record store if they had Currents too (because they haven’t the previous times I checked) and they didn’t, but said I could order one if I’d like. I think I will once I have some more money. I took some pics if you’re curious what the CD and booklet look like. https://twitter.com/clampigirl/status/1230220438783119360?s=21
  13. Just casually listening to after hours right now, it sounds pretty good but I'm not paying attention to the lyrics lol
  14. I named my town in Wild World after Totori, I just saw it on a map and decided to go with it lol. x)
  15. I think the main (only?) reason I like her is because she reminds me of Lana in a sense, with her voice, her lyrics about sad love and her pouty lips. Radio keep playing her songs and I'm sure I wouldn't care so much about them if someone else sang them. I was obsessed with He don't love me for about a week or two but now... Eh, I'm not so sure anymore. I'm not a big fan enough to keep an eye on any new releases.
  16. Late night rough doodle of Kevin Parker of Tame Impala. I’ve been listening to The Slow Rush a lot since its release on the 14th and thought I’d try to draw him and play with my markers again.
  17. Also, just realized, the last track is called One More Hour and the album is almost an hour long in playtime, it’s like the track’s name is telling you to start listening through it all again, haha.
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