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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. ... Lmao, I'm so stupid, I'll change it to 2020 right away. xD Thank you
  2. Omg, I'm so so sorry. If you wanna talk, I'm here, I lost my dad two years ago and still have nightmares of him. Massive hugs to you, I'm so sorry. ♥
  3. You mean the Yiga clan guys? Their hideout was really hard to pass the first times I tried lol, I bet it would’ve been easier if I wasn’t so stubborn to not use stealth elixirs or clothes lol. xD I’m now a columnist for Zelda Universe, my first text will go up on Friday - look it up if you’d like!
  4. Just announced a couple of hours ago! She’s headlining! https://twitter.com/welovegreen/status/1191284101829079041?s=21 Tickets: https://shop.paylogic.com/131334/17501/tickets
  5. Anyone else who got excited to see that she has bought new shoes?
  6. I wonder if Lana went as a vampire, her face looks so pale. (But crosses are supposed to repel vampires, right? So the cross on her chest wouldn’t make sense then I guess...)
  7. (I know I keep mentioning him but how can I not, he’s perfect) Not Hozier putting more effort to his show than Lana to a Halloween party
  8. I bet she put the book and videos on hold while she's on a break from her tour and dating that cop.
  9. I made an account on ZeldaUniverse.com
  10. New single is out! I’m listening to it right now. https://open.spotify.com/track/2P0NiuAfypaw5UZJoo0n0o?si=AzTcVU43Tfy6lmGwNA5NpA https://youtu.be/4hZ_wTx_kWg
  11. Just saw these pictures a minute ago, apparently from today.
  12. I came here to say something but scrolled through the comments I've missed and... I forgot what it was that I wanted to say. But anyway, some of you are so vocal about your disappointment in the album, I personally think it's gorgeous~ ♥ I really do hope she'll win her first Grammy.
  13. Banned because I can't think of something to ban you for
  14. Beautiful Loser


    Just heard their new single "Orhpans"(?) on BBS Radio 1 with Annie Mac, and... I wasn't feeling it lol, sounds similar to their work from previous years. Like Adventure of a Lifetime, kinda. Oh, "Arabesque" is on now. Let's see about this one. Ok, I liked Arabesque a LOT more, those horns are cool and bring something new to Coldplay I think. Wasn't ready to hear some French in it either. I'm quite certain I'll play this track again!
  15. I read a bit of the beginning but stopped, it looks promising so I think I'll wait until I've bought a copy of the magazine. ♥
  16. 10 Gives me edgy Robin Hood vibes lol
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