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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. Ohh yeah, a song from that album (was it Time?) really made me think of Whitney Houston. Sounded a bit like a 80’s ballad.
  2. ^ I would press the like button a hundred times if I could. Wow.
  3. I've read people sharing some moments of their lives involving Lana's music in one way or another, but I don't think we've had a certain thread for that purpose only? Like, I'm sure I've read these memories in the pre-threads or so. I'd love to read yours, it can be anything, small or big, but if you have a special memory that you'll never forget and feel like sharing... this is the place! One of my earliest memories when I just became a fan was me playing BTD-Paradise on Spotify in the living room, just to make sure if it was worth spending money on this album or not (never regretted doing it, for here I am now lol!) and I remember that dad really liked Ride. He was really impressed, that's one of my favorite memories of him. He loved the strings in it and the beat, I know he coudln't express himself in words (due to a condition that made him pass away a few years later), but the look in his eyes and his smile really showed it. So soon after, I was waiting at the train station for my commuter train to arrive, reading through the BTD-Paradise booklet to read the lyrics. The air was pretty cold and my fingers were freezing, but I kept reading. I recall not remembering the melody for National Anthem as I read the lyrics lol (which is fair I guess since the lyrics in the booklet isn't exactly 100% the same as on the track). Another memory I have was in sometime in fall 2014. I was heading to the metro station as I had finished uni classes for that day, I tried to hurry to get home as soon as I could, but then I just stopped as I heard Brooklyn Baby being played out loud in, what I think it was, one of the university's smaller buildings. The window was open and I just stood there outside, listening. Eventually I went down to the metro, I could have stayed there forever but we all need to get home lol. I was really surprised. Lana wasn't (isn't) that very big, and I was so curious to know who played Lana, haha. Maybe they loved her as much as I did. Ok, your turn!
  4. (Poor Anne stanning alone in this thread ) I just started to play Feels, this albums sounds very good so far! I'm getting a bit of r'n'b and jazzy vibes here, whoop! Her voice is filled with emotions and is clear, I really like it. Everything sounds so smooth and chill. ... where can I buy this album, lol? xD
  5. My brother told me to check out Skott on Spotify since he thought she kind of sounded similar to Lana. To his defense, I've only heard him play Million Dollar Man (and maaaaaybe Shades of Cool but I can't remember) so I don't really think he knows her music very well, and Skott doesn't have much in common with Lana in my opinion. However, I thought I might recommend her here. Her voice is light and she seems to play with it, going up and down like a wave in some songs, the sound is modern and... well, give her a try. I think some of you here might like her. She's more pop than Lana, but doesn't have that very fast rhythm but not as slow as Lana either.
  6. "I spent my property tax on Louis combats" ... did she refer to the Louis Vuitton boots she wore on the tour?
  7. I'm still hoping for Yosemite and I don't think my hopes will go away until the tracklist for the album is revealed. She mentioned Venice Bitch in Mariners Apartment Complex and she mentioned Norman Rockwell in Venice Bitch. She also reused the line "no candle in the wind", so if I'm seeing a pattern here, with Lana hinting songs within the songs... then I hope Yosemite will be on the album.
  8. This. I had to import mine and they got quite pricey, I'd prefer it if they just released two different vinyls without any exclusiveness... would make it easier if you wish to spend a little more money on a colored vinyl and different cover art. Like how you could spend more money on the green LFL vinyl if you wanted to (even though the cover art was the same).
  9. Hurry to his Instagram stories to hear snippets of Movement played live from last night in New York! It seems to contain all his trademarks: background choir, a strong drum and guitars, it’s another rock song.
  10. I've only heard Lana on Swedish radio twice, both were remixes (SS and Y&B) so I doubt that they will play her here. Heard LFL in H&M stores last winter though. But I've seen MAC and Venice Bitch on newspaper's playlists.
  11. I don't think it's that big of a stretch to imagine Marina being in one of these video series Chuck has filmed for Lana's songs? I won't be surprised if she's in one of them like Alex and Ashley were.
  13. Mood board if the rest of the songs will be kind of psychedelic too. Endless Summertour and Shades of Cool vibes. Just give us back Neil Krug Or that Kelli McGuire gal, her pictures reminds me of his. (although I know we also don't want any more blurry pictures lol)
  14. Beautiful Loser

    Venice Bitch

    I think it's Oh god, want you on my lips (I do, I do!) It's me, your little Venice Bitch (It's me, it's me...) On the stoop with the nieghborhood kids Soundin' off, bang bang, kiss kiss This could possibly be a reverb/echo of her just saying "it's me" once. And then I hear: (Heard?) Your baby's back in town now You should come-a come over We'll be hangin' around now You should come-a come over Oh god, I love him on my lips... But genius says otherwise, so I guess I'm wrong...
  15. A cover art without Lana on it wouldn’t be bad for this album in my opinion, a nice picture or art (I’d prefer art) would be really cool too.
  16. I can already tell that Blake is gonna crush these two songs so hard on the future live performances.
  17. Makes me so proud to see how stubborn she is to get her vision through. I can’t imagine how many girls and women there are in the music industry (or any) who are being controlled or played with. Lana seem to be just as free as her songs tell us to be.
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