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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. We’re not gonna win, what’s going on help LMAOOO HOW DID DENMAKR GET TWELVE POINTS LMAOOO
  2. ... I like Portugal’s... Czech rep. had a bop too, but I can’t hear what he’s saying during the verses so no. And I’m not feeling for Cyprus, but I guess it’s gonna win.I rarely really like any ESC songs tbh. I’m here for the show. Let me add that Estonia opera gal has me shook. My gawd!
  3. If you mean the Spanish song, our commentators said the singers fell in love during a competition or something and then when they had this song, it got really popular in Spain. I think you can see how lovey-dovey they are when singing it too.
  4. Denmark makes me cringe and giggle at the same time. Go, Australia! Never disappoints.
  5. Germany’s song reminded me too much of Adele’s Someone Like You. Is France the only political song this year in the final or did I forget any?
  6. Absolutely not!! Do you agree that gelato is better than ice cream?
  7. Beautiful Loser


    I'm so hungry for new Lana songs even though we already got a very filled album last year.
  8. https://ton.twitter.com/i/ton/data/dm/994639588198141956/994639548591194112/_pADdnn3.jpg:small I'm on Lana's side. (as always lol) I'm just sad that the video made her look bad for no reason at all.
  9. Lukcy ones. ("... then I saw your mind and you blew my mind") Go Go Dancer! In which song does Lana directly quote a line from a David Bowie song?
  10. "Put your hands on my waist, do it softly. Me and god don't get along, so now I sing." vs. "But I can't let you in and I can't keep you out. I wait for life to end but it never comes around."
  11. I didn't like Finland's song. Sorry.
  12. Didn't Gucci's description of her dress already confirm that? I might be wrong though.
  13. Who's ready to watch the first semi final?
  14. I'm still not over this look. For me, the feathers and crystalized halo is everything, they look like straight out of a painting. I. Simply. Love. It. Holy shit, Alessandro thank you for this creation, honestly. You made Lana evolve from a star goddess to an angelic saint in goddess form. ... If that makes sense.
  15. I’m shook, she looks like a video game character.
  17. Love. Minimalistic decor?
  18. Hm... no, but I own a poster (or three actually) of a female singer at least. Do you own any usb gadget(s)?
  19. Jhené is great but the fact that my queen Ayu reigned without competition for three whole months and that Jhené cancelled her Sweden show makes THIS much better:
  20. Birds Of A Feather? In which Lana song does she sing about getting her mind blown?
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