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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/9994-ldr6-pre-pre-release-thread/?p=631836 itsover.jpg
  2. ... what did I just read omg I'm so sorry you got to see such things...!
  3. Just a thought: we've never gotten it confirmed that a song called NFR will be on the record, right? And as random as she has been this era, I wouldn't be surprised if the album won't have a track named NFR on it. Ok, time for me to log out and sleep.
  4. I did and could only imagine her singing half the song and in acapella because Byron doesn't know it yet.
  5. Oh, maybe you were thinking of these parts too? Other than that, I don't think they're too similar.
  6. They play that Billie song with barely any instrumental several times per day on one channel, so I was just thinking (read: fangirl daydreaming).
  7. ... I could hear Hope being played on the radio, they seem to not be so much against sad songs these days. :3
  8. I was about to add that everything looks so calm until you look up at the light and see the snowflakes whirling around chaotically, but then I thought that no one would probably care so I left it at that. Glad I could add to this pointless discussion I guess.
  9. This song is really nice to listen to right now when it’s black outside and a street lamp is illuminating the falling snow.
  10. I’m really glad she didn’t release Hope a year ago because I was crying 3-5 times per week and this song would’ve brought me down even more...
  11. Oh... ok that almost make me forgive her for the poor cover choice. >3>
  12. I mean, I wasn’t expecting much after those lazy videos of MAC and VB and their cover arts but gurl... a selfie?
  13. If singles were still sold as CDs in record stores, and if I didn’t know about Lana, I’d never pick up Sylvia Plath. That cover looks like some kiddo have made on MS Paint and burnt a homemade song on a CD.
  14. Wait. Maybe I’m delulu but the melodies for “All of the guys tell me lies but you don’t you just crack another beer” And “I’ve been tearing around in my fucking nightgown 24/7 Sylvia Plath” sound kinda similar?
  15. I don’t think we’ll get any more psychedelic songs on the album apart from VB, but I do hope we’ll get some more guitars... it feels like they wrote the tracks with a piano and added more things when they worked more on them? So many of them (all of them?) include a piano, and that isn’t necessarily bad... I just thought there’d be more guitars because she mentioned Red Hot Chili Peppers... but then again, maybe she’s not the best person to describe the sound of her songs?
  16. I thought that too - but then I slightly changed my mind. Black Beauty and Heroin are the saddest ones to me because there seem to be some kind of truth from her past in those songs. Fine China is heartbreaking too but I somehow imagine it to fit a movie more than her own story? Like she was creating a story for that song? I don’t know.But the line “calling from beyond the grave, I just wanna say ‘Hi, dad’”... that’s just so dark. She’s really depressed but forces herself to be somewhat alive and call her dad just to hear his voice and let him soothe her. That just makes me wanna cry, kinda how she sang “she wants to die, and she should fucking try” in the BPBP demo. Fuck.
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