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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. Looking at all the pretty vinyls @@SouthInGuy tweets is nice, he owns so many. <-- I feel like this thread was made for you!
  2. Watch Lana be like "here's the October single hope you'll like it xoxo" and drop it on November 1st
  3. I just played MAC and I feel like it has one of, if not the best, lyrics she has ever written. It's so great. Why do I want this so much?
  4. I’ve been playing Breath of the Wild, if not daily then at least weekly for like a month now or more. There’s SO MUCH, Hyrule is so LARGE and those Guardians used to scare the shit out of me! I’ve played some Zelda games, but I still have some I’m longing to play (Oracle series, Majora’s Mask, ALTTP and so) and BotW is truly living up to the true concept of the series - to explore a world. I’m so obsessed that I even brought my Switch with me to my brother’s apartment while I’m watching his cats for two weeks lol. That being said, it’s not my favorite Zelda game... maybe I’ll change my mind once I re-play it. I’m thinking of writing down my thoughts of the game once I finish it (which won’t be long now but I’m delaying the end as much as I can, poor Zelda lol) and I think I’ll post it as a blog post (not on LB). Would anyone care to read it? I could post a link here then.
  5. Cinnamon sounds cute and I’m sure I’m gonna love it, but I doubt it’ll be a masterpiece like West Coast, BTD, OTTR, Herion and others... just my current thoughts based on the snippets we’ve heard. But it sounds sooooo good, I can’t wait to hear it in full!
  6. Omg what is that, did she write those lines?? When?? I love them, they’re so descriptive!!
  7. I’ll try to stay away from listening to this snippet. I only played it once now and my first impressions were that we have another song with mid-vocals (didn’t expect anything else though), it sounded just as calm as the other snippets and the lyrics seem to be really great. But with every little snippet she teases that sound similar, I lose hope that they will evolve like VB. All of them can’t explode like VB and I’m just worried that NFR will be too filled with ballads... but I’ve learned to never doubt Lana, HM was slow and perhaps ballad-y but it turned out to be magnificent.
  8. After reading the 300+ comments I've missed the past days, I guess I probably would be lol.
  9. Am I the only one who's not upset about the collab with MGK because I have no idea who he is or what his music sounds like and have no idea what do expect?
  10. Hola peoplez, I haven't cheacked this thread for a few days and have 715 unread comments from where I left - what have I missed? Heard something about Lana making songs with some Neighborhood dude and a rapper? I know nothing about these guys (as you can tell lol), are our hopes for a trippy UV sounding electric guitar album over?
  11. He said on his insta story that Movement will be released "within weeks" and "before Christmas"!
  12. I think it could be done, on another forum I was on (now dead) which looked exactly like this one, you could switch between 2 or 3 different backgrounds by simply pressing a button. No idea how they made it though, lol.
  13. Btw, I know a great thread for y’all http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/9206-rank-lanas-albums-lfl-released/?hl=%2Brank+%2Blana+%2Balbums
  14. I was a bit sleepy when I first heard Cinnamon so I heard “cinnamon, lemon tea” and thought of dance for money too:
  15. But if you hold me without hurting me You’ll be the first whoever did VS I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t sick of it
  16. Nope. I’ve never really understood poetry. Do you own a Halloween costume?
  17. I don’t celebrate Halloween or DdLM, but I’m gonna disagree because I read that Halloween originated in Ireland and some culture there. Do you agree that Twitter is better than Instagram?
  18. Beautiful Loser

    Song vs. Song

    Video games VS Mermaid Motel demo
  19. Hmm... more than two weeks ago. When was the last time you had a nightmare?
  20. Yep, really. It's weird because I played BTD, UV and HM for months once they got released. =/
  21. 6:04 at VB made me wanna cry again And 8:06 sounds as if you're diving under a deep blue sea
  22. Must be at the end of the song before the last chorus comes on, on repeat. Maybe it will fade out with her singing “hold me, love me, [...] be the first whoever did”.And Lana, stop driving while using your phone.
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